BG pharmaceutical drugs

I want to say I lost it all in the first month and then I just maintained. I guess I'm going to have to add in some cardio now if I want to lose just a little bit more. I don't ever fast but I imagine it would work because it reduces your appetite. I guess I'm just in love with food cuz I could still eat on ozempic. There was a couple of times when I ate some whole wheat spaghetti ( grass-fed organic beef / sugar-free marinara)... I couldn't finish two bowls and usually I could do two bowls usually. Then on two more occasions I went out to eat on cheat day and I couldn't finish my serving of barbecue or chicken tenders on two different occasions. That was kind of weird cuz I can usually put away some barbecue easily
Do you usually inject Ozempic in the am?
why it is so hard to source rimobolan ? like almost every website that sells them is out of stock.
Because it is not being produced in sufficient amounts. There is deficits of all kinds of medications for different reasons, covid being one of them.

I have only one Genotropin 12 mg left. There is four from 5.3 mg.
Ozempic is the winner for me, honestly. No shakes or jitters like with clen or eca, just a bit of nausea to start out. And once a week injections sub-q? Sign me up any day of the week. Like others have said on this forum, it literally makes the thought of food sound revolting. If you’re cutting, there’s nothing better IMO.
Just ordered some. Hoping its an easy learning curve as I never injected sub q with a clicking pen before only with slin pin
Nice! Those results get me excited. I just got my Ozempic today, and did it the first time. Tell me more. What do you think is responsible for the weight loss? Reduced eating or something from the Ozempic alone?
Just ordered Ozempic. Nervous as I never used a click pen before. You did a 0.25mg dose? How has it been for you?
Just ordered some. Hoping its an easy learning curve as I never injected sub q with a clicking pen before only with slin pin
It is possibly the easiest thing I’ve ever done lol. Literally set the dose you want, pinch some alcohol wiped skin if you don’t have much fat, and click the button until it stops. Then hold it there for a few seconds to make sure all of the contents have been injected.
It is possibly the easiest thing I’ve ever done lol. Literally set the dose you want, pinch some alcohol wiped skin if you don’t have much fat, and click the button until it stops. Then hold it there for a few seconds to make sure all of the contents have been injected.
Nice! I remember seeing on the site a 0.25mg dose was a boat load of clicks haha. Good thing its one dose per week.

You did it on empty stomach? Im wondering how far apart from my HGH dose I should use it. I take 2iu every morning around 8:30
Nice! I remember seeing on the site a 0.25mg dose was a boat load of clicks haha. Good thing its one dose per week.

You did it on empty stomach? Im wondering how far apart from my HGH dose I should use it. I take 2iu every morning around 8:30
Idk if there’s a set protocol for fasted injection or not, but I never worried about it. I just did it once a week and it did it’s job lol. Don’t overthink it. One of the best dieting tools out there IMO.
Just ordered Ozempic. Nervous as I never used a click pen before. You did a 0.25mg dose? How has it been for you?

It's super easy. Turn the handle wheel thing 18 clicks, and then find your spot, and inject. The needle is really tiny and it goes in easy. Press the button on the pen, and it will click a few times (it's a springy sound), and I hold the needle on my stomach for like 10 seconds.

I have injected morning or night, fasted or not. It makes no difference. I think I may have had a slight nausea a couple of times, in the day or two after I injected, but very minor.

I have only used the .25mg dose.

As for my results so far? I think..........I am not sure if it works. I have started a new habit of walking two times per day, for a total of three hours per day. I have also been eating under 2,000 calories per day. I also take a lot of salbutamol and caffeine etc. So I should be losing weight based on those factors alone, right? I hope so. I should be. The math says so.

However, I have had weight loss phases where it seemed like nothing was working. I have had my calories low, and my activity high, and I wasn't losing weight. I think the Ozempic might be working, but I can't say for sure that it is.

I am now on week 7 of the .25mg dose. I weighed in at like 219 on the day I started (I was bouncing between 216-219). I already started to lose weight before Ozempic though. On May 1st, I weighed 216. Now as of today, I weigh around 206. So I have lost 10 pounds this month, and in total 13 pounds in 7 weeks.

Also, I did not do any low carb or keto, so my weight loss is not entirely water/glycogen. It's been slow and steady and consistent.

This should be normal weight loss for people who are counting calories and walking everyday, but after years of dieting and cutting, my body became not as responsive to my efforts.

I was eating very clean before the Ozempic so I can't say if or how much the Ozempic helped me control my eating. But I can say that I have not had any crazy hunger or cravings. I am walking around on under 1,400-2,000 calories a day, and I don't get any rebound hunger or diet destroying cheat meals/days. Would I have had those without the Ozempic? I don't know.

All I can say is that I like my results right now and I'm going to keep on doing everything I'm doing now, so I am probably going to continue with the Ozempic.
For those that have tried Ozempic: is it worth the high cost? Seeing as things like clen, albuterol, and ephedrine are so cheap is it really worth spending $200 on Ozempic? I'm about to go into a cut so I'm pretty interested in this, anyone run these compounds and prefer Ozempic?
Yes. Clen is toxic as hell, ephedrine is a no fly zone for those of us on ADHD meds or anyone with BP issues. Ozempic is just this thing that works in the background where you don’t even notice that you’re slowly eating less and less. I’m down 10lbs in six weeks and I don’t feel like I’m even cutting. It’s like a normal day but I end up in a deficit. If money is tight then maybe it’s a tougher call. But if you can afford it then it’s worth it completely.
It's super easy. Turn the handle wheel thing 18 clicks, and then find your spot, and inject. The needle is really tiny and it goes in easy. Press the button on the pen, and it will click a few times (it's a springy sound), and I hold the needle on my stomach for like 10 seconds.

I have injected morning or night, fasted or not. It makes no difference. I think I may have had a slight nausea a couple of times, in the day or two after I injected, but very minor.

I have only used the .25mg dose.

As for my results so far? I think..........I am not sure if it works. I have started a new habit of walking two times per day, for a total of three hours per day. I have also been eating under 2,000 calories per day. I also take a lot of salbutamol and caffeine etc. So I should be losing weight based on those factors alone, right? I hope so. I should be. The math says so.

However, I have had weight loss phases where it seemed like nothing was working. I have had my calories low, and my activity high, and I wasn't losing weight. I think the Ozempic might be working, but I can't say for sure that it is.

I am now on week 7 of the .25mg dose. I weighed in at like 219 on the day I started (I was bouncing between 216-219). I already started to lose weight before Ozempic though. On May 1st, I weighed 216. Now as of today, I weigh around 206. So I have lost 10 pounds this month, and in total 13 pounds in 7 weeks.

Also, I did not do any low carb or keto, so my weight loss is not entirely water/glycogen. It's been slow and steady and consistent.

This should be normal weight loss for people who are counting calories and walking everyday, but after years of dieting and cutting, my body became not as responsive to my efforts.

I was eating very clean before the Ozempic so I can't say if or how much the Ozempic helped me control my eating. But I can say that I have not had any crazy hunger or cravings. I am walking around on under 1,400-2,000 calories a day, and I don't get any rebound hunger or diet destroying cheat meals/days. Would I have had those without the Ozempic? I don't know.

All I can say is that I like my results right now and I'm going to keep on doing everything I'm doing now, so I am probably going to continue with the Ozempic.
When you set the dose and put it into your stomach area it starts clicking on its own and stops once full dose has been administered?
Yes. Clen is toxic as hell, ephedrine is a no fly zone for those of us on ADHD meds or anyone with BP issues. Ozempic is just this thing that works in the background where you don’t even notice that you’re slowly eating less and less. I’m down 10lbs in six weeks and I don’t feel like I’m even cutting. It’s like a normal day but I end up in a deficit. If money is tight then maybe it’s a tougher call. But if you can afford it then it’s worth it completely.
Ordered some yesterday. Should have it before weeks end. Excited to get back into my fasting routines with ozempic making them a breeze
Yes. Clen is toxic as hell, ephedrine is a no fly zone for those of us on ADHD meds or anyone with BP issues. Ozempic is just this thing that works in the background where you don’t even notice that you’re slowly eating less and less. I’m down 10lbs in six weeks and I don’t feel like I’m even cutting. It’s like a normal day but I end up in a deficit. If money is tight then maybe it’s a tougher call. But if you can afford it then it’s worth it completely.
Thanks for the feed back. I think if I hit a big weight loss plateau during this cut I'll give it a shot. What do you think about albuterol? I have plenty of that on hand and plan on using it for the first plateau I hit here a couple weeks into this cut (I just started it this weekend).
Ok so I injected the last remains of the Ozempic pen before 1 week which makes it about 2 months on ozempic. I lost 7 kg without even trying.

0.25 mg dose was too weak for me. Felt great on 0.5 mg but as others have said in the last 2 weeks the hunger started to come back slowly so maybe you have to increase the dose more after some time.

Today I went to another pharmacy and they told me that there is Rybelsus (semaglutide) 7 mg * 30. The 14 mg dose is still not available, and I don't have an idea when it will available so will just go ahead and list this new drug on my website. I will order one box for me to try it and give feedback how it worked or didn't on me.

This is what it says in the leaflet about dosing:

How much to take
The starting dose is one 3 mg tablet once a day for one month.
After one month, your doctor will increase your dose to 7 mg once a day.
Your doctor may increase your dose to 14 mg once a day if your blood sugar is not controlled well enough with 7 mg once a day.

Take the Rybelsus tablet on an empty stomach at any time of the day.
Swallow the Rybelsus tablet whole with a sip of water (up to 120 ml). The tablet should not be divided, crushed or chewed, as it is not known whether this affects the absorption of semaglutide.
After taking the Rybelsus tablet, wait at least 30 minutes before the first meal or drink of the day or before taking other oral medicines. Waiting less than 30 minutes reduces the absorption of semaglutide.

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Yes. Clen is toxic as hell, ephedrine is a no fly zone for those of us on ADHD meds or anyone with BP issues. Ozempic is just this thing that works in the background where you don’t even notice that you’re slowly eating less and less. I’m down 10lbs in six weeks and I don’t feel like I’m even cutting. It’s like a normal day but I end up in a deficit. If money is tight then maybe it’s a tougher call. But if you can afford it then it’s worth it completely.
I've found it to be the opposite. I end up saving overall because I'm spending less on food lol. zero prostate issues with Ozempec as well, which is a huge issue for me personally. otherwise I'd throw the ECA stack on top of it, but I just can't without having to pee 30x a day and dribbling out half of those times. Oz is just an amazing, amazing drug.
When you set the dose and put it into your stomach area it starts clicking on its own and stops once full dose has been administered?
Yes. You put the needle in your stomach fat, and then you press the button on the top end of the pen. You hold the button down and the pen starts pushing the liquid into you, and it continues until the springy sound stops. Then keep holding it there for 10 seconds. Then take the needle out, and you're done.
New products added to the shop:

VITAMIN C solution for injection 10% 5 ml * 1 SOPHARMA
VITAMIN B1 solution for injection 80 mg 2 ml * 1 SOPHARMA
VITAMIN B6 solution for injection 100 mg 2 ml * 1 SOPHARMA
VITAMIN B COMPLEX solution for injection 2 ml * 1 SOPHARMA