BG pharmaceutical drugs

Why are they all differentine say GENOTROPIN ALL CAPS and not 36 IU they all scan on the TURKISH app
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I was thinking about buying your estradiol pills because primo is crashing my E a bit

Are the pills just pure estradiol?
I've lowered the prices of some goods.

OMNITROPE 10 mg 30 IU - $99
Saizen 12 mg 36 IU - $120
HUMATROPE 36 IU - $140
NEBIDO vial 1000 mg 4 ml * 1 - $139 or $119 if you buy five.

25 Genotropins 12 mg in stock.
Good day.
Did someone tested rebelsyus or how its called. Is it on par with Ozempic ?

They are on par. There are a few studies on this:
