Captain Steve Rogers
New Member
I always see posts with people asking how much AI to take, and those posts always get the same response — get your bloods checked! I know this, because in years past I’d be the one searching it haha!
So I thought I’d show you my intra cycle bloods to drive home the importance of knowing your levels. I’m currently on my third cycle. Test e only was the first in 2016, test e + EQ the second in 2017 (and last time with EQ. EQ sides were not good to me!), and now in 2020 trying test e and var for this third run (wanted something mild to try with the test e after the EQ experience).
The cycle:
1-12 test e, 500 mg/wk
4-12 anavar, 50 mg
1-12 adex (mg explanation below and mostly what this post is about)
14-18 clomid/nolva C 50/50/25/25, N40/40/20/20
Adex mg explained: I don’t suffer from gyno, but I get other miserable high estrogen symptoms — I didn’t ever make the connection to them being caused by estrogen until I told my wife what I was feeling like and she said “sounds like me when I was pregnant”. If you’ve had a pregnant wife, you know what the hormones do to them!
Knowing I was estrogen sensitive going into my cycle, I started adex from my first pin at .25 mg EOD. I noticed my estrogen symptoms starting to get bad about 6-7 weeks in. I get bloated every time I eat, I get irritable, I could have sex and not bust a nut, and the worst one is almost like an indigestion but not like heart burn — it feels like food only travels so far into my body and then all starts getting backed up into my neck/throat. Sucks. Either way, when that all started, I knew I had to be high. So I ordered labs and took 1 mg adex to hit the estrogen hard one time, then went to .5 mg adex ed. I’m now in a normal range as the photos show. It’s also a good way to confirm your gear is real! I have 2 weeks left and will get two more labs done. One when the cycle ends, one when pct ends. I don’t have a doctor I can talk to about this stuff, so I use a lab I found with a simple google search of “at home hormone test”. Sucks pricking your fingers to get the blood in the vials, but worth it if you have limited options like me.
Hope this helps someone!

So I thought I’d show you my intra cycle bloods to drive home the importance of knowing your levels. I’m currently on my third cycle. Test e only was the first in 2016, test e + EQ the second in 2017 (and last time with EQ. EQ sides were not good to me!), and now in 2020 trying test e and var for this third run (wanted something mild to try with the test e after the EQ experience).
The cycle:
1-12 test e, 500 mg/wk
4-12 anavar, 50 mg
1-12 adex (mg explanation below and mostly what this post is about)
14-18 clomid/nolva C 50/50/25/25, N40/40/20/20
Adex mg explained: I don’t suffer from gyno, but I get other miserable high estrogen symptoms — I didn’t ever make the connection to them being caused by estrogen until I told my wife what I was feeling like and she said “sounds like me when I was pregnant”. If you’ve had a pregnant wife, you know what the hormones do to them!
Knowing I was estrogen sensitive going into my cycle, I started adex from my first pin at .25 mg EOD. I noticed my estrogen symptoms starting to get bad about 6-7 weeks in. I get bloated every time I eat, I get irritable, I could have sex and not bust a nut, and the worst one is almost like an indigestion but not like heart burn — it feels like food only travels so far into my body and then all starts getting backed up into my neck/throat. Sucks. Either way, when that all started, I knew I had to be high. So I ordered labs and took 1 mg adex to hit the estrogen hard one time, then went to .5 mg adex ed. I’m now in a normal range as the photos show. It’s also a good way to confirm your gear is real! I have 2 weeks left and will get two more labs done. One when the cycle ends, one when pct ends. I don’t have a doctor I can talk to about this stuff, so I use a lab I found with a simple google search of “at home hormone test”. Sucks pricking your fingers to get the blood in the vials, but worth it if you have limited options like me.
Hope this helps someone!