Brew recipes bible

@Sampei how do you like the Test D at 500mg/ml?

I'm considering switching exclusively as it's a nice ester length for both cycles and trt, the high concentration is a great bonus also.
@Sampei how do you like the Test D at 500mg/ml?

I'm considering switching exclusively as it's a nice ester length for both cycles and trt, the high concentration is a great bonus also.
I have never used it, I'm in the process of brewing it, when my whole setup is complete and I'm ready to go.

Yeah I plan to use that for cycles and test U for TRT.

Made an excel with all the recipes I have found around.

Two or three have been personally modified and will be brewed and tested. Primo 250mg castor oil and NPP castor oil

I have increased the BB to 35% because I'm thinking it will help out to thin the oil and make it simpler to inject.

If anyone has suggestions or point to make on the recipes list please do as I wanna fine tuning it.
For example If you think it's to much BB in some recipes or too less etc.

BA is not expressed but as we all know 1-2% is enough
When I say my Test C 300 would crash in the mornings, it would have a small amount of floating crystallization in it. The entire bottle wouldn't crash or solidify or anything extreme like that. A little heat, and it would be 100% again.
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I think the best approach is to embed the link for the editable recipes document (proton drive) in the first post. Members will always be able to download the most up-to-date file.
I'm not sure I can update the file without changing the link everytime, I need to upload a new file when I do changes, it's not like a googlesheet online :(

let me see, I'll do some testing

EDIT: Ok please embed the link in the first post, can you write: most updated Bible Recipes and embed the last link and I'll keep updating it as you suggested