Brewly - Worldwide Marketplace

You can keep that bullshit buddy buddy trash response. You're lower then a source start up because at least they're theoretically bringing something to the table. Imo you're basically shitting on meso and members are helping you do it. I said my piece and have zero interest in helping you bump this trash.
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. We came here with massive respect to the community. I haven't see anyone else with a gold banner, so I'd venture to guess we're also the highest donating source/vendor type on Meso. Though, I don't think that equates to a free pass around here. Certainly, we should be scrutinized and vetted as hard, if not harder, than everyone else.

Meso is a forum, and we are a marketplace. It's completely different and I personally don't think they're at odds with each other. At least, not completely.

What we offer the community is convenience, security, customer fund protection, and an organized/objective place for things like reviews/labs/etc. You'll have 100% confidence that every review you read is coming from a buying customer, and you won't have to scan through 50 pages to find it. To avoid writing another massive blog post, I'll keep it at that, but there's other benefits.
Just don't slip up and call Dr scally an asshole. That worth a 2 week ban. Ask me how I know. Ill be starting a thread from my real handle tomorrow when its lifted. But its like 99.9999% safe on free speech and your right nothing gets deleted unless it falls under doxing
did i miss your thread?
That's the whole purpose for this thread and him bumping it or him jumping into to other threads. He's only trying to direct traffic to his start up. The fact that this is even being entertained here is special in itself. Hes not a source and offers nothing to meso or its members but he's got a thread like a potential source would simply for his personal gain.

Spare me the humanitarian of the year garbage of looking out for the community.its free advertising and nothing more.

My wife will join and on new source Friday next week she’ll start her thread for selling leggings and sports tops. [emoji106] Not at all like Amazon, this will be like Etsy. [emoji849]
Just don't slip up and call Dr scally an asshole. That worth a 2 week ban. Ask me how I know. Ill be starting a thread from my real handle tomorrow when its lifted. But its like 99.9999% safe on free speech and your right nothing gets deleted unless it falls under doxing

Come back Gunz! It ain't the same without you.
You spend way to much time talking about the end user and security. There are no pressing security issue that need addressing.

How about telling me what the value is to a source to use your service? Any business owner will want to know one thing. So as a business owner my only question is how does your service make me more money than I’m making now? In your case it only holds up their money and costs them money.
You spend way to much time talking about the end user and security. There are no pressing security issue that need addressing.

How about telling me what the value is to a source to use your service? Any business owner will want to know one thing. So as a business owner my only question is how does your service make me more money than I’m making now? In your case it only holds up their money and costs them money.
Everyone keeps asking about security. We wouldn't be talking about if it not m8

That question has the most simplest answer to anyone looking to grow. Why the fuck not join? If a business owner is looking to grow, they would join as many forums as they can, especially if there is no cost to joining (a fee to your profits made on their platform isn't an upfront cost, and one can't see it as money lost either, as without that platform, perhaps you would of never gotten that sale.) Its just more exposure.

The longer answer, to someone who perhaps, doesn't want to grow much, and they are only willing to choose [insert forums here] or Brewly?
Brewly provides you a storefront, takes the payments for you, etc. I get way too many sources asking me how, or where to get a website. That is partially why Brewly was made.
I do not see the advantages compared to a regular "darknet" market.

Well this is more catered to users that don't use DNMs.

Besides that, having a steroid-only clearnet marketplace is far more accessible and we're not shitting where we eat by listing steroids next to hard drugs (that LE actually cares about).
Well this is more catered to users that don't use DNMs.

Besides that, having a steroid-only clearnet marketplace is far more accessible and we're not shitting where we eat by listing steroids next to hard drugs (that LE actually cares about).

Fair enough, even though i would not say far more accessible. You need to install a browser.