Can’t finds 47mm PVDF membranes, if anyone knows of a place to by it I’ll look ins to it. Think I’ll go with nylon, I don’t think it’s hydrophopics so I can use it on bac water easily. I know they make hydrophilic PTFE but not sure how easy they are to get, a search pulled up one source, min order 400.....
Hydrophobic membrane. Resistant to
organic solvents as well as strong acids
and bases. Low protein binding. Low in
extractables. Main applications are the
filtration of non-aqueous samples. Prior
to filtering of aqueous samples the
membrane must be pre-wetted with
a water-miscible organic solvent.
Polyvinylidene Difluoride (PVDF):
Hydrophilic membrane. Resistant to a
broad range of organic solvents. Low
protein binding.
Polypropylene (PP):
Hydrophobic membrane. Resistant to a
wide range of organic solvents.
Polyethersulfone (PES):
Hydrophilic membrane. Broad solvent
compatibility. Suitable for filtration of
aqueous and compatible organic sol-
vents. Higher liquid flow than either
PTFE or PVDF. Low in extractables.
Low protein binding.
Nylon/Polyamide (NYL):
Hydrophilic membrane. Resistant to a
range of organic solvents. Suitable for
use with high pH samples. Binds pro-
teins hence not suitable for protein
recovery applications.
Cellulose Acetate (CA):
Hydrophilic membrane. Limited solvent
resistance. Very low protein binding
capacity and hence excellent for protein
recovery applications.
Cellulose Nitrate (CN):
Hydrophilic membrane. Limited resist-
ance to organic solvents. High liquid
flow rate. High protein binding capacity
and hence not suitable for protein
recovery applications.
Regenerated Cellulose (RC):
Hydrophilic membrane. Resistant to a
very wide range of solvents. Suitable for
use with either aqueous solutions or
organic solvents. Compatible with
HPLC solvents. Very low protein binding
capacity and hence excellent for protein
recovery applications.