Burned by sources. Need help please

That’s like the 5th recommendation to “go to the Underground and read” that’s been posted. It’s starting to sound like the dude is looking for a freebie.

Here you go @Jvkw google “Brotherhood of Pain” go over there with your sob story routine. Make sure to say “MESO bullied me” and you’ll get an additional 40% off.
Not looking for hand outs. Was looking for elaboration on 31 days on a trusted seller tren ace and maybe a fourm to look at. Underground is all I needed. Like stated in the first thing I even posted. “I JUST MADE THIS ACCOUNT”. Did not even look around on the website so had no clue about underground.
350 tren no sides then you up it to 700 to get sides.
Getting no sides is what you want and 350 tren is definitely a good dose to grow like wildfire.
I agree. No sides is clearly better but at 700mg I should be getting at minimal increase sweating or hardness in my muscles. Neither.
I agree. No sides is clearly better but at 700mg I should be getting at minimal increase sweating or hardness in my muscles. Neither.
And yes, I clearly know each person copes with tren differently. I know some can be bad receptors compared to Others. But I have a friend who has the same tren as me. Same order actually (bought two cycles) and he is in the similar situation. He’s actually at 35 days and no results. He’s very lean and vascular and has yet to see strength etc. this is not just me against soco. Another person is having same issue and the likely hood of two people being bad receptors of tren 19nor compound is a 1 in a billion chance.
Okay since you want to know it all, if soco won’t respond to wickr or emails and was banned for having a post up waiting for a response from the source then how am i supposed to follow through with jano? Just curious. He clearly states if issue occurs. Contact and it will be handled from there. I did that with yet to hear back over 8 days now. So yes, I believe you think you know it all but it’s actually quite hilarious how much you do know. And if you happen to have any spare endorphins to have logic reasoning. Doesn’t every company have mistakes, I mean Chevy has recalls, manufacturing places have issues with quality etc all the time day to day basis. So apparently, because it’s anabolic steroids this is impossible to happen? I love your guys reasoning. Apple has mistakes. Makes software updates to fix. They’re a BILLION dollar company. Soco is irrelevant compared to apple and apparently it’s impossible for them to make mistakes. Great logic and reasoning. Thank you.

You’re a sassy little bitch aren’t you. [emoji8]

If you bothered to pay any attention to the SoCo thread you would have noticed that he had just gotten back from handling the funeral arrangements for a dead family member and he was also sick. That pre-empted them to go private for the time-being to reduce the stress. That was during the 8 days that you threw yourself to the floor to kick and beat your balled up fists.

The dude was going to get back to you but you were impatient in the wrong way. You should have just sent a small vial out for testing. It’s only $80 and it would have proven or disproven your feelzzzzz. You would have been doing the entire community a service.

Can you please say “lean and vascular” one more time? Jesus it’s like reading gay porn.
You’re a sassy little bitch aren’t you. [emoji8]

If you bothered to pay any attention to the SoCo thread you would have noticed that he had just gotten back from handling the funeral arrangements for a dead family member and he was also sick. That pre-empted them to go private for the time-being to reduce the stress. That was during the 8 days that you threw yourself to the floor to kick and beat your balled up fists.

The dude was going to get back to you but you were impatient in the wrong way. You should have just sent a small vial out for testing. It’s only $80 and it would have proven or disproven your feelzzzzz. You would have been doing the entire community a service.

Can you please say “lean and vascular” one more time? Jesus it’s like reading gay porn.
Aye man don’t get too offended by this. But I have a full head of hair and from your username. Taking it you got a bald ass head which is hilarious. Look into some therapy for that instead of worrying about someone else’s business. Worried about my business. Soco business and I can only imagine other people’s also instead of spending your time getting some hair on that bald ass head of yours. Clearly I know soco issue but apparently we all have to stop what’s going on and grieve for him??? If someone in apple died would we shut down apple and say fuck the customers? No. You run the damn business. He chose this life. That’s what he wanted and that comes with responsibilities. Someone passed away so we have to give him complete forgiveness for mistakes that could’ve occurred? I myself own a business and can’t just shut down and say screw customers because of a family death? Yes going private is completely fine. But the emails and wickr about current orders not shipping questions or random emails need to be answered. This is part of the whole source business. Best sources have the best communication and that goes with any company. Clear to everyone he cannot take any amount of stress. Had to shut down and go private. Shows he’s not ready to take the next step.
This business is pure competition. If he doesn’t want to become bigger or take the next step in a matter of months other sources will surpass him. This business is nothing but pure competition of who’s cheaper and better with responses and customers. Learn some basic business skills before you defend a man you do not know. Talk about being gay.
Okay since you want to know it all, if soco won’t respond to wickr or emails and was banned for having a post up waiting for a response from the source then how am i supposed to follow through with jano? Just curious. He clearly states if issue occurs. Contact and it will be handled from there. I did that with yet to hear back over 8 days now. So yes, I believe you think you know it all but it’s actually quite hilarious how much you do know. And if you happen to have any spare endorphins to have logic reasoning. Doesn’t every company have mistakes, I mean Chevy has recalls, manufacturing places have issues with quality etc all the time day to day basis. So apparently, because it’s anabolic steroids this is impossible to happen? I love your guys reasoning. Apple has mistakes. Makes software updates to fix. They’re a BILLION dollar company. Soco is irrelevant compared to apple and apparently it’s impossible for them to make mistakes. Great logic and reasoning. Thank you.

Lmao I'm not the one making retarded posts about how I think I've been fucked over by two sources based off of feelzzz and refusing to get shit tested.

If it were me, I would have had my evidence on hand and loaded to blast the source if the hadn't rectified the problem, but you'd rather just cry 'wat do' and ask for a spoon feedin' trying to find a source even though you've 'done and are prepared to do a ton of research'.

By the way, you don't NEED SoCo to do SHIT to send something off to Jano. Just fucking send it off and when you get the results back, post it up moron.


Endorphins work to diminish the perception of pain and stress. I think you meant to say something like brain cells when you were trying to insult me, friend.
This business is pure competition. If he doesn’t want to become bigger or take the next step in a matter of months other sources will surpass him. This business is nothing but pure competition of who’s cheaper and better with responses and customers. Learn some basic business skills before you defend a man you do not know. Talk about being gay.
Dude nobody put a gun to your head and made you buy from him. Quit being a whiny little bitch ;)
This business is pure competition. If he doesn’t want to become bigger or take the next step in a matter of months other sources will surpass him. This business is nothing but pure competition of who’s cheaper and better with responses and customers. Learn some basic business skills before you defend a man you do not know. Talk about being gay.

Wasn’t defending him at all. Just trying to show you how you went about it all wrong like a total douche. The dude posted “hey, sorry guys but I’ll be away for a little bit. I’ll get back to you.” That sounds like effective communication.

Mash your little lean and vascular fingers into the keyboard and contact a testing lab. Send a sample off and in about two weeks you’ll get results that you can point to and say in your little cunty voice “see guys! I was right! Nah, nah, nah!”
Aye man don’t get too offended by this. But I have a full head of hair and from your username. Taking it you got a bald ass head which is hilarious. Look into some therapy for that instead of worrying about someone else’s business. Worried about my business. Soco business and I can only imagine other people’s also instead of spending your time getting some hair on that bald ass head of yours. Clearly I know soco issue but apparently we all have to stop what’s going on and grieve for him??? If someone in apple died would we shut down apple and say fuck the customers? No. You run the damn business. He chose this life. That’s what he wanted and that comes with responsibilities. Someone passed away so we have to give him complete forgiveness for mistakes that could’ve occurred? I myself own a business and can’t just shut down and say screw customers because of a family death? Yes going private is completely fine. But the emails and wickr about current orders not shipping questions or random emails need to be answered. This is part of the whole source business. Best sources have the best communication and that goes with any company. Clear to everyone he cannot take any amount of stress. Had to shut down and go private. Shows he’s not ready to take the next step.
You're seriously comparing some guy who may brew gear in his bathtub to Apple? Lmao gtfo
Shame to hear of your bad luck. There are some good domestic sourses on here. Hope you get some good stuff. First thing to do is stop the stuff your taking immediately shooting something in your body you know is not real is fucked up. Go get a blood test first before you shoot anything else to make sure all is good. I just dont understand how people can sell this shit to people to put in there bodies. There are other ways to make a buck just aweful.
Listen to what these guys are saying. Labs. Labs. Labs.

SST - I believe they are just as reliable as any other paid source board. With that said anyone can have a bad batch it happens. Eroids? My opinion those reviews carry as much credibility as source reviews on the darkweb.

"I’m 100% down to research whatever I need to and find a valid source I just want suggestions on where to look." - Underground. Its not too difficult to go to the underground find the threads where business is getting done and no one is bitching start reading backwards soon enough you will get a feeling for what you can expect from each source ask questions in those threads as necessary.
You’re a sassy little bitch aren’t you. [emoji8]

If you bothered to pay any attention to the SoCo thread you would have noticed that he had just gotten back from handling the funeral arrangements for a dead family member and he was also sick. That pre-empted them to go private for the time-being to reduce the stress. That was during the 8 days that you threw yourself to the floor to kick and beat your balled up fists.

The dude was going to get back to you but you were impatient in the wrong way. You should have just sent a small vial out for testing. It’s only $80 and it would have proven or disproven your feelzzzzz. You would have been doing the entire community a service.

Can you please say “lean and vascular” one more time? Jesus it’s like reading gay porn.

I just popped over to the soco sub a few minutes ago saw what was going on with him and these were my thoughts as well.

Opie thinks UGL customer service should be on par with Apple, Chevy, Starbucks, LL Bean, and Costcos, in that the UGL does not have a life but instead sits on their forum waiting for customers who ran no bloodwork but need immediate resolutions to their feeling and concerns less they become emotionally hurt and end up jumping onto another forum where they make their first post five minutes after creating their account before even looking around on the website where they would have no clue about an underground.
I just popped over to the soco sub a few minutes ago saw what was going on with him and these were my thoughts as well.

Opie thinks UGL customer service should be on par with Apple, Chevy, Starbucks, LL Bean, and Costcos, in that the UGL does not have a life but instead sits on their forum waiting for customers who ran no bloodwork but need immediate resolutions to their feeling and concerns less they become emotionally hurt and end up jumping onto another forum where they make their first post five minutes after creating their account before even looking around on the website where they would have no clue about an underground.
So I’m confused. What’s the reasoning then if 31 days no sides or affects of it working ......? Since you believe you have such a good answer? I mean any human on 700mg of tren ace with good workouts and let’s even just say a solid clean diet should be having some type of affect? Confused on what you’re trying to argue here
Shame to hear of your bad luck. There are some good domestic sourses on here. Hope you get some good stuff. First thing to do is stop the stuff your taking immediately shooting something in your body you know is not real is fucked up. Go get a blood test first before you shoot anything else to make sure all is good. I just dont understand how people can sell this shit to people to put in there bodies. There are other ways to make a buck just aweful.
Thank you for actually understanding the situation. 31 days of any substance at such a high dosage should have sides or affects of working with such a short ester compound. If someone had a better idea of what’s going on more than open to hear it
Wasn’t defending him at all. Just trying to show you how you went about it all wrong like a total douche. The dude posted “hey, sorry guys but I’ll be away for a little bit. I’ll get back to you.” That sounds like effective communication.

Mash your little lean and vascular fingers into the keyboard and contact a testing lab. Send a sample off and in about two weeks you’ll get results that you can point to and say in your little cunty voice “see guys! I was right! Nah, nah, nah!”
So what’s the reasoning of 700mg of tren ace and prop 350mg for 31 injections and zero sides or affects of it working. Since you believe you are the only person right here. I would love to hear your thoughts. I mean any human who trains and even just has a steady balanced diet should see great changes and sides on such a dose of the strongest compound.
Lmao I'm not the one making retarded posts about how I think I've been fucked over by two sources based off of feelzzz and refusing to get shit tested.

If it were me, I would have had my evidence on hand and loaded to blast the source if the hadn't rectified the problem, but you'd rather just cry 'wat do' and ask for a spoon feedin' trying to find a source even though you've 'done and are prepared to do a ton of research'.

By the way, you don't NEED SoCo to do SHIT to send something off to Jano. Just fucking send it off and when you get the results back, post it up moron.


Endorphins work to diminish the perception of pain and stress. I think you meant to say something like brain cells when you were trying to insult me, friend.
Have you ever sent stuff to jano? Just curious because I am sure 99.9% if you guys who mention jano have yet to do business with them. It would take more than 3 weeks for it to be delivered and due to his large amount of customers. Probably another week or so. So let me wait an entire month to get an answer. But since you know it all, 31 days of tren ace 700mg and 350mg prop. No sides or affects of it working what’s the reasoning? Any human with decent training and a decent diet would be having sides and some change in their body by now. Love to know the reason. Since clearly according to you it’s not soco

Not looking for hand outs. Was looking for elaboration on 31 days on a trusted seller tren ace and maybe a fourm to look at. Underground is all I needed. Like stated in the first thing I even posted. “I JUST MADE THIS ACCOUNT”. Did not even look around on the website so had no clue about underground.
Reading your posts is actually mind numbing I can’t believe people are still entertaining you.

You have no clue what you’re doing. You haven’t ran a proper cycle. You want to run tren. You’ve made the same mistake twice now. If you can’t find a way to get properly dosed gear you have much more to learn thank you think.
Reading your posts is actually mind numbing I can’t believe people are still entertaining you.

You have no clue what you’re doing. You haven’t ran a proper cycle. You want to run tren. You’ve made the same mistake twice now. If you can’t find a way to get properly dosed gear you have much more to learn thank you think.
I have cycled before and was just fine thank you chiming in your very pointless paragraph.. Yet again another scum bag coming along saying I made a mistake but no one can answer 31 days of tren ace no side effects etc? It’s just gonna be left unanswered. I just get called an idiot because it’s been 31 days. I believe the gear is fake and people says it’s not. But no elaboration on why it’s taking so long for TREN ACE to even start giving sides etc. at fucking 700mg. And let’s not forget. Not just fucking me. The person I gave the cycle half of my order to is in the same fucking boat
I have cycled before and was just fine thank you chiming in your very pointless paragraph.. Yet again another scum bag coming along saying I made a mistake but no one can answer 31 days of tren ace no side effects etc? It’s just gonna be left unanswered. I just get called an idiot because it’s been 31 days. I believe the gear is fake and people says it’s not. But no elaboration on why it’s taking so long for TREN ACE to even start giving sides etc. at fucking 700mg. And let’s not forget. Not just fucking me. The person I gave the cycle half of my order to is in the same fucking boat

My man, you’re losing the horizon here. Hit the underground, read up on the threads there and ask questions within them. There are some reliable sellers here who have put in the time and effort to make a good product and who went through a vetting process. Then they started getting customers and said customers have posted reviews, results, blood work, etc. No one can guarantee you won’t get burned again. Even the best labs are only one bad batch away from total meltdown. But you can get a good idea of who to consider and who to avoid just by doing the research. You did some already? Great. You’re not finished. You never will be. You’ll always have something new to learn. Best of luck to you.


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