Burning when injecting UGL gear.

Yeah I agree, Im pissed off because I bought a bunch of these bottles and I wont be able to use them now. Its a pretty intense burning, I bet you its from too much alcohol or whatever solvant he uses.
Does the burning happen the next day n last all day or like when does it start n then when does it subside?
For your own good you should stop it asap. No shit is worth suffering and possibly ruining your health. It could be some hard ass solvents in there destroying your tissue slowly. I'm no homebrewer or chemist, but my logic says if it's hurting me, I should not do it.
I agree here like ofc it depends but bruh drop the stuff if it’s making you react weird, imo it’s not the end of the world if you IM some alcohol but 1) doing it too often ain’t good for you n 2) it could be some way nastier solvents in there that you injecting who knows what so I’d say check if all the vials do the same cos if it’s only one that means it’s either a fk up when it got made or some contamination, if it’s all I guess that’s just their formula n you decide but I’d say drop em
For your own good you should stop it asap. No shit is worth suffering and possibly ruining your health. It could be some hard ass solvents in there destroying your tissue slowly. I'm no homebrewer or chemist, but my logic says if it's hurting me, I should not do it.
But I do have to say another thing: how many hear IM high mg solutions every week? How many are pinning shit from china n don’t even know tf is inside? Idk imo it’s true n I agree but same time it’s a bit incoherent for me or many here to say nah don’t do it when if it was Sust or Primo etc… people would say don’t be a bitch ahah imo the fact it’s trestolone makes it easier for us to say trash that shit (but hey maybe I’m projecting :p )
Its trestalone decanoate. Im doing it IM, I think its because AA uses some kind of weird sulvant. This shit was really expensive too, Im only doing 100mg a week so I might try to shoot it once a week. Its not causing any redness or pip just inflammation the next day.
I ran there trest acetate and didn’t have any issues, had great results as well
Dude. Didn't you recently have a pulmonary embolism at a young age?

Why are you injecting old research AAS with limited info?
Yeah man my go to has been EQ but i figure that would be the most risky considering I had the PE. Im on a blood thinner, but im not going to stop jucing or bodybuilding anytime soon. It is what it is.
Yeah man my go to has been EQ but i figure that would be the most risky considering I had the PE. Im on a blood thinner, but im not going to stop jucing or bodybuilding anytime soon. It is what it is.
Just a word of caution and concern dude. I think sticking with test, mast, dht derivates may be safer. Just be careful ..
Find out what the carrier oil is and that will tell you if it’s a solvent issue. Especially if its ethly oleate.

If it’s MCT then dilute it down to see if that decreases the burning from BA.
I was gonna ask the same thing, ik amino asylum has HCG n stuff which I always wondered if it was legit but in general mane if it’s burning I’d be hoping it’s the alcohol n not some other weird shit, especially cos they seem to be a bit all over the place when it comes to quality from what I’ve been told
Amino has always been good for me. Their HCG is good.