BuyDeus - Official Distributors of Deus Medical (AAS, Peptides, SARMs, PCT) - EU Domestic & Global

Deus one of my favs just behind Balkan for obvious reasons but overall one of the best out there, i use another reseller with a better web site but is all deus.
How are people praising this brand lol. Test E was literally the most PIP shit i ever used of all ugl brands, even bayer testoviron with insane amounts of BB didn't hurt as much as Deus. Also, underdosed 1 ml vials actually being 0.8ml. Anavar and Winstrol pills that didn't feel like much, like i was swallowing sugar tabs. Not accusing anyone of anything or saying its fake, but for me, this was the worst brand i ever took. Just sharing my experience.
How are people praising this brand lol. Test E was literally the most PIP shit i ever used of all ugl brands, even bayer testoviron with insane amounts of BB didn't hurt as much as Deus. Also, underdosed 1 ml vials actually being 0.8ml. Anavar and Winstrol pills that didn't feel like much, like i was swallowing sugar tabs. Not accusing anyone of anything or saying its fake, but for me, this was the worst brand i ever took. Just sharing my experience.
u sure u got real shit broski...ur the only one ive heard complain of this
How are people praising this brand lol. Test E was literally the most PIP shit i ever used of all ugl brands, even bayer testoviron with insane amounts of BB didn't hurt as much as Deus. Also, underdosed 1 ml vials actually being 0.8ml. Anavar and Winstrol pills that didn't feel like much, like i was swallowing sugar tabs. Not accusing anyone of anything or saying its fake, but for me, this was the worst brand i ever took. Just sharing my experience.
That is called underfilled not underdosed, 2 very different words, with world apart meanings