Can someone estimate my bf% Need to see if my diet needs adjusting


New Member
I've been doing my first serious cut where I take my dieting seriously. Pic with shirt on was this week and the other was about two weeks ago. I'm maybe 6 or 8 weeks in at this point. This is the leanest I've ever been in my life. I've always been a chubby bro. Fat swole if you will.
I made a post in the nutrition section weeks ago and I don't think anyone even saw it. If anyone wants to chime in I'd love some advice from experienced guys here.
Macros 258p, 24c, 70f. Give or take a little here and there.
Currently running 450cyp/ 225 DHB
I can FINALY make out my middle two abs in the morning so I believe my ketoish route is working well but again I'd love some advice.


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I'd put you right at or about 15%. You have very shallow abs though, may even be closer to 13-14%. Not being mean, just an observation. The Rock had shallow abs forever. His are getting better but genetics can be a bitch.
Going off the no shirt pic. I imagine you're a little leaner in the shirt pic but hard to tell.
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I'd put you right at or about 15%. You have very shallow abs though, may even be closer to 13-14%. Not being mean, just an observation. The Rock had shallow abs forever. His are getting better but genetics can be a bitch.
Going off the no shirt pic. I imagine you're a little leaner in the shirt pic but hard to tell.
To be fair in the shirt pic I had a rippin shoulder pump and I'm sure the DHB is helping with the vascularity.
Honestly I've been in the gym for years and I've never hit abs so they have some catching up to do haha
Most will advise you to not to focus on the numbers but if you're happy with how you look. Even if you are assessed to be below 10% if you don't think you're lean enough it won't matter.

What's your goal btw.
Most will advise you to not to focus on the numbers but if you're happy with how you look. Even if you are assessed to be below 10% if you don't think you're lean enough it won't matter.

What's your goal btw.
I want to lean out as much as possible then do a solid lean bulk in the winter without getting too fluffy. I've done big blasts during the winter months and put on a lot of weight but I've never had abs. I want the abs lol
Yeah. Sounds like you think that's too low
Whenever my metabolism adapts I adjust it, but when I reach 2400 calories and I start seeing myself stop losing weight physically in the mirror and on the scale for at-least 3 weeks. I start using cardio as a tool to create more of a deficit rather than dropping my calories any more. Also, for me personally, adding a maintenance day where I hit my maint calories 2900/3100 once every 4/5 days strictly calories from carbs helps me from hitting a plateau
Yeah that’s very very low. I would suggest maybe upping the calories 400/500 a day bare minimum and using cardio before your metabolism crashes, how long have you been on this ?
Around 6 to 8 weeks and I'm about to be in week 5 of the cycle. Started with 500 sust then transitioned to 450 cyp and 225 dhb about 2 weeks ago.
How would you suggest I increase the calories? Maybe toss some avocado or more nuts into the mix for some extra healthy fats? Really trying to keep the carbs to a minimum because I feel it's working well. Like I said before I've never been this lean in my life
Whenever my metabolism adapts I adjust it, but when I reach 2400 calories and I start seeing myself stop losing weight physically in the mirror and on the scale for at-least 3 weeks. I start using cardio as a tool to create more of a deficit rather than dropping my calories any more. Also, for me personally, adding a maintenance day where I hit my maint calories 2900/3100 once every 4/5 days strictly calories from carbs helps me from hitting a plateau
Interesting you say that. I had a bad day last week and said fuck it and ate whatever I wanted all say which included a ton of carbs. The next day I wake up expecting to look like shit and I looked awesome. It was shocking to me.
I generally lift 5 days a week and and hour of cardio probably 6 days a week.
I want to lean out as much as possible then do a solid lean bulk in the winter without getting too fluffy. I've done big blasts during the winter months and put on a lot of weight but I've never had abs. I want the abs lol
Just concentrate on the cut then, I'm in the same boat. Do your 16 weeks or so and re assess where you're at, that's why I'm doing.
if I had to bet, I'd bet something above 20%.
not being able to see more than half of the body, however, it is hard to say.
the legs and the whole back are missing.
the photo with the tank top is useless.

That said, a body fat caliper costs a few dollars.
instead of guessing, buy one and monitor yourself.
Good job on overall improving yourself

keep doing what you are doing, but personally... I Think Keto is stupid
Around 6 to 8 weeks and I'm about to be in week 5 of the cycle. Started with 500 sust then transitioned to 450 cyp and 225 dhb about 2 weeks ago.
How would you suggest I increase the calories? Maybe toss some avocado or more nuts into the mix for some extra healthy fats? Really trying to keep the carbs to a minimum because I feel it's working well. Like I said before I've never been this lean in my life
I would add the calories from carbs. Low carbs to me is 180g or less and I’m boarder autistic running on that. There’s too many things I’d change but you’re too deep into this, I personally would add 40g of carbs pre and 40g carbs post workout. Just when you come out of this “diet” it’s gonna be very easy to gain your weight back, slowly gradually introduce the carbs back week by week (300 calories) of carbs each week. I wouldn’t suggest just going back to eating whatever you use to or your gonna blow up like a balloon lol
I've been doing my first serious cut where I take my dieting seriously. Pic with shirt on was this week and the other was about two weeks ago. I'm maybe 6 or 8 weeks in at this point. This is the leanest I've ever been in my life. I've always been a chubby bro. Fat swole if you will.
I made a post in the nutrition section weeks ago and I don't think anyone even saw it. If anyone wants to chime in I'd love some advice from experienced guys here.
Macros 258p, 24c, 70f. Give or take a little here and there.
Currently running 450cyp/ 225 DHB
I can FINALY make out my middle two abs in the morning so I believe my ketoish route is working well but again I'd love some advice.
Somewhere about 18 to 20ish sure.

You are going to be catabolic if remains that low, so you will look skinnier and floffy.

Up those calories, and burn through intensity + Cardio. Your metabolic rate will respond and you body and mind will be thankful
bf% is about the most irrelevant number to care about. We know a wide range of body fat can be healthy (single digits to late teens) so by posting photos the real question is "how do i look". And estimating it via photos online is about as useless we that number gets.

Did the mirror and scale change from last week? If not, your diet probably needs changing. And the scale is only useful WITH the mirror. Useless on its own.