Can someone estimate my bf% Need to see if my diet needs adjusting

Height/weight? Ngl you look completely natty. Surprised no one else has said “eat more drop the drugs”. Lets see pics without a pump to help gauge bf further
Height/weight? Ngl you look completely natty. Surprised no one else has said “eat more drop the drugs”. Lets see pics without a pump to help gauge bf further
How much fatter do you want him to go lol. He needs to cut the fat before even thinking of going on any kind of growth phase period, drugs or no drugs.

No decent coach would want you to jump into a hypertrophy phase with high body fat.
How much fatter do you want him to go lol. He needs to cut the fat before even thinking of going on any kind of growth phase period, drugs or no drugs.

No decent coach would want you to jump into a hypertrophy phase with high body fat.
I guess it’s because people are more likely to post stats rather than pics…and also because people here have warped perception on what natties can actually achieve
I guess it’s because people are more likely to post stats rather than pics…and also because people here have warped perception on what natties can actually achieve
He posted a pic though, he is cutting too, I think telling people to eat more when they clearly need to cut is not good advice no?

Natty or not, losing fat to get to a state where you are ready for a growth phase is healthier and more productive.

Why do you think he needs to eat more btw?
He posted a pic though, he is cutting too, I think telling people to eat more when they clearly need to cut is not good advice no?

Natty or not, losing fat to get to a state where you are ready for a growth phase is healthier and more productive.

Why do you think he needs to eat more btw?
I think he should lose the drugs and cut. I was merely surprised the other “veterans” on this form didnt say to eat more…because thats what’s I’ve seen here on posts like these previously
I think he should lose the drugs and cut. I was merely surprised the other “veterans” on this form didnt say to eat more…because thats what’s I’ve seen here on posts like these previously
I dont see any stats on him just yet. Sometimes from an elevated BF%, its hard to see how big someone actually is.

being 10% or appears to add on 20 lbs of muscle.

If he also does know how to train and diet. which appears he does, he can use this to help with a recomp.
Good lord now I'm confused lol. To add some calories or not to add some calories.
I'm 5, 8 and the last time I checked which was a while back I was 170-180. Which is the lowest in years. I honestly don't check on the regular because it psychs me out. I have reached a plateau over the last 2 weeks or so and I was considering adding a little carbs in the mix. I was thinking 30g morning 30g evening for a few weeks and see what happens.
Good lord now I'm confused lol. To add some calories or not to add some calories.
I'm 5, 8 and the last time I checked which was a while back I was 170-180. Which is the lowest in years. I honestly don't check on the regular because it psychs me out. I have reached a plateau over the last 2 weeks or so and I was considering adding a little carbs in the mix. I was thinking 30g morning 30g evening for a few weeks and see what happens.
I would advise to replenish your glycogen stores. your muscles will pop out more if you eat alot of carbs

you look deflated right now.
Yea. Good to take breaks from ketosis. Also keep in mind while your muscle tissue will take in the carbs and water that have been missing, so will the adipose tissue
Good lord now I'm confused lol. To add some calories or not to add some calories.
I'm 5, 8 and the last time I checked which was a while back I was 170-180. Which is the lowest in years. I honestly don't check on the regular because it psychs me out. I have reached a plateau over the last 2 weeks or so and I was considering adding a little carbs in the mix. I was thinking 30g morning 30g evening for a few weeks and see what happens.
You should read or watch some videos regarding diet stalls/plateaus I think J3 university has a good podcast on it.

My experience on keto is limited nor have I used it, so I'm no help there. However, I would suggest that you take advices given to you in forums as just suggestions it's up to you to gauge which do you think is the most relatable your situation and current state.

This is the perfect moment to hire a coach if you can afford or commit to giving your 100% to one.

Most of us here are in the same boat as you, it's all trial and error, make adjustments based on how you react. Make a detailed account and compare results. Nobody knows your body but you, start adjustments slowly and concisely give it time and react.

I still say Stick to cutting, you have to go flat to shed fat. You will be depleted, can't sleep and will wake up craving food once you go deep into low days. The result will be worth it trust me.

Good luck.