Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday ordered all Californians to wear face coverings while in public or high-risk settings, including when shopping, taking public transit or seeking medical care, following growing concerns that an increase in coronavirus cases has been caused by residents failing to voluntarily take that precaution.

Newsom’s order comes a week after Orange County rescinded a requirement for residents to wear masks and as other counties across California are debating whether to join other local jurisdictions in mandating face coverings. The Newsom administration did not address how the new requirement will be enforced or if Californians who violate the order will be subject to citations or other penalties.

“Simply put, we are seeing too many people with faces uncovered — putting at risk the real progress we have made in fighting the disease,” Newsom said in a statement. “California’s strategy to restart the economy and get people back to work will only be successful if people act safely and follow health recommendations. That means wearing a face covering, washing your hands and practicing physical distancing.”

Until now, state public health officials had only recommended that Californians wear face coverings, which, if worn by someone with the virus, have been shown to decrease chances of spreading it to others. The Sacramento Bee on Wednesday first reported that the Newsom administration was considering a statewide face covering requirement.

Wearing a mask and breathing your own carbon dioxide all day causes respiratory disease and maybe can even make you test positive for the RNA sequence that they're calling "covid19"

Virus particles are smaller than the holes in the mask and even if they did catch the fake, non-existant, pretend, made up lie of a virus then you'd literally be walking around with virus all over your face

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Wearing a mask and breathing your own carbon dioxide all day causes respiratory disease and maybe can even make you test positive for the RNA sequence that they're calling "covid19"

Virus particles are smaller than the holes in the mask and even if they did catch the fake, non-existant, pretend, made up lie of a virus then you'd literally be walking around with virus all over your face

You are one stupid mother fucker. Lol.
You are one stupid mother fucker. Lol.

I feel like master.on around here lately

But no that dude's a fucking fruit cake for real. And the world is a bunch of idiots falling for this virus shit. A bunch of suckers. Get ready for the second wave of the lockdown, I bet the right psychological operation could even get you guys to give up your buttholes.

Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't saying hasta la vista, baby to his COVID-19 mask anytime soon.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a state order Thursday mandating citizens wear face coverings in public spaces when social distancing isn't possible to slow the spread of coronavirus. Newsom's requirement exempts young children, the hearing impaired and those with medical conditions.

Schwarzenegger said the decision is "100% the right move."

"This will help us beat this terrible virus," tweeted Schwarzenegger, the state's governor from 2003 to 2011. "The science is unanimous - if we all wear masks, we slow down the spread and can reopen safely."
I wear a mask because if the experts are correct, I could potentially prevent someone from getting sick and dying. If the experts are wrong, the most I’m out is the inconvenience of wearing a piece of fabric on my face.

I often wonder who raised some of y’all.


More than 120,000 Americans have now perished from Covid-19, surpassing the total number of U.S. dead during World War I. Had American leaders taken the decisive, early measures that several other nations took when they had exactly the same information the U.S. did, at exactly the same time in their experience of the novel coronavirus, how many of these Covid-19 deaths could have been prevented?

That isn’t a hypothetical question. And the answer that emerges from a direct comparison of the fatalities in and policies of the U.S. and other countries — South Korea, Australia, Germany, and Singapore — indicates that between 70% and 99% of the Americans who died from this pandemic might have been saved by measures demonstrated by others to have been feasible.

At least three factors enable meaningful comparisons of these nations with the United States. First, we scaled up their population sizes and Covid-19 deaths to match those of the U.S. Second, in each of these countries, roughly 80% or more of the population lives in urbanized, transmission-prone areas, similar to the U.S. Third, the pandemic took root earlier in these other countries than here, as measured by the date of the 15th confirmed case in each, meaning that foreign leaders had to act with less information to guide their decisions than did U.S. leaders.
Can the proof that the virus exists please be published before we keep destroying ourselves to avoid the virus? No? Because it doesn't exist amd never will

Have fun suffocating yourself with your own carbon dioxide. You'll become even dumber