Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

How would everyone doing the same thing regardless, be better if there is a clear obvious answer. And what is that answer?

Stop using opinions as facts.

Wear a mask. Its not hard. But wearing a mask and going to a restaurant is retarded. It defeats the whole purpose.
Teen on family trip spread the coronavirus to 11 relatives across 4 states after a negative test, CDC says

A 13-year-old girl spread the coronavirus to 11 relatives across four states this summer, despite testing negative two days before a three-week family vacation, a recent journal article released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed.

The trip occurred at an undisclosed location in June and July, and it infected family members from ages 9 to 72 who traveled to a home that was shared between five households. No masks or distancing measures were in place. The teen was known to have been in contact with an unspecified covid-19 outbreak in June before testing negative, the report says. Nasal congestion was her only symptom.

The CDC declined to say where the family members were located “out of respect for the privacy of the family who generously shared their information with investigators,” but public health departments in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Georgia and Illinois were cited in the article’s footnotes.

The CDC also pointed to the case as evidence for the benefits of social distancing: Six other individuals who visited but remained outside the home and at a distance were not infected.
[OA] Scientific Consensus on The COVID-19 Pandemic: We Need To Act Now.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has infected more than 35 million people globally, with more than 1 million deaths recorded by WHO as of Oct 12, 2020. As a second wave of COVID-19 affects Europe, and with winter approaching, we need clear communication about the risks posed by COVID-19 and effective strategies to combat them. Here, we share our view of the current evidence-based consensus on COVID-19.

This has understandably led to widespread demoralisation and diminishing trust. The arrival of a second wave and the realisation of the challenges ahead has led to renewed interest in a so-called herd immunity approach, which suggests allowing a large uncontrolled outbreak in the low-risk population while protecting the vulnerable. Proponents suggest this would lead to the development of infection-acquired population immunity in the low-risk population, which will eventually protect the vulnerable.

This is a dangerous fallacy unsupported by scientific evidence.

Any pandemic management strategy relying upon immunity from natural infections for COVID-19 is flawed. …

Alwan NA, Burgess RA, Ashworth S, et al. Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need to act now. The Lancet. Redirecting
Iwasaki A, Omer SB. Why and How Vaccines Work. Cell 2020;183:290-5.

Vaccines save millions of lives from infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. As the world awaits safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, we celebrate the progresses made and highlight challenges ahead in vaccines and the science behind them.


On June 16, 2020, a recreational ice hockey game was played at an ice rink in the Tampa Bay, Florida, metropolitan area. Teams A and B, each consisting of 11 players (typically six on the ice and five on the bench at any given time), included men aged 19–53 years. During the 5 days after the game, 15 persons (14 of the 22 players and a rink staff member) experienced signs and symptoms compatible with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)*; 13 of the 15 ill persons had positive laboratory test results indicating infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been documented at a choir practice (1) and at meat processing plants (2,3); however, apart from an outbreak involving 57 infected dancers that has been linked to high-intensity fitness dance classes in South Korea (4) and a cluster of five infected persons at a squash facility in Slovenia (5), few published reports are available regarding transmission associated with specific sports games or practices. In addition, outbreaks of COVID-19 infections among amateur hockey players in the United States have recently been reported in the news.


The high proportion of infections that occurred in this outbreak provides evidence for SARS-CoV-2 transmission during an indoor sporting activity where intense physical activity is occurring.
[OA] Why and How Vaccines Work

Vaccines save millions of lives from infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. As the world awaits safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, we celebrate the progresses made and highlight challenges ahead in vaccines and the science behind them.

Iwasaki A, Omer SB. Why and How Vaccines Work. Cell 2020;183:290-5. Redirecting
[OA] COVID-19, Type 2 Diabetes, and Hypogonadism: Lessons for Acute Management and Long-Term Prevention

Despite similar infection rates due to COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) between men and women, male patients have twice the mortality rate across older age groups compared with women. Studies from China, Germany, and Italy suggest that there is a severe primary hypogonadism associated with acute infection and that the more severe the drop in testosterone, the higher the mortality.

The co-morbidities associated with increased mortality, namely age, obesity, type 2 diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and chronic kidney disease are all associated with lower rates of testosterone in the general population. Longitudinal studies of testosterone therapy in these conditions have shown reduced all cause mortality. These findings suggest that screening for low testosterone and treating low levels might reduce all-cause mortality including COVID-19.

Paradoxically, some observational studies in prostate cancer patients have reported lower mortality rates in those receiving androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). This has led to studies of ADT to reduce mortality associated with COVID-19 infection and suggestions that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) should be stopped. This seems ill advised as recent publications suggest that TRT can reverse progression to type 2 diabetes and even lead to complete regression, as well as reducing all-cause mortality.

In contrast, ADT has been repeatedly shown to have adverse cardio-metabolic effects with increased rates of depression, suicide and reduced quality of life. We also suggest a potentially important role for daily PDE5 inhibitors based on their established beneficial effect on endothelial dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension, insulin resistance, inflammation and cellular apoptosis.

Hackett G, Kirby M. COVID-19, Type 2 Diabetes, and Hypogonadism: Lessons for Acute Management and Long-Term Prevention. Androgens: Clinical Research and Therapeutics. Oct 2020.22-31.
wearing a mask isn't hard in the grand scheme of life, neither is wearing a shirt that says "look at me im a stupid pussy who believes anything" , but who wants to do either?
Exactly, its not a permanant issue, though. If it lasts forever then, masks are not the answer. But wearing a mask for a year, when you leave, house or around people,

Then never having to when they figure out what and how it spreads.

Who said they believe anything?
You still dont have to believe “anything”, but still can wear one. Even if it is pointless.
wearing a mask isn't hard in the grand scheme of life, neither is wearing a shirt that says "look at me im a stupid pussy who believes anything" , but who wants to do either?
Why is it people so opposing masks have to be assholes about it? You can just have a discussion.
Why is it people so opposing masks have to be assholes about it? You can just have a discussion.

because the narrative about wearing the stupid little masks is also being used to take away peoples freedom and jail people.

what if in 2017 someone told you in 2 years people would be forced to quarantine, wear masks, be prosecuted for leaving their home because they have a flu with FAR less than .5% death rate? yes, it is that "un deadly"

those of us like me are literally in shock at how gullible and submissive so many in society have become, its shocking and alarming how easily people let the government rape them of they freedom over nothing.
because the narrative about wearing the stupid little masks is also being used to take away peoples freedom and jail people.

what if in 2017 someone told you in 2 years people would be forced to quarantine, wear masks, be prosecuted for leaving their home because they have a flu with FAR less than .5% death rate? yes, it is that "un deadly"

those of us like me are literally in shock at how gullible and submissive so many in society have become, its shocking and alarming how easily people let the government rape them of they freedom over nothing.
So if you were in a room with someone who has covid. And stuck there for 1 hour.

Do you think you would have a better chance not getting sick wearing a mask vs not wearing a mask?

Immune system response is the most important aspect for not getting illness.

In the latest episode of Eric Bolling’s show from the Sinclair Broadcast Group, “America This Week,” the conservative broadcaster perpetuated misinformation about the origin of the coronavirus pandemic and measures that help slow its spread.

In the episode, which was posted to several Sinclair station websites this week, Mr. Bolling made claims, which scientists have widely disputed, that the coronavirus was manipulated in a Chinese laboratory. He also questioned the effectiveness of face coverings and lockdowns, despite evidence that they are instrumental in limiting transmissions.

“It’s damn near certain this virus has to have been altered in a Chinese lab,” Mr. Bolling said in his monologue. “No way this is your routine ‘guy and girlfriend chow down on an uncooked bat turned into a virus.’”

Mr. Bolling, a former Fox News host, also said that “closing down cities and economies and wearing your tube socks around your face hasn’t slowed the virus down.”


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