Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2017

Pretty big words , nice book too ,how long did it take you to read it?
Anyhow still didn't answer anything I asked. I don't have time to read all your comments as the ones I have seen don't seem to have any real importance to anything gear related, just seems to be spouting off and bad mouthing labs with no proof of anything. Do us all a favour Maybe spend less time on meso and more time in the gym working on those tiny little arms in your profile pic.
Who did I bad mouth? Considering I just purchased from a Canadian lab here. It's funny all the tough guys who talk about size hide behind blank Avi's :D
Who did I bad mouth? Considering I just purchased from a Canadian lab here. It's funny all the tough guys who talk about size hide behind blank Avi's :D

Genetec dude in Pareto thread...
Odd thing is Genetec has no testing :p :p

Gotta bug you now at least....
I'm just curious how can you be skeptical of Pareto's testing when Genetec has none lol

These idiots are just trolls, why are you even bothering to argue with them? Did you send in those samples for testing or?

I just read through the Seattle guys posts he looks like he has some sort of incentive to talk down other brands like PGA and Pareto... Most of it doesn't even really make sense he's just yelling like a buffoon.

It's all the same 4-5 guys (maybe 1-2 guys with multiple handles lol) posting in the same thread and trolling other labs pages. Sales must be down
Bloods, you had said there was "no testing"... there will be that from now on at least hahahah

But again...
Bloods can't really be used to gauge potency. Not that I'm against them.
I was running like 450mg test a week and I scored 1600 level. To most that would imply underdosed test. (Not Pareto). However had my test checked and it was accurate.

And whether you like Jano or not... he still is analytic testing.
And bloods really only are measurable for test. Nothing really else.
And if you run deca, test level can't be trusted.

Sooo all in all we still go back to no Genetec testing exists. Just facts.
These idiots are just trolls, why are you even bothering to argue with them? Did you send in those samples for testing or?

I just read through the Seattle guys posts he looks like he has some sort of incentive to talk down other brands like PGA and Pareto... Most of it doesn't even really make sense he's just yelling like a buffoon.

It's all the same 4-5 guys (maybe 1-2 guys with multiple handles lol) posting in the same thread and trolling other labs pages. Sales must be down

The 2 ai samples were sent in by the pareto Rep. He had complaints over the AI from someone.
So he had it tested.
He uses Jano for his raw testing.

I have tested before yes though.
Because I will test his products and have contacted him before about randomly testing orals. (Was before analyzer got busted) he will usually send me his raw tests and any other done. As he knows I do care to see them.

Honestly I ran his arimidex before. I saw no difference than pharma at all.
Genetec dude in Pareto thread...
Odd thing is Genetec has no testing :p :p

Gotta bug you now at least....
I'm just curious how can you be skeptical of Pareto's testing when Genetec has none lol
Testing or not I took the gamble on Gen just like every other lab.I said before when it comes to the illegal drug game, yes I'm very skeptical. Its about profit so unless I am the one over seeing the testing. I have a hard time taking a strangers word on the net.Thats just me Steve, but I understand what you're say.
Testing or not I took the gamble on Gen just like every other lab.I said before when it comes to the illegal drug game, yes I'm very skeptical. Its about profit so unless I am the one over seeing the testing I have a hard time taking a strangers word on the net. Just me Steve but I understand what you're say.

More than fine!
In the new year maybe you might see some other labs testing :p
See what kinda year I have financially.

It might be about profit but I make none lol
More than fine!
In the new year maybe you might see some other labs testing :p
See what kinda year I have financially.

It might be about profit but I make none lol
Haha ! If this lab doesn't work for me, I will just move forward and run someone else in the end. But I never once said this lab's stuff was bad. Love how some here can't read and twist people's words. lol
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Haha ! If this lab doesn't work for me, I will just move forward and run someone else in the end. But I never once said this lab's stuff was bad. Love how some here can't read and twist people words. lol

I just had to jab at you for using a non tested lab :p :p

I had Genetec almost ready to test but Analyzer got busted.
I guess next you can try Pareto :p
And give us feedback to each.
But again...
Bloods can't really be used to gauge potency. Not that I'm against them.
I was running like 450mg test a week and I scored 1600 level. To most that would imply underdosed test. (Not Pareto). However had my test checked and it was accurate.

And whether you like Jano or not... he still is analytic testing.
And bloods really only are measurable for test. Nothing really else.
And if you run deca, test level can't be trusted.

Sooo all in all we still go back to no Genetec testing exists. Just facts.
Last post about another lab other than Pareto in this thread, as I don't want it to derail what this thread should be for.

Regarding Jano, I read about what happened. I don't like him nor dislike him. I'm not at the point where I feel the need to test what I have since I've had good results beforehand [with Genetec].

What I'm interested in, though, is bloods. I think only one person has posted their bloods (I believe it was Apxvillen? Or something like that) and it was from 2015 or 2016. I'd be the second one doing bloods, which is a step in the right direction.

Someone had sent some Masteron to Analyzer, but sadly, he got caught before we got the results back.

I'm running Test e and Eq, don't know if it'll alter the stats, but regardless, I need to 1) contribute to the community and 2) get rid of some blood because of the additional rbc.

Rome wasn't built in a day, slowly, but surely, more people will contribute. Not everyone has the [extra] cash to spend on something like this. At least, I didn't until now.
But again...
Bloods can't really be used to gauge potency. Not that I'm against them.
I was running like 450mg test a week and I scored 1600 level. To most that would imply underdosed test. (Not Pareto). However had my test checked and it was accurate.

And whether you like Jano or not... he still is analytic testing.
And bloods really only are measurable for test. Nothing really else.
And if you run deca, test level can't be trusted.

Sooo all in all we still go back to no Genetec testing exists. Just facts.

Incorrect. U can get blood to see if an a.i is working. Which i have done on paretos adex and it came out bunk or at the very least, unserdosed
Incorrect. U can get blood to see if an a.i is working. Which i have done on paretos adex and it came out bunk or at the very least, unserdosed

Did you contact your rep?
Did you send your bloods?
Maybe you are why he tested it! Hahaha
Lol it may be. Yes i contacted him, didint really offer much considering i grew gyno while using his a.i and at the time i didint even question the a.i because of all the positive reviews.
And theres a thread saying jano the scammer? Hes probably bought and paid for by sources so his results dont mean shit imo
Lol it may be. Yes i contacted him, didint really offer much considering i grew gyno while using his a.i and at the time i didint even question the a.i because of all the positive reviews.

And theres a thread saying jano the scammer? Hes probably bought and paid for by sources so his results dont mean shit imo

So i'm gonna put this've been here a month and that's your claim?

I know the lab a lot better than that and they wouldn't buy and pay for the result. It serves them no purpose. So i'm actually going the opposite plain and flat that you are full of shit. Sometimes the user is wrong and the lab isn't.
(I don't really want to fight over it, so i'm just going to call you on it...and won't be going back and forth with you)
I have Arimidex at home...I would put my money where my mouth is and mail Pareto Arim off to a place to prove you wrong as well.
But just my opinion.

Ever consider maybe you fucked up dosing or just didn't watch your levels or were uneducated about what you should be taking?

What were you all taking and dosing?
And how much Arim?

And bloods don't say Arimidex is bunk or underdosed. Or tell any of the story behind the product. There are many more factors behind that.
Bloods tell you your estrogen level. One person might be higher than the other and one person might need more than the other. Bloods help you establish how to manage your Estrogen. Not if the product is bunk or underdosed. (Within reason of course)
K first of all u say u dont want to fight over this but then say im full of shit which is pretty insulting. I wouldnt have even brought this up if it werent for the consistent pareto shill cockriders getting patted on the back for their positive reviews by guys like u. And then any sort of negative remark getting thouroughly investigated.

Now for my bloods. .25 adex eod on 525 test e weekly for months e2 came back at 57... now u might say what other compounds where u using? Sometimes aandrol but this is irrelevant heres why...

After the e2 of 57 i switched a.i to inno 1 mg eod and craahed my e2 bad in 3 or 4 weeks. Felt horrible so i went no a.i at alll for 6 weeks sometimes taking 1ml test e daily for a week then anadrol too in hopes of raisimg e2, gyno came back after like a week of this but it did not grow into a giant tit....... i eventually tapered bacl to 525 weekly test e 3 weels before bloods and my e2 came back at 58, 58 seems to be my baseline.

So the .25 adex wasnt doing fuack all

And i was a member on nm before it went down same handle
Who did I bad mouth? Considering I just purchased from a Canadian lab here. It's funny all the tough guys who talk about size hide behind blank Avi's :D
Is your face not scratched out on your avi? When you grow up you will realize staying anonymous is the better choice on these boards, I don’t need to take selfies or pictures of me flexing and throw them on the net to draw attention. When you get a little older you will understand, my size speaks for itself I don’t need the attention to be satisfied in life.
By the way what Canadian brand did you just buy?