Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

It's a good chance you have an old vial I may have sent you. Reach out and I can get you the 100. The Anadrol will definitely be causing you a loss in appetite but most likely not from accutane, especially at such a low dose.

It's a good chance you have an old vial I may have sent you. Reach out and I can get you the 100. The Anadrol will definitely be causing you a loss in appetite but most likely not from accutane, especially at such a

Placed an order for test enanthate, deca-durabolin, dianabol and nolvadex.

Shipping was from out of province, so it is expected to arrive Monday after being shipped yesterday as per Canada Post.

I'm excited to try the products out, and will definitely be making future purchases after reading through this thread!
Also love npp with deca durabolin .5 ml of each and a .5ML winny suspension for a walk on the wild side dropping chronic gear onto that ass Pareto style , all in one pokemon, Rad 140 is deadly with any pareto T , pareto sarms are the perfect bridge or add on , very powerful with regular anabolic, stenobolic love that shit , ostarine love it , rad 140 sarms equal persay to anavar, of course not as powerful as killa Anavar pareto is bombing always. I'm back on meso rx ,got my ass ripped inside out first go on meso they busted me in good, tren/ mast ,winny, test prop is my thing lately.
Also love npp with deca durabolin .5 ml of each and a .5ML winny suspension for a walk on the wild side dropping chronic gear onto that ass Pareto style , all in one pokemon, Rad 140 is deadly with any pareto T , pareto sarms are the perfect bridge or add on , very powerful with regular anabolic, stenobolic love that shit , ostarine love it , rad 140 sarms equal persay to anavar, of course not as powerful as killa Anavar pareto is bombing always. I'm back on meso rx ,got my ass ripped inside out first go on meso they busted me in good, tren/ mast ,winny, test prop is my thing lately.
Well look who just walked back in the door! Welcome back @Munky Seems since you have been gone you have some competition @CalgaryStrong. You two crazy guys crack me up with some of your posts. Your humour around these parts has been missed. Hope the lock down isn't getting you down.
If you or anyone else needs help with anything please email me
LOL I went off the sauce, worst idea ever. My joints are totally fucked, been having sweet dreams about injecting volumes of NPP lol

I'll hit you up again soon
LOL I went off the sauce, worst idea ever. My joints are totally fucked, been having sweet dreams about injecting volumes of NPP lol

I'll hit you up again soon
A cycle of mk677 I always have had therapeutic benefits as well , it takes awhile for deca alone to really feel the osteoporosis healing from deca , adequate magnesium and calcium, d3 , for the mineral deficiency from intense training and sweating we lose lots of vital minerals and nutrients, fish oils are important as well, and of coarse getting the proper grams of healthy proteins and fats and carbohydrates also is a huge factor, even the water we drink plays a role if contaminated, sleep is probably not mentioned but shitty sleeping means our body’s on peds or not will simply not heal at there highest level for maximum growth hormone and test levels to be utilized by our endocrine systems and so forth , healthy living and abstinence from drinking and drugs is a big problem if you are juicing it eventually gets you cornered down the road, nothing worse than a raging alcoholic and mad at the world dude on gear lol mk677 , deca durobolin , testosterone’ , is a good way, taking a week or two off and getting my personal life focused and sleeping with no stimulation like caffeine etc is a reset for me , I feel stronger coming back with new life. Love ya brother Calgary strong sounds like a new beer lol jk
Just wanted to give credit to Pareto for the nolvadex I got off of them.

Had a small gyno lump under my one nipple from using testosterone. Was using arimidex but the lump was already formed so it wasn't helping.

Started taking about 20mg a day of nolvadex since I received it. It seems to have reduced the size of the lump noticeably. I had tried nolvadex I had on hand from another source for a few weeks prior to using Pateros nolvadex, but it did not do anything for me, even at dosages I believe of 40mg per day.

I did lower my test dosage from 500mg per week to 375mg or a bit lower. To also assist with hopefully reducing my estrogen levels, while still continuing on taking arimidex, dosed at roughly 0.5 mg Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

Definitely good to know your guys nolvadex works ;)
I kid you not brother I thought the EXACT same thing before reading your comment
I grabbed some stanabolic , really incredible compound that supplies totally the cleanest energy unlike anything, it’s hard to describe it’s not a stimulating feeling just like a good endorphin buzz like a natural energy, this deserves top ranking I highly recommend this to anyone in competition like mma or boxing or running, biking, cross fit , if you like to get more cardio after lifting and want to cut calories without the jitters or etc I highly recommend Pareto stenabolic for greater endurance as well , a good 4 hrs it gives me , and no crashing , also great if you are tired and need more energy and don’t like caffeine etc and have to make a appearance sometimes but I use this 99% in the gym , I have lots of experience with stims been to hell and back with this area , now I’m just taking the minimum and learned more isn’t always the answer, like anything the minimum to get the best results, I fooled around with clen over the years and I’m very responsible and respect these compounds power and just like anything taking the minimum to access ones reaction, stenabolic also very safe for anything that is in this area , energy, energy, energy, on its own a great supplement, my rant about stenabolic , cardarine also awesome classic clean healthy energy, these new peds don’t take a back seat to anything out there and Pareto has really put out some quality product, I even would dare say stenabolic and cardarine are a classic stack to add on any anabolic or sarms cycle , once again Do your research and decide what is best for you. How does 5 Gary’s sound tonight, Calgary’s that is lol the beer with the Buffalo on the label or something a hoarse shoe I forgot it’s been 20 years since I had a cold one .
Hello Meso,

from the team here at Pareto we all want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a successful and prosperous new year! We would not be where we are without every one of you and we greatly appreciate all of your loyalty and support over the years. A great big thank you to all of our clients along with all of the members of this community!
Happy new Year

Any new items coming out since 2020?

I vote a lab brings Inj. L-Carnitine @500mg/ml. Seems like carnitine is getting super popular but there's very few good sources for it that aren't a rip off. It's pure profits for a lab to brew it on a large scale as well.
I vote a lab brings Inj. L-Carnitine @500mg/ml. Seems like carnitine is getting super popular but there's very few good sources for it that aren't a rip off. It's pure profits for a lab to brew it on a large scale as well.
I can't see a huge market for it since it's 100% legal. You can go to any supplement store and buy a pound of it for like $30.
I can't see a huge market for it since it's 100% legal. You can go to any supplement store and buy a pound of it for like $30.

Yeah myself and a bunch of ppl use plenty of Inno's maybe just have to brew it myself. The calculation on how cheap it is vs buying Innos was crazy.
I can't see a huge market for it since it's 100% legal. You can go to any supplement store and buy a pound of it for like $30.
Where are you getting the L carnitine base in Canada that’s used for injectable? As far as I know its schedule F and the only options are acetyl and tartrate.
Where are you getting the L carnitine base in Canada that’s used for injectable? As far as I know its schedule F and the only options are acetyl and tartrate.
Never even heard of Schedule F before?

Never even heard of Schedule F before?
That comes for the US ya? There may be issues with customs. I was going to order from Bulk Supplements but they will not ship carnitine to Canada which made me look into the legality of it.
Schedule F is the prescription drug list in Canada. Levocarnitine (L- carnitine) is on it
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Where are you getting the L carnitine base in Canada that’s used for injectable? As far as I know its schedule F and the only options are acetyl and tartrate.
I don't use the stuff, so I'm not sure about whether you can make an injectable from the legal product. I just saw it at Popeye's and wondered why so many people were looking for it.

That comes for the US ya? There may be issues with customs. I was going to order from Bulk Supplements but they will not ship carnitine to Canada which made me look into the legality of it.
Schedule F is the prescription drug list in Canada. Levocarnitine (L- carnitine) is on it

I'll let you know if there is issues, honestly there was a TUDCA company that didn't ship to Canada I just shipped it to a PO box and back up to CA. I mean Carnitine is in stores here, I would agree with you if I was ordering liquid/injectable Levocarnitine and even then I've ordered that overpriced Synthetek before and it came fine.
Happy new Year

Any new items coming out since 2020?

Finasteride is now available for purchase. RU58841 is back in stock.
I vote a lab brings Inj. L-Carnitine @500mg/ml. Seems like carnitine is getting super popular but there's very few good sources for it that aren't a rip off. It's pure profits for a lab to brew it on a large scale as well.
We are considering this product as it seems to get alof of requests lately and especially from our clients that regularly use HGH.