Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Where are you getting the L carnitine base in Canada that’s used for injectable? As far as I know its schedule F and the only options are acetyl and tartrate.
Lots of carnitine in bloody triple a grass fed organic steak
Stenobolic I describe as exercise in a bottle if you are eating clean you will burn off more calories easily, just walking a extra hour a day I'm seeing more fat loss and lean muscle tissue more visible, awesome product. If you are cut all ready I could see a guy easily getting into the single digits with stenobolic/ cardarine, I'm happy with visibility of my abs , veins popping out as usual during workout, I ran pareto winny awhile back and that really put a nice cut dry look while getting nice energy in the gym I like winny suspension as well , very grateful Pareto.
Stenobolic I describe as exercise in a bottle if you are eating clean you will burn off more calories easily, just walking a extra hour a day I'm seeing more fat loss and lean muscle tissue more visible, awesome product. If you are cut all ready I could see a guy easily getting into the single digits with stenobolic/ cardarine, I'm happy with visibility of my abs , veins popping out as usual during workout, I ran pareto winny awhile back and that really put a nice cut dry look while getting nice energy in the gym I like winny suspension as well , very grateful Pareto.
What about AICAR for burning calories. I have no experience with SARMS at all.
What about AICAR for burning calories. I have no experience with SARMS at all.
Stenabolic is technically not a sarm but a research supplement, same with cardarine, in layman's terms stenabolic and cardarine burn more calories plus give you the clarity and energy in ocean loads , stenabolic actually reduces anxiety as well , I will tell you that these products work right away and it would take you a year to do what these products could do in 4 to 8 weeks, if you train hard and eat clean you will see how fast these research compounds can assist you in your personal life and goals, look on YouTube under gregg doucette or Ryan akram I think I spelled it correctly, they give a good idea of what these compounds can do , l - car doesn't come close these compounds are in the elite for good clean energy and actually really burning fat .
But carnitine can still be run along with these compounds no guarantee that carnitine can burn fat the researchers are not all in agreement with carnitine some say its a waste of money, but everything is cool do what you want.
P.S stenabolic and cardarine are orals no pct required, safe as well, in my opinion, if you take recommended doses not the whole pouch lol you will be perfectly on point , like really bro this is really good product Pareto always have delivered the best. They don't put out garbage and that's the bottom line .
P.S stenabolic and cardarine are orals no pct required, safe as well, in my opinion, if you take recommended doses not the whole pouch lol you will be perfectly on point , like really bro this is really good product Pareto always have delivered the best. They don't put out garbage and that's the bottom line .

Yeah I wouldn't label Cardarine as "Safe" do some research on why a giant company like GSK did not continue with a medication that was touted as amazing. It gave rats (granted rats bred to be more susceptible to cancer) cancer everywhere. People downplayed this with the whole "Well a rats dose is equivalent to X in humans) but this was grossly miscalculated and it ended up being very similar to the dosages humans are taking.

I would love to use Cardarine but wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole after reading studies on it. If it was absolutely safe this drug would be pumped out like Viagra for all the benefits it provides.
Yeah I wouldn't label Cardarine as "Safe" do some research on why a giant company like GSK did not continue with a medication that was touted as amazing. It gave rats (granted rats bred to be more susceptible to cancer) cancer everywhere. People downplayed this with the whole "Well a rats dose is equivalent to X in humans) but this was grossly miscalculated and it ended up being very similar to the dosages humans are taking.

I would love to use Cardarine but wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole after reading studies on it. If it was absolutely safe this drug would be pumped out like Viagra fo
Yeah I wouldn't label Cardarine as "Safe" do some research on why a giant company like GSK did not continue with a medication that was touted as amazing. It gave rats (granted rats bred to be more susceptible to cancer) cancer everywhere. People downplayed this with the whole "Well a rats dose is equivalent to X in humans) but this was grossly miscalculated and it ended up being very similar to the dosages humans are taking.

I would love to use Cardarine but wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole after reading studies on it. If it was absolutely safe this drug would be pumped out like Viagra for all the benefits it provides.

r all the benefits it provides.

Yeah I wouldn't label Cardarine as "Safe" do some research on why a giant company like GSK did not continue with a medication that was touted as amazing. It gave rats (granted rats bred to be more susceptible to cancer) cancer everywhere. People downplayed this with the whole "Well a rats dose is equivalent to X in humans) but this was grossly miscalculated and it ended up being very similar to the dosages humans are taking.

I would love to use Cardarine but wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole after reading studies on it. If it was absolutely safe this drug would be pumped out like Viagra for all the benefits it provides.
You would have to take massive amounts of cardarine to get cancer , smoking gives you cancer , anabolic steroids are linked to cause cancer , your thinking can cause cancer, our processed foods are causing cancer, the chance of catching cancer would be so minisicule from cardarine like everything effects everyone different and etc , there were a few studies that said it could cause cancer again these are rats not humans , there isn't a soul on earth are data anywhere saying to back up your claims that a person using cardarine got cancer
Anyway I'm unbiased and not here to argue that's why we are here to help each other, if you feel unsafe don't use cardarine, ephedrine and preworkout powders have killed more than cardarine I can't find one single report of some one dying from cardarine use, anabolic roids and peds always get a bad reputation the public eye will jump on one case of someone abusing the shit and label it cancer causing, heart disease bla bla but the don't look into the amount of blow or drugs the guy was on while using gear , ok I'm stopped, my opinion not a order or anything
Anyway I'm unbiased and not here to argue that's why we are here to help each other, if you feel unsafe don't use cardarine, ephedrine and preworkout powders have killed more than cardarine I can't find one single report of some one dying from cardarine use, anabolic roids and peds always get a bad reputation the public eye will jump on one case of someone abusing the shit and label it cancer causing, heart disease bla bla but the don't look into the amount of blow or drugs the guy was on while using gear , ok I'm stopped, my opinion not a order or anything
Anyway the study that caused cancer in rats was the rats life expectancy normally was 3 yrs , and the rats were given cardarine for 2 yrs daily and then cancer cells found after long periods around 2 years of cardarine use , the human clinical trials no cancer cells were produced but the studies were stopped because of the rapid growth in rats after daily use of 2 years , will running cardarine cycle cause cancer in most cases highly unlikely to nil , not much data anyway showing cardarine cause of death in humans, like everything else you put in your body it's a personal choice , growth hormone daily for years was found unhealthy but again only in certain people, okie my friend thankyou for your reply , ok I apologize for not putting up the rat study and the side effects it caused , but again nothing to report in human clinical trials, a few were done but discontinued, I have run it several times over the last 5 yrs and am cancer free but that's my body and I'm not a doctor like I said these are technically for personal research.
Anyway the study that caused cancer in rats was the rats life expectancy normally was 3 yrs , and the rats were given cardarine for 2 yrs daily and then cancer cells found after long periods around 2 years of cardarine use , the human clinical trials no cancer cells were produced but the studies were stopped because of the rapid growth in rats after daily use of 2 years , will running cardarine cycle cause cancer in most cases highly unlikely to nil , not much data anyway showing cardarine cause of death in humans, like everything else you put in your body it's a personal choice , growth hormone daily for years was found unhealthy but again only in certain people, okie my friend thankyou for your reply , ok I apologize for not putting up the rat study and the side effects it caused , but again nothing to report in human clinical trials, a few were done but discontinued, I have run it several times over the last 5 yrs and am cancer free but that's my body and I'm not a doctor like I said these are technically for personal research.

Yes I accounted for the specific type of rats bred to be more suspectible to cancer but it was the whole "the dosages exponentially higher in rats" when it really wasn't when accounting for the human-rat coefficient. I do agree it was a life span on a rat bred for cancer which is a *better* sign but yeah the fact that it hasn't been looked into further shows the risk profile wasn't worth it. afaik it was great for lipids, great for liver, and so much other stuff in humans. I've even read if it helping with lipids while on orals.

Curious what you run for a cycle/dosage? Would you feel comfortable taking it long term ?
I got my hands on a couple of bottles of ment just waiting for gyms to open up does anyone have any feedback on how they liked or disliked pareto ment
Yes I accounted for the specific type of rats bred to be more suspectible to cancer but it was the whole "the dosages exponentially higher in rats" when it really wasn't when accounting for the human-rat coefficient. I do agree it was a life span on a rat bred for cancer which is a *better* sign but yeah the fact that it hasn't been looked into further shows the risk profile wasn't worth it. afaik it was great for lipids, great for liver, and so much other stuff in humans. I've even read if it helping with lipids while on orals.

Curious what you run for a cycle/dosage? Would you feel comfortable taking it long term ?
Well I don't think its designed to be used every day for years , like tren , clenbuterol, t3 , superdrol , halotestin, anadrol etc you run it for short periods, so many factors that can cause cancer and I believe diet and stress levels are also huge in the developing of cancer , stenabolic I guess would be more up your alley, I use the friendly aas like deca and test as my base year round trip, then I blast and Cruz, one thing 4 sure pareto puts out clean tested products, so the average guy is getting the real ingredients not some bathtub shlop made in the backyard snake oil pits , testosterone is my choice of all anabolic steroids.