Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Watcha doing on the Premature Ejaculation subreddit Calgary :p

Used some Pareto Test Susp for the first time in awhile before working out shit is rocket fuel and maybe its just the 1000s of slin pins to the delts but no PIP at all for me just a bit of a sting going in.

It’s a long story

but the juice is worth the squeeze amirite

Ok ready kids? I have been using Pareto now and providing this to my friends for around 3-4 years now? I can honestly say FINALLY for the first time in my life I have tried almost everything and I 100% trust this lab.


You WILL NOT beat this customer service. Idc which lab you’re with. Not happening. Idc if you’re your grandmothers only grandchild on thanksgiving. Pareto will treat you better. Instant replies. Instant shipping. They often provide small “gifts” to loyal customers which just puts you in a really good mood. They operate like amazon imo.


To be honest I felt like this blend was a scam. The cost for 100mg tren and 100mg Mast per CC is literally on par with the cost of a single bottle of each. THIS SHIT IS STRONG. Strong. Strong. I have used this 3 times now. Literally .25 Cc EOD with 300 Test, 40mg Tbol was amazing. Truly gave me that dry lean vascular full look. At 11% body fat I looked like I was 8%. .75 is the highest I can go, pretty much instantly screws up my sleep and reduces my erection strength by 25%.... overall 10/10.


I’m sorry. But no, this is too much compound per CC. This stuff literally BURNS being injected. .5 cc twice a week gave me HUGE painful swelling. Unbearable Pip. However, my fat friend ran this for 8 weeks no problems? So I might be allergic. But just on my experience this is a no go. Overall 0/10


Hm. Very interesting. On 5mg cialis, .25aromasin, .5 Caber, 25mg nolvadex I experience almost no side effects on FOUR HUNDRED mg a week. Even alongside 1000mg test? I’ve been on this now about 7 weeks. This feels like 100mg of the tren mast blend tbh... my sleeping ability has gone down maybe 25%? No real mood swings. No crazy anger. I feel like the stable blood levels compared to tren A makes this compound COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. However, I have completely lost the ability to experience any emotions. Which has its benefits for attacking goals in life. Slow steady gains. Vascularity CANNOT be compared to Tren Mast blend. Overall 7/10.


100% good to go. It does what it does. Overall 10/10.

Test C

On 1000mg my total free test was 5331. Reference natural range is 160 - 699. Always a tad bit of swelling for a day or two. It’s not as smooth as my 100mc TRT pharm grade. Over all 8/10 does what it’s supposed to.


Hm. Now admittedly I have ran this when I’m at my fattest 14-16% AND I have never used another labs anavar before. A TRUE 14-16 percent not this 25% you fat forum dwellers live at. I’ve used 3 packs now. I’m sorry I don’t recommend this. I do not see ANY hype at all around this drug and I don’t understand it. I’m not saying it’s fake, but there’s no way this can be fully dosed in comparison to what the world says about anavar. 100mg all in one shot per workout feels like 40mg of Pareto Tbol or 20mg of their dbol. I’m not sure about this one, I could just be sooo mild in comparison to other AAS I’m just being a bitch about this review. Overall 4/10 not worth the money very weak.


YES, YES, YES. Fucking yes. If I could run this year round I would. Don’t ever talk a out Ed problems on cycle of you haven’t tried 25mg proviron and 5mg cialis everyday. I am an unreal SEX GOD. This on combination with test. Is ridiculous. My dick is hard like I’m 16 again. 24/7. I often have sex 3-5 times a day if I take this before I whore around with a tinder thot. If you want to make a good first impression on a woman. TAKE THIS. It also gives me a crazy sense of well being? I have never used any type of drug outside of AAS and never drank alcohol in my life. But this feels like pill forum ALPHA MANLY COURAGE. It is however very expensive for what it does. Zero muscle growth. Zero fullness. It does take out some sub Q water and if you run it daily and you’re under 12% it will dry out your joints. If this was sold at 50 dollars a pack ide prob run it year round. Overall 10/10!!!!!!!


This compound is the answer to my needs bodybuilding wise. Whatever people say about anavar this feels like that. I ALWAYS take 20mg pre workout year round. 40mg on chest or arm days. Unreal. Zero water. Amazing strength. Feels like the fibres of my muscles are just tighter and feel indestructible. Great pumps maybe 60% of a dbol pump. I cannot run this daily. It does give heart burn. Acid reflux on an empty stomach if you run it more than 5-7 days straight. Great vascularity maybe 50% of tren. But this only lasts in the gym imo. Great cosmetic effect as well. GREAT price to dose ratio for what it does. I’ll run this forever. Overall 10/10


I mean it works. It’s cheap as fuck. One pack might last you 6months. .25 of a tablet a day is all I need on tren or deca. It does NOT gold a candle to Caber. This makes you feel tired. Brain fog. Slightly nauseous. Overall you just feel shitty for 2-3 hours after taking it. DO NOT TAKE ON EMPTY STOMACH. DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN .25 in one dose. Overall 6/10 if you want to pay like a dollar a week compared to 5-10 dollars for Caber... go for it.


Ok. I honestly don’t even want to tell people about this. This combined with Tbol is transforming my physique. This is THE GAME CHANGER. This took my physique to a NEW LEVEL I’ve never been. 300mg, 150mg deca, 750 test for 12 weeks. Man... everyone at work just started treating me like I was some huge monster. The pumps... in my forearms on arm day... I literally had to book weekly massages. I thought I had tendonitis my forearm would legit be pumped for DAYS after tricep extensions? STRONG STUFF. Zero water. Instant lean gains... instant strength... I don’t understand it. I’m still confused because everyone online talks about PIP. ZERO PIP even less than their test. I almost feel like it’s fake from what people say online in comparison. HOWEVER. This shit makes you feel INSTANTLY lethargic. Almost like anadrol? But it’s not real... you’re not actually tired. But you feel sooooo sluggish and run down. I slept 15 hours a day for 7 days took time off work... I thought it was my blood pressure but kept the dhb at only 200mg recently. Nope. Bloodwork came back fine. You will be tired 24/7 on the compound... it’s such a shame. But a necessary evil... I am going to run 400 dhb, 750 test, 300 deca in about 7-8 weeks. If this works like it did last time. I will FINALLY achieve that look everyone wants. “Gerardo Gabriel” I’ll be about that size. Overall 10/10 but man the lethargy... ughhh. Be careful if you have a career that needs 100% focus.


Yup, good to go. Does exactly what it’s supposed to. But compared to Kalpa pharmaceutical. I have to give this a 8/10 overall. Not really a fan of the compound so I am bias.


Good to go I don’t ever need more than .25 EOD on a heavy cycle


Good to go


Good to go


Meh... I’ve had much stronger which is a plus and minus because I’ve crashed my estrogen at light speed. So if it is under dosed it’s probably a good thing. Overall 8/10

Ok ready kids? I have been using Pareto now and providing this to my friends for around 3-4 years now? I can honestly say FINALLY for the first time in my life I have tried almost everything and I 100% trust this lab.


You WILL NOT beat this customer service. Idc which lab you’re with. Not happening. Idc if you’re your grandmothers only grandchild on thanksgiving. Pareto will treat you better. Instant replies. Instant shipping. They often provide small “gifts” to loyal customers which just puts you in a really good mood. They operate like amazon imo.


To be honest I felt like this blend was a scam. The cost for 100mg tren and 100mg Mast per CC is literally on par with the cost of a single bottle of each. THIS SHIT IS STRONG. Strong. Strong. I have used this 3 times now. Literally .25 Cc EOD with 300 Test, 40mg Tbol was amazing. Truly gave me that dry lean vascular full look. At 11% body fat I looked like I was 8%. .75 is the highest I can go, pretty much instantly screws up my sleep and reduces my erection strength by 25%.... overall 10/10.


I’m sorry. But no, this is too much compound per CC. This stuff literally BURNS being injected. .5 cc twice a week gave me HUGE painful swelling. Unbearable Pip. However, my fat friend ran this for 8 weeks no problems? So I might be allergic. But just on my experience this is a no go. Overall 0/10


Hm. Very interesting. On 5mg cialis, .25aromasin, .5 Caber, 25mg nolvadex I experience almost no side effects on FOUR HUNDRED mg a week. Even alongside 1000mg test? I’ve been on this now about 7 weeks. This feels like 100mg of the tren mast blend tbh... my sleeping ability has gone down maybe 25%? No real mood swings. No crazy anger. I feel like the stable blood levels compared to tren A makes this compound COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. However, I have completely lost the ability to experience any emotions. Which has its benefits for attacking goals in life. Slow steady gains. Vascularity CANNOT be compared to Tren Mast blend. Overall 7/10.


100% good to go. It does what it does. Overall 10/10.

Test C

On 1000mg my total free test was 5331. Reference natural range is 160 - 699. Always a tad bit of swelling for a day or two. It’s not as smooth as my 100mc TRT pharm grade. Over all 8/10 does what it’s supposed to.


Hm. Now admittedly I have ran this when I’m at my fattest 14-16% AND I have never used another labs anavar before. A TRUE 14-16 percent not this 25% you fat forum dwellers live at. I’ve used 3 packs now. I’m sorry I don’t recommend this. I do not see ANY hype at all around this drug and I don’t understand it. I’m not saying it’s fake, but there’s no way this can be fully dosed in comparison to what the world says about anavar. 100mg all in one shot per workout feels like 40mg of Pareto Tbol or 20mg of their dbol. I’m not sure about this one, I could just be sooo mild in comparison to other AAS I’m just being a bitch about this review. Overall 4/10 not worth the money very weak.


YES, YES, YES. Fucking yes. If I could run this year round I would. Don’t ever talk a out Ed problems on cycle of you haven’t tried 25mg proviron and 5mg cialis everyday. I am an unreal SEX GOD. This on combination with test. Is ridiculous. My dick is hard like I’m 16 again. 24/7. I often have sex 3-5 times a day if I take this before I whore around with a tinder thot. If you want to make a good first impression on a woman. TAKE THIS. It also gives me a crazy sense of well being? I have never used any type of drug outside of AAS and never drank alcohol in my life. But this feels like pill forum ALPHA MANLY COURAGE. It is however very expensive for what it does. Zero muscle growth. Zero fullness. It does take out some sub Q water and if you run it daily and you’re under 12% it will dry out your joints. If this was sold at 50 dollars a pack ide prob run it year round. Overall 10/10!!!!!!!


This compound is the answer to my needs bodybuilding wise. Whatever people say about anavar this feels like that. I ALWAYS take 20mg pre workout year round. 40mg on chest or arm days. Unreal. Zero water. Amazing strength. Feels like the fibres of my muscles are just tighter and feel indestructible. Great pumps maybe 60% of a dbol pump. I cannot run this daily. It does give heart burn. Acid reflux on an empty stomach if you run it more than 5-7 days straight. Great vascularity maybe 50% of tren. But this only lasts in the gym imo. Great cosmetic effect as well. GREAT price to dose ratio for what it does. I’ll run this forever. Overall 10/10


I mean it works. It’s cheap as fuck. One pack might last you 6months. .25 of a tablet a day is all I need on tren or deca. It does NOT gold a candle to Caber. This makes you feel tired. Brain fog. Slightly nauseous. Overall you just feel shitty for 2-3 hours after taking it. DO NOT TAKE ON EMPTY STOMACH. DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN .25 in one dose. Overall 6/10 if you want to pay like a dollar a week compared to 5-10 dollars for Caber... go for it.


Ok. I honestly don’t even want to tell people about this. This combined with Tbol is transforming my physique. This is THE GAME CHANGER. This took my physique to a NEW LEVEL I’ve never been. 300mg, 150mg deca, 750 test for 12 weeks. Man... everyone at work just started treating me like I was some huge monster. The pumps... in my forearms on arm day... I literally had to book weekly massages. I thought I had tendonitis my forearm would legit be pumped for DAYS after tricep extensions? STRONG STUFF. Zero water. Instant lean gains... instant strength... I don’t understand it. I’m still confused because everyone online talks about PIP. ZERO PIP even less than their test. I almost feel like it’s fake from what people say online in comparison. HOWEVER. This shit makes you feel INSTANTLY lethargic. Almost like anadrol? But it’s not real... you’re not actually tired. But you feel sooooo sluggish and run down. I slept 15 hours a day for 7 days took time off work... I thought it was my blood pressure but kept the dhb at only 200mg recently. Nope. Bloodwork came back fine. You will be tired 24/7 on the compound... it’s such a shame. But a necessary evil... I am going to run 400 dhb, 750 test, 300 deca in about 7-8 weeks. If this works like it did last time. I will FINALLY achieve that look everyone wants. “Gerardo Gabriel” I’ll be about that size. Overall 10/10 but man the lethargy... ughhh. Be careful if you have a career that needs 100% focus.


Yup, good to go. Does exactly what it’s supposed to. But compared to Kalpa pharmaceutical. I have to give this a 8/10 overall. Not really a fan of the compound so I am bias.


Good to go I don’t ever need more than .25 EOD on a heavy cycle


Good to go


Good to go


Meh... I’ve had much stronger which is a plus and minus because I’ve crashed my estrogen at light speed. So if it is under dosed it’s probably a good thing. Overall 8/10
Interesting thoughts for sure based on your experience with these different compounds.

Ok ready kids? I have been using Pareto now and providing this to my friends for around 3-4 years now? I can honestly say FINALLY for the first time in my life I have tried almost everything and I 100% trust this lab.


You WILL NOT beat this customer service. Idc which lab you’re with. Not happening. Idc if you’re your grandmothers only grandchild on thanksgiving. Pareto will treat you better. Instant replies. Instant shipping. They often provide small “gifts” to loyal customers which just puts you in a really good mood. They operate like amazon imo.


To be honest I felt like this blend was a scam. The cost for 100mg tren and 100mg Mast per CC is literally on par with the cost of a single bottle of each. THIS SHIT IS STRONG. Strong. Strong. I have used this 3 times now. Literally .25 Cc EOD with 300 Test, 40mg Tbol was amazing. Truly gave me that dry lean vascular full look. At 11% body fat I looked like I was 8%. .75 is the highest I can go, pretty much instantly screws up my sleep and reduces my erection strength by 25%.... overall 10/10.


I’m sorry. But no, this is too much compound per CC. This stuff literally BURNS being injected. .5 cc twice a week gave me HUGE painful swelling. Unbearable Pip. However, my fat friend ran this for 8 weeks no problems? So I might be allergic. But just on my experience this is a no go. Overall 0/10


Hm. Very interesting. On 5mg cialis, .25aromasin, .5 Caber, 25mg nolvadex I experience almost no side effects on FOUR HUNDRED mg a week. Even alongside 1000mg test? I’ve been on this now about 7 weeks. This feels like 100mg of the tren mast blend tbh... my sleeping ability has gone down maybe 25%? No real mood swings. No crazy anger. I feel like the stable blood levels compared to tren A makes this compound COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. However, I have completely lost the ability to experience any emotions. Which has its benefits for attacking goals in life. Slow steady gains. Vascularity CANNOT be compared to Tren Mast blend. Overall 7/10.


100% good to go. It does what it does. Overall 10/10.

Test C

On 1000mg my total free test was 5331. Reference natural range is 160 - 699. Always a tad bit of swelling for a day or two. It’s not as smooth as my 100mc TRT pharm grade. Over all 8/10 does what it’s supposed to.


Hm. Now admittedly I have ran this when I’m at my fattest 14-16% AND I have never used another labs anavar before. A TRUE 14-16 percent not this 25% you fat forum dwellers live at. I’ve used 3 packs now. I’m sorry I don’t recommend this. I do not see ANY hype at all around this drug and I don’t understand it. I’m not saying it’s fake, but there’s no way this can be fully dosed in comparison to what the world says about anavar. 100mg all in one shot per workout feels like 40mg of Pareto Tbol or 20mg of their dbol. I’m not sure about this one, I could just be sooo mild in comparison to other AAS I’m just being a bitch about this review. Overall 4/10 not worth the money very weak.


YES, YES, YES. Fucking yes. If I could run this year round I would. Don’t ever talk a out Ed problems on cycle of you haven’t tried 25mg proviron and 5mg cialis everyday. I am an unreal SEX GOD. This on combination with test. Is ridiculous. My dick is hard like I’m 16 again. 24/7. I often have sex 3-5 times a day if I take this before I whore around with a tinder thot. If you want to make a good first impression on a woman. TAKE THIS. It also gives me a crazy sense of well being? I have never used any type of drug outside of AAS and never drank alcohol in my life. But this feels like pill forum ALPHA MANLY COURAGE. It is however very expensive for what it does. Zero muscle growth. Zero fullness. It does take out some sub Q water and if you run it daily and you’re under 12% it will dry out your joints. If this was sold at 50 dollars a pack ide prob run it year round. Overall 10/10!!!!!!!


This compound is the answer to my needs bodybuilding wise. Whatever people say about anavar this feels like that. I ALWAYS take 20mg pre workout year round. 40mg on chest or arm days. Unreal. Zero water. Amazing strength. Feels like the fibres of my muscles are just tighter and feel indestructible. Great pumps maybe 60% of a dbol pump. I cannot run this daily. It does give heart burn. Acid reflux on an empty stomach if you run it more than 5-7 days straight. Great vascularity maybe 50% of tren. But this only lasts in the gym imo. Great cosmetic effect as well. GREAT price to dose ratio for what it does. I’ll run this forever. Overall 10/10


I mean it works. It’s cheap as fuck. One pack might last you 6months. .25 of a tablet a day is all I need on tren or deca. It does NOT gold a candle to Caber. This makes you feel tired. Brain fog. Slightly nauseous. Overall you just feel shitty for 2-3 hours after taking it. DO NOT TAKE ON EMPTY STOMACH. DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN .25 in one dose. Overall 6/10 if you want to pay like a dollar a week compared to 5-10 dollars for Caber... go for it.


Ok. I honestly don’t even want to tell people about this. This combined with Tbol is transforming my physique. This is THE GAME CHANGER. This took my physique to a NEW LEVEL I’ve never been. 300mg, 150mg deca, 750 test for 12 weeks. Man... everyone at work just started treating me like I was some huge monster. The pumps... in my forearms on arm day... I literally had to book weekly massages. I thought I had tendonitis my forearm would legit be pumped for DAYS after tricep extensions? STRONG STUFF. Zero water. Instant lean gains... instant strength... I don’t understand it. I’m still confused because everyone online talks about PIP. ZERO PIP even less than their test. I almost feel like it’s fake from what people say online in comparison. HOWEVER. This shit makes you feel INSTANTLY lethargic. Almost like anadrol? But it’s not real... you’re not actually tired. But you feel sooooo sluggish and run down. I slept 15 hours a day for 7 days took time off work... I thought it was my blood pressure but kept the dhb at only 200mg recently. Nope. Bloodwork came back fine. You will be tired 24/7 on the compound... it’s such a shame. But a necessary evil... I am going to run 400 dhb, 750 test, 300 deca in about 7-8 weeks. If this works like it did last time. I will FINALLY achieve that look everyone wants. “Gerardo Gabriel” I’ll be about that size. Overall 10/10 but man the lethargy... ughhh. Be careful if you have a career that needs 100% focus.


Yup, good to go. Does exactly what it’s supposed to. But compared to Kalpa pharmaceutical. I have to give this a 8/10 overall. Not really a fan of the compound so I am bias.


Good to go I don’t ever need more than .25 EOD on a heavy cycle


Good to go


Good to go


Meh... I’ve had much stronger which is a plus and minus because I’ve crashed my estrogen at light speed. So if it is under dosed it’s probably a good thing. Overall 8/10
What did you mean by the mix being a scam?
I just ordered some. A vial of mast p and tren ace is 75$ each so this mix is a deal
I thought it was a scam because how cheap it is. It’s an entire bottle of mast and tren in 1 for the same price. Absolutely not a scam the most potent shit I’ve ever taken.
It’s the Tren A in the product. Combined with Masteron P you have a winner. The mast has nice synergy with the Tren.

Ok ready kids? I have been using Pareto now and providing this to my friends for around 3-4 years now? I can honestly say FINALLY for the first time in my life I have tried almost everything and I 100% trust this lab.


You WILL NOT beat this customer service. Idc which lab you’re with. Not happening. Idc if you’re your grandmothers only grandchild on thanksgiving. Pareto will treat you better. Instant replies. Instant shipping. They often provide small “gifts” to loyal customers which just puts you in a really good mood. They operate like amazon imo.


To be honest I felt like this blend was a scam. The cost for 100mg tren and 100mg Mast per CC is literally on par with the cost of a single bottle of each. THIS SHIT IS STRONG. Strong. Strong. I have used this 3 times now. Literally .25 Cc EOD with 300 Test, 40mg Tbol was amazing. Truly gave me that dry lean vascular full look. At 11% body fat I looked like I was 8%. .75 is the highest I can go, pretty much instantly screws up my sleep and reduces my erection strength by 25%.... overall 10/10.


I’m sorry. But no, this is too much compound per CC. This stuff literally BURNS being injected. .5 cc twice a week gave me HUGE painful swelling. Unbearable Pip. However, my fat friend ran this for 8 weeks no problems? So I might be allergic. But just on my experience this is a no go. Overall 0/10


Hm. Very interesting. On 5mg cialis, .25aromasin, .5 Caber, 25mg nolvadex I experience almost no side effects on FOUR HUNDRED mg a week. Even alongside 1000mg test? I’ve been on this now about 7 weeks. This feels like 100mg of the tren mast blend tbh... my sleeping ability has gone down maybe 25%? No real mood swings. No crazy anger. I feel like the stable blood levels compared to tren A makes this compound COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. However, I have completely lost the ability to experience any emotions. Which has its benefits for attacking goals in life. Slow steady gains. Vascularity CANNOT be compared to Tren Mast blend. Overall 7/10.


100% good to go. It does what it does. Overall 10/10.

Test C

On 1000mg my total free test was 5331. Reference natural range is 160 - 699. Always a tad bit of swelling for a day or two. It’s not as smooth as my 100mc TRT pharm grade. Over all 8/10 does what it’s supposed to.


Hm. Now admittedly I have ran this when I’m at my fattest 14-16% AND I have never used another labs anavar before. A TRUE 14-16 percent not this 25% you fat forum dwellers live at. I’ve used 3 packs now. I’m sorry I don’t recommend this. I do not see ANY hype at all around this drug and I don’t understand it. I’m not saying it’s fake, but there’s no way this can be fully dosed in comparison to what the world says about anavar. 100mg all in one shot per workout feels like 40mg of Pareto Tbol or 20mg of their dbol. I’m not sure about this one, I could just be sooo mild in comparison to other AAS I’m just being a bitch about this review. Overall 4/10 not worth the money very weak.


YES, YES, YES. Fucking yes. If I could run this year round I would. Don’t ever talk a out Ed problems on cycle of you haven’t tried 25mg proviron and 5mg cialis everyday. I am an unreal SEX GOD. This on combination with test. Is ridiculous. My dick is hard like I’m 16 again. 24/7. I often have sex 3-5 times a day if I take this before I whore around with a tinder thot. If you want to make a good first impression on a woman. TAKE THIS. It also gives me a crazy sense of well being? I have never used any type of drug outside of AAS and never drank alcohol in my life. But this feels like pill forum ALPHA MANLY COURAGE. It is however very expensive for what it does. Zero muscle growth. Zero fullness. It does take out some sub Q water and if you run it daily and you’re under 12% it will dry out your joints. If this was sold at 50 dollars a pack ide prob run it year round. Overall 10/10!!!!!!!


This compound is the answer to my needs bodybuilding wise. Whatever people say about anavar this feels like that. I ALWAYS take 20mg pre workout year round. 40mg on chest or arm days. Unreal. Zero water. Amazing strength. Feels like the fibres of my muscles are just tighter and feel indestructible. Great pumps maybe 60% of a dbol pump. I cannot run this daily. It does give heart burn. Acid reflux on an empty stomach if you run it more than 5-7 days straight. Great vascularity maybe 50% of tren. But this only lasts in the gym imo. Great cosmetic effect as well. GREAT price to dose ratio for what it does. I’ll run this forever. Overall 10/10


I mean it works. It’s cheap as fuck. One pack might last you 6months. .25 of a tablet a day is all I need on tren or deca. It does NOT gold a candle to Caber. This makes you feel tired. Brain fog. Slightly nauseous. Overall you just feel shitty for 2-3 hours after taking it. DO NOT TAKE ON EMPTY STOMACH. DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN .25 in one dose. Overall 6/10 if you want to pay like a dollar a week compared to 5-10 dollars for Caber... go for it.


Ok. I honestly don’t even want to tell people about this. This combined with Tbol is transforming my physique. This is THE GAME CHANGER. This took my physique to a NEW LEVEL I’ve never been. 300mg, 150mg deca, 750 test for 12 weeks. Man... everyone at work just started treating me like I was some huge monster. The pumps... in my forearms on arm day... I literally had to book weekly massages. I thought I had tendonitis my forearm would legit be pumped for DAYS after tricep extensions? STRONG STUFF. Zero water. Instant lean gains... instant strength... I don’t understand it. I’m still confused because everyone online talks about PIP. ZERO PIP even less than their test. I almost feel like it’s fake from what people say online in comparison. HOWEVER. This shit makes you feel INSTANTLY lethargic. Almost like anadrol? But it’s not real... you’re not actually tired. But you feel sooooo sluggish and run down. I slept 15 hours a day for 7 days took time off work... I thought it was my blood pressure but kept the dhb at only 200mg recently. Nope. Bloodwork came back fine. You will be tired 24/7 on the compound... it’s such a shame. But a necessary evil... I am going to run 400 dhb, 750 test, 300 deca in about 7-8 weeks. If this works like it did last time. I will FINALLY achieve that look everyone wants. “Gerardo Gabriel” I’ll be about that size. Overall 10/10 but man the lethargy... ughhh. Be careful if you have a career that needs 100% focus.


Yup, good to go. Does exactly what it’s supposed to. But compared to Kalpa pharmaceutical. I have to give this a 8/10 overall. Not really a fan of the compound so I am bias.


Good to go I don’t ever need more than .25 EOD on a heavy cycle


Good to go


Good to go


Meh... I’ve had much stronger which is a plus and minus because I’ve crashed my estrogen at light speed. So if it is under dosed it’s probably a good thing. Overall 8/10
Thank you for this thorough review of our products. It is always a pleasure doing business with you @CanadianPride

Ok ready kids? I have been using Pareto now and providing this to my friends for around 3-4 years now? I can honestly say FINALLY for the first time in my life I have tried almost everything and I 100% trust this lab.


You WILL NOT beat this customer service. Idc which lab you’re with. Not happening. Idc if you’re your grandmothers only grandchild on thanksgiving. Pareto will treat you better. Instant replies. Instant shipping. They often provide small “gifts” to loyal customers which just puts you in a really good mood. They operate like amazon imo.


To be honest I felt like this blend was a scam. The cost for 100mg tren and 100mg Mast per CC is literally on par with the cost of a single bottle of each. THIS SHIT IS STRONG. Strong. Strong. I have used this 3 times now. Literally .25 Cc EOD with 300 Test, 40mg Tbol was amazing. Truly gave me that dry lean vascular full look. At 11% body fat I looked like I was 8%. .75 is the highest I can go, pretty much instantly screws up my sleep and reduces my erection strength by 25%.... overall 10/10.


I’m sorry. But no, this is too much compound per CC. This stuff literally BURNS being injected. .5 cc twice a week gave me HUGE painful swelling. Unbearable Pip. However, my fat friend ran this for 8 weeks no problems? So I might be allergic. But just on my experience this is a no go. Overall 0/10


Hm. Very interesting. On 5mg cialis, .25aromasin, .5 Caber, 25mg nolvadex I experience almost no side effects on FOUR HUNDRED mg a week. Even alongside 1000mg test? I’ve been on this now about 7 weeks. This feels like 100mg of the tren mast blend tbh... my sleeping ability has gone down maybe 25%? No real mood swings. No crazy anger. I feel like the stable blood levels compared to tren A makes this compound COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. However, I have completely lost the ability to experience any emotions. Which has its benefits for attacking goals in life. Slow steady gains. Vascularity CANNOT be compared to Tren Mast blend. Overall 7/10.


100% good to go. It does what it does. Overall 10/10.

Test C

On 1000mg my total free test was 5331. Reference natural range is 160 - 699. Always a tad bit of swelling for a day or two. It’s not as smooth as my 100mc TRT pharm grade. Over all 8/10 does what it’s supposed to.


Hm. Now admittedly I have ran this when I’m at my fattest 14-16% AND I have never used another labs anavar before. A TRUE 14-16 percent not this 25% you fat forum dwellers live at. I’ve used 3 packs now. I’m sorry I don’t recommend this. I do not see ANY hype at all around this drug and I don’t understand it. I’m not saying it’s fake, but there’s no way this can be fully dosed in comparison to what the world says about anavar. 100mg all in one shot per workout feels like 40mg of Pareto Tbol or 20mg of their dbol. I’m not sure about this one, I could just be sooo mild in comparison to other AAS I’m just being a bitch about this review. Overall 4/10 not worth the money very weak.


YES, YES, YES. Fucking yes. If I could run this year round I would. Don’t ever talk a out Ed problems on cycle of you haven’t tried 25mg proviron and 5mg cialis everyday. I am an unreal SEX GOD. This on combination with test. Is ridiculous. My dick is hard like I’m 16 again. 24/7. I often have sex 3-5 times a day if I take this before I whore around with a tinder thot. If you want to make a good first impression on a woman. TAKE THIS. It also gives me a crazy sense of well being? I have never used any type of drug outside of AAS and never drank alcohol in my life. But this feels like pill forum ALPHA MANLY COURAGE. It is however very expensive for what it does. Zero muscle growth. Zero fullness. It does take out some sub Q water and if you run it daily and you’re under 12% it will dry out your joints. If this was sold at 50 dollars a pack ide prob run it year round. Overall 10/10!!!!!!!


This compound is the answer to my needs bodybuilding wise. Whatever people say about anavar this feels like that. I ALWAYS take 20mg pre workout year round. 40mg on chest or arm days. Unreal. Zero water. Amazing strength. Feels like the fibres of my muscles are just tighter and feel indestructible. Great pumps maybe 60% of a dbol pump. I cannot run this daily. It does give heart burn. Acid reflux on an empty stomach if you run it more than 5-7 days straight. Great vascularity maybe 50% of tren. But this only lasts in the gym imo. Great cosmetic effect as well. GREAT price to dose ratio for what it does. I’ll run this forever. Overall 10/10


I mean it works. It’s cheap as fuck. One pack might last you 6months. .25 of a tablet a day is all I need on tren or deca. It does NOT gold a candle to Caber. This makes you feel tired. Brain fog. Slightly nauseous. Overall you just feel shitty for 2-3 hours after taking it. DO NOT TAKE ON EMPTY STOMACH. DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN .25 in one dose. Overall 6/10 if you want to pay like a dollar a week compared to 5-10 dollars for Caber... go for it.


Ok. I honestly don’t even want to tell people about this. This combined with Tbol is transforming my physique. This is THE GAME CHANGER. This took my physique to a NEW LEVEL I’ve never been. 300mg, 150mg deca, 750 test for 12 weeks. Man... everyone at work just started treating me like I was some huge monster. The pumps... in my forearms on arm day... I literally had to book weekly massages. I thought I had tendonitis my forearm would legit be pumped for DAYS after tricep extensions? STRONG STUFF. Zero water. Instant lean gains... instant strength... I don’t understand it. I’m still confused because everyone online talks about PIP. ZERO PIP even less than their test. I almost feel like it’s fake from what people say online in comparison. HOWEVER. This shit makes you feel INSTANTLY lethargic. Almost like anadrol? But it’s not real... you’re not actually tired. But you feel sooooo sluggish and run down. I slept 15 hours a day for 7 days took time off work... I thought it was my blood pressure but kept the dhb at only 200mg recently. Nope. Bloodwork came back fine. You will be tired 24/7 on the compound... it’s such a shame. But a necessary evil... I am going to run 400 dhb, 750 test, 300 deca in about 7-8 weeks. If this works like it did last time. I will FINALLY achieve that look everyone wants. “Gerardo Gabriel” I’ll be about that size. Overall 10/10 but man the lethargy... ughhh. Be careful if you have a career that needs 100% focus.


Yup, good to go. Does exactly what it’s supposed to. But compared to Kalpa pharmaceutical. I have to give this a 8/10 overall. Not really a fan of the compound so I am bias.


Good to go I don’t ever need more than .25 EOD on a heavy cycle


Good to go


Good to go


Meh... I’ve had much stronger which is a plus and minus because I’ve crashed my estrogen at light speed. So if it is under dosed it’s probably a good thing. Overall 8/10
TM101 is 100% the best way to make sure you cheat on your significant other.

good review
Started Pareto MENT today. Zero injection pain. I'll be doing 100mgs twice a week with nothing else. I'll keep you posted with results.
Did these guys ever figure out how to make accurately dosed pills or are they still rolling with 50% overdose with a 20% variance between pills? I just love these Canadian super labs. They're the best.
Started Pareto MENT today. Zero injection pain. I'll be doing 100mgs twice a week with nothing else. I'll keep you posted with results.
You must be Ironman if you don’t feel pain off MENT. DHB and MENT kill. And MENT is a sure fire recipe for gyno, hope you have letro on hand
You must be Ironman if you don’t feel pain off MENT. DHB and MENT kill. And MENT is a sure fire recipe for gyno, hope you have letro on hand
Never understood the big hype recently for MENT, to me it always sounds like too many sides/PIP to ever be worth running?
Watcha doing on the Premature Ejaculation subreddit Calgary :p

Used some Pareto Test Susp for the first time in awhile before working out shit is rocket fuel and maybe its just the 1000s of slin pins to the delts but no PIP at all for me just a bit of a sting going in.
LOL I just started using it on serious workout days this week. Been using 100mg of test susp pre workout. Literally 0 pip for me i pin it with a 25g so im guessing its micronized. Stuff felt good to me. Anyone else have experience with paretos test suspensio? Ive tried lots of pareto products, so i am going to to a detailed review of each product soon.