Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

how did you measure 40%? I can't imagine going from squatting 315 for 15 to 440 for 15 3 days later lol...
Yeah I think 40% might be a little exaggerated or a very general statement. Superdrol is fantastic for strength and very quick acting in its action for sure but I just don’t see 40% increase within days...
For all you guys asking about Pareto products the answer is everything is good lol.

I'm no ball kisser or shill, but have to say Pareto has had their shit together for many years now and I believe them to be the best ugl in Canada....some will say Inno, but any ugl who charges $65 for 5mls of gear can suck a big bag of sweaty dicks;)

Lol stop buying off websites if you're being charged $65 for their's more like 30.
Yeah I think 40% might be a little exaggerated or a very general statement. Superdrol is fantastic for strength and very quick acting in its action for sure but I just don’t see 40% increase within days...

I made a 8%ish jump in bench on my last cycle
Was fucking crazy
A Bombs PWO and 50mg Var
I think I PRd week 2 into orals.

I still wont run Sdrol, I dont do well with a y orals, cant even run Var for more than 4 weeks without lethargy.
Superdrol is so toxic I can't understand why people use the shit? I used it once back in 2014 and by the second week I felt like death was hovering over me lol and that was only 10mg ed:oops::eek:
I made a 8%ish jump in bench on my last cycle
Was fucking crazy
A Bombs PWO and 50mg Var
I think I PRd week 2 into orals.

I still wont run Sdrol, I dont do well with a y orals, cant even run Var for more than 4 weeks without lethargy.
Not all orals make me lethargic it seems. I can run Abombs or Dbol without any issues. Actually feel pretty good in general when running. Sdrol is a different story though — 3 weeks in and I am yawning by 8pm with my eyes rapidly closing...
The strength and body composition changes with Sdrol cannot be denied. It’s crazy stuff but just feels toxic when on. I play with it once in a while but that’s it.
Not all orals make me lethargic it seems. I can run Abombs or Dbol without any issues. Actually feel pretty good in general when running. Sdrol is a different story though — 3 weeks in and I am yawning by 8pm with my eyes rapidly closing...
The strength and body composition changes with Sdrol cannot be denied. It’s crazy stuff but just feels toxic when on. I play with it once in a while but that’s it.

I'm not really pro tren, but have you ever used tren-suspension? Now THAT is a compound that will DRASTICALLY transform your frame within a few night and day. Fullness and fat loss results can't be compared to anything else imho.
I'm not really pro tren, but have you ever used tren-suspension? Now THAT is a compound that will DRASTICALLY transform your frame within a few night and day. Fullness and fat loss results can't be compared to anything else imho.
I have not tried that compound. I can see it being a formidable product, being as it is Tren with no ester. Would be an interesting run.
Has anyone had any experience with DHB? Ide like to give it a try but don't really want to cripple myself. I've heard the PIP can be pretty bad. Any input would be appreciated, thanks.
Has anyone had any experience with DHB? Ide like to give it a try but don't really want to cripple myself. I've heard the PIP can be pretty bad. Any input would be appreciated, thanks.

If you're okay with the CSO and Primo, you'll be good with DHB.
However, I find around week 10, the PIP starts to build up, just muscles just get to the "Fuck you, stop abusing me" point lol
i have tried 90% of their products. I would never accuse them of knowingly selling fake, but ya never know how pure the raws are getting batch by batch yknow?

I just tried their superdrol 2 weeks ago with 2 friends. I’m not kidding, I was 40% stronger within 3 days..... within 7 days all 3 of us on o my 15mg couldn’t get out of bed, lethargic, loss of appetite, we all called in sick... just way too lethargic to even commute to work or build a lego set with my youngster. Everyone responds to orals differently and has their own responsibilities. I’m sure I could run it 3 weeks but not with a career, relationship, children or anything serious going on in life.
Damn! Did you get any stomach issues as well? Any heart burn?
Maybe pre workout only for superdrol or perhaps 3 on 2 off?
Has anyone had any experience with DHB? Ide like to give it a try but don't really want to cripple myself. I've heard the PIP can be pretty bad. Any input would be appreciated, thanks.
Excellent drug, but yeah, some PIP for sure. Best is to mix it with another oil maybe Primo or whatever and let the syringe sit over night. I found that reduces the PIP a bit. DHB is very strong, Its go to product for lean gains.
People have gone into liver failure from superdrol and rather quickly as well. There's just no valid reason anyone should be using the stuff imho!
how did you measure 40%? I can't imagine going from squatting 315 for 15 to 440 for 15 3 days later lol...
I was on 600 deca, 750 test, 218 bulking. I consistently track training days, weights, rest times and estimate number of sets.

switched to 500 test, 400 mast and after 4 weeks of cutting dropped to 200. Loss of anabolics, caloric deficit, low energy, cardio output literally had my strength down on machine chest which I especially pay attention to because it’s my weakest body part and Im prone to injury from small ectomorph frame. Literally I believe it was day 3 or 4 of sdrol I was just as strong as when I was 218 on chest press.

That weak, stringy, carb depleted state where you just feel like your 1 set away from causing injury was gone. I was in shock. For squats it was maybe a 25-30% increase back to my 218 strength. But so many factors involved with a compound movement.
Damn! Did you get any stomach issues as well? Any heart burn?
Maybe pre workout only for superdrol or perhaps 3 on 2 off?
Honestly, I have prescribed medication for heartburn. Always had it so can’t tell.
But I cannot take ANY orals, only Tbol maybe only 3-4 days per week. Everything makes me insanely lethargic legit within 4 days I can barely get out of bed. Which is strange because I’ve never even had a sip of alcohol in my life. 10/10 liver kidneys.

I wanted the tren recomp effects I’ve heard sdrol can give. My buddy was on 50 dbol, 50 winstrol, and 50 anadrol (only on weak body parts) for 3 weeks. Not a single issue. 7 days on sdrol, boom couldn’t pick his daughter up and called in sick from work for 3 days lmao!

I was cutting on low carbs, I was so depleted so I didn’t even notice an extra pump or any cosmetic effects tbh...
If you're okay with the CSO and Primo, you'll be good with DHB.
However, I find around week 10, the PIP starts to build up, just muscles just get to the "Fuck you, stop abusing me" point lol
I'm not familiar with CSO and haven't tried primo yet. Ive used t400, sustanon, mast, Tren, EQ. Would it be comparable to t400? Are you able to finish the length of your cycle despite the cumulative PIP?
I'm not familiar with CSO and haven't tried primo yet. Ive used t400, sustanon, mast, Tren, EQ. Would it be comparable to t400? Are you able to finish the length of your cycle despite the cumulative PIP?

It's just the carrier oil Pareto uses.
If you're good with T400, you re good lol.

Yeah, no issues... the PIP was minor even at the end.. zero PIP with DHB until then
"I'm good" with t400 might be a stretch but I can tolerate it haha. Definitely not my first choice though. Aside from the PIP were you happy with the results or would you choose something over it?