Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

"I'm good" with t400 might be a stretch but I can tolerate it haha. Definitely not my first choice though. Aside from the PIP were you happy with the results or would you choose something over it?
I used their T400 recently and it wasn’t too bad. 0.75 ml twice a week, 600mg a week. Used it by itself, no mixing with other compounds.

It stings a bit (it’s T400 after all) but Pareto’s is pretty tolerable compared to some others that I’ve tried. I’d say 3/10 for pain.
Just grabbed some sustanon and DHB. Their sustanon I used in 2018 and it was amazing. Been off gear since then and I’ve been looking forward to restarting.
I used their T400 recently and it wasn’t too bad. 0.75 ml twice a week, 600mg a week. Used it by itself, no mixing with other compounds.

It stings a bit (it’s T400 after all) but Pareto’s is pretty tolerable compared to some others that I’ve tried. I’d say 3/10 for pain.
I appreciate the feedback, thank you
Just grabbed some sustanon and DHB. Their sustanon I used in 2018 and it was amazing. Been off gear since then and I’ve been looking forward to restarting.
Please let us know how the run goes for you.
I used their T400 recently and it wasn’t too bad. 0.75 ml twice a week, 600mg a week. Used it by itself, no mixing with other compounds.

It stings a bit (it’s T400 after all) but Pareto’s is pretty tolerable compared to some others that I’ve tried. I’d say 3/10 for pain.
Sorry I should have specified. I was wondering if the PIP from the t400 was comparable to DHB? I usually just stick with test enth nowadays but wanted to try their DHB.
I used their T400 recently and it wasn’t too bad. 0.75 ml twice a week, 600mg a week. Used it by itself, no mixing with other compounds.i

It stings a bit (it’s T400 after all) but Pareto’s is pretty tolerable compared to some others that I’ve tried. I’d say 3/10 for pain.
I still run hot water directly on the syringe for a few minutes, makes it easier always, I never had pip with anything I heated up , smooth in and no swelling, mind you even at room temperature i never had issues with pareto
I still run hot water directly on the syringe for a few minutes, makes it easier always, I never had pip with anything I heated up , smooth in and no swelling, mind you even at room temperature i never had issues with pareto

Once burnt the fuck out of myself when overheated my Gear bean bag in the microwave.
Fucking pip in my delt for a week from the burn lol.
Now I just Pin it.
Odd ball question so im asking the most educated brothers on pareto , I'm getting the phizer covid 19 vaccine my pharmacist assured me there will be no issues even though I'm a anabolic steroid user , I cut back drastically not using anything did a shot.of test 400 1ml today, I get vaccine in a week, just taking mk677 and stenabolic right now about 3 days before my vaccine im not taking anything, super clean vegan diet for a week i got vegan protein powder, I'm a little concerned aas users might clot easily, but I found no report of steroid users having trouble, Its a personal choice to get vaccine and I don't blame anyone for not wanting it, my mother has respiratory trouble and heart disease and is higher risk so I'm doing it for family reasons, I'm not a party guy I don't drink or smoke and eat clean but just running test basically and deca over the years, not looking for confrontation over covid19 just sound advice from guys that no better than most people
Once burnt the fuck out of myself when overheated my Gear bean bag in the microwave.
Fucking pip in my delt for a week from the burn lol.
Now I just Pin it.
Lmao fuck that is insane, I just put a ml of gear in syringe and under hot water a minute switch tips and poke it home , I can hide out in the can its easier lol
Odd ball question so im asking the most educated brothers on pareto , I'm getting the phizer covid 19 vaccine my pharmacist assured me there will be no issues even though I'm a anabolic steroid user , I cut back drastically not using anything did a shot.of test 400 1ml today, I get vaccine in a week, just taking mk677 and stenabolic right now about 3 days before my vaccine im not taking anything, super clean vegan diet for a week i got vegan protein powder, I'm a little concerned aas users might clot easily, but I found no report of steroid users having trouble, Its a personal choice to get vaccine and I don't blame anyone for not wanting it, my mother has respiratory trouble and heart disease and is higher risk so I'm doing it for family reasons, I'm not a party guy I don't drink or smoke and eat clean but just running test basically and deca over the years, not looking for confrontation over covid19 just sound advice from guys that no better than most people

If you're worried about clotting.
Take some aspirin ED leading up to and after your Vaccine.
It cant hurt.
But it can help.
I'd also recomend checking Bloods HCT/RBC etc.
That all being said, the clots are typically only a concern for older people that have things like varicose veins or preexisting issues.
If I was getting it, I wouldnt be particularly concerned about clotting.
Lmao fuck that is insane, I just put a ml of gear in syringe and under hot water a minute switch tips and poke it home , I can hide out in the can its easier lol
I used to heat up a bean bag and put my dose on top of it for a minute, change tips... pin.
Added an extra minute to the bean bag in the microwave timer...
But I can barely feel heat/cold with my hands, so I didnt notice how fucking hot it was until the oil was scalding my delt.

My wife couldnt stop laughing and calling me an idiot.
How's your experience with their DHB so far?
400 DHB feels like 300 Deca,300 Masteron, 20mg proviron. Very lean consistent gains, dries my joints, dry skin... slightly lethargic (maybe 35% of dbol lethargy. Clean consistent gains but very annoying trying to constantly bring your estrogen up. Would not recommend running lower than 750 test with 400 DH

I have ran 2.5 lengthy cycles. For me personally DHB is a VERY VERRRRRYYYYY POWERFUL AI. It has permanently altered my bodies ability to convert test to estrogen. Even on 1000 test... I pretty much no longer need to use any AI. Maybe the odd 20mg proviron and 20mg nolva here and there.

overall I give it a strong 7.8/10
If you're worried about clotting.
Take some aspirin ED leading up to and after your Vaccine.
It cant hurt.
But it can help.
I'd also recomend checking Bloods HCT/RBC etc.
That all being said, the clots are typically only a concern for older people that have things like varicose veins or preexisting issues.
If I was getting it, I wouldnt be particularly concerned about clotting.
Thanks brother, I been around for awhile I never seen such mass fear and confusion on a big scale like this over a virus, anabolic steroid users are people who look out for each other, we get constantly judged and looked down on , but its okay to be fat, smoke, eat shit and drink booze and complain about everything, I feel comfortable with everything, thankyou for your support.
Ok pareto bro's back in a few weeks, P.S. pareto mk677 is making my appetite completed out of control, my body exploded , fucking crazy i look way bigger, I'm seriously running out of food lmao sleeping like a baby and feeling stronger, don't look bloated but just bigger and happier its got a nice neourogical effect , synergistic with testosterone for sure, taking 22.5 mg daily, awesome shit , thankyou Pareto your chemistry rocks Tren and mk677 would get ya a good stack for mass , maybe next year lolGnight
Ok pareto bro's back in a few weeks, P.S. pareto mk677 is making my appetite completed out of control, my body exploded , fucking crazy i look way bigger, I'm seriously running out of food lmao sleeping like a baby and feeling stronger, don't look bloated but just bigger and happier its got a nice neourogical effect , synergistic with testosterone for sure, taking 22.5 mg daily, awesome shit , thankyou Pareto your chemistry rocks Tren and mk677 would get ya a good stack for mass , maybe next year lolGnight
Switching to higher vegan here , might have to stop mk677 awhile, looking to put on pounds mk677 something to ponder for the hard gainers are mass freaks
If you're worried about clotting.
Take some aspirin ED leading up to and after your Vaccine.
It cant hurt.
But it can help.
I'd also recomend checking Bloods HCT/RBC etc.
That all being said, the clots are typically only a concern for older people that have things like varicose veins or preexisting issues.
If I was getting it, I wouldnt be particularly concerned about clotting.
Exactly what I was going to recommend. I believe high dose fish oil can have a blood thinning effect as well?
400 DHB feels like 300 Deca,300 Masteron, 20mg proviron. Very lean consistent gains, dries my joints, dry skin... slightly lethargic (maybe 35% of dbol lethargy. Clean consistent gains but very annoying trying to constantly bring your estrogen up. Would not recommend running lower than 750 test with 400 DH

I have ran 2.5 lengthy cycles. For me personally DHB is a VERY VERRRRRYYYYY POWERFUL AI. It has permanently altered my bodies ability to convert test to estrogen. Even on 1000 test... I pretty much no longer need to use any AI. Maybe the odd 20mg proviron and 20mg nolva here and there.

overall I give it a strong 7.8/10
Pareto ment is also crazy I never experienced anything like it , love to run dhb , really like your review brother