Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Just out of curiosity. Incase there's something to be learned.

Why would your doctor prescribe 2 AIs at once but not tissue selective serms to target the breast tissue?
he knows I am on gear and my cycle and that’s what he felt would be best. also I asked for that lol and I did not want to use letro. It was purely gyno from steroid use not from being chubby

To note the guys special there is no explaining his ideas.. he suggest pct different ways each time but I don’t care I get my hcg script (10,000iu Canada pharma one) and Clomid ( before 2019)
he knows I am on gear and my cycle and that’s what he felt would be best. also I asked for that lol and I did not want to use letro. It was purely gyno from steroid use not from being chubby

To note the guys special there is no explaining his ideas.. he suggest pct different ways each time but I don’t care I get my hcg script (10,000iu Canada pharma one) and Clomid ( before 2019)
Have you looked in raloxifene instead of letro?
Have you looked in raloxifene instead of letro?

Use both together

some say it’s overkill but I don't think there’s such thing as overkill dealing with gyno. Eventually it gets tougher and tougher to get rid of. Get rid of it hard off the bat. Get your estro back in range or even below range quick with letro, and that should shrink the gyno considerably. Then zap the rest with Ralox.

if I knew now what I didn’t know then, I wouldn’t be dealing with the shit as bad now.
Use both together

some say it’s overkill but I don't think there’s such thing as overkill dealing with gyno. Eventually it gets tougher and tougher to get rid of. Get rid of it hard off the bat. Get your estro back in range or even below range quick with letro, and that should shrink the gyno considerably. Then zap the rest with Ralox.

if I knew now what I didn’t know then, I wouldn’t be dealing with the shit as bad now.
This is a great answer. Raloxifene people think is a miracle drug, and it can work wonders, but you need to be aggressive off the bat. Don’t wait until you need surgery before thinking a bottle of ralox will cure you.
Use both together

some say it’s overkill but I don't think there’s such thing as overkill dealing with gyno. Eventually it gets tougher and tougher to get rid of. Get rid of it hard off the bat. Get your estro back in range or even below range quick with letro, and that should shrink the gyno considerably. Then zap the rest with Ralox.

if I knew now what I didn’t know then, I wouldn’t be dealing with the shit as bad now.

This is a great answer. Raloxifene people think is a miracle drug, and it can work wonders, but you need to be aggressive off the bat. Don’t wait until you need surgery before thinking a bottle of ralox will cure you.

Some guys think its overkill that I load 120mg Ralox on a bad flare up and pop an extra AI or two.
But every flare up I've ever had has gone back to zero, so it may be extreme... but it works

Let's remember, the study on Ralox only for gyno, resulted in only 50% of the subjects eliminating their gyno. it's not a miracle drug at all
In the presence of high e2, you're still fucked
Some guys think its overkill that I load 120mg Ralox on a bad flare up and pop an extra AI or two.
But every flare up I've ever had has gone back to zero, so it may be extreme... but it works

Let's remember, the study on Ralox only for gyno, resulted in only 50% of the subjects eliminating their gyno. it's not a miracle drug at all
In the presence of high e2, you're still fucked

So many guys (old me included) try and do the minimum to deal with it, and they end up shrinking it 90%

But then that remaining 10% becomes permanent and much more estrogen sensitive and you will forever be fucking with it

I say fuck it and to overkill. Why try and get away with the minimum? Go straight to plan Z and nuke the fuckers and never have to deal with it. Like I said, wish I knew now what I didn’t know 2 years ago. Now I just take 2.5mg letro and 90mg ralox until it’s gone and it’s MUCH more effective.
Use both together

some say it’s overkill but I don't think there’s such thing as overkill dealing with gyno. Eventually it gets tougher and tougher to get rid of. Get rid of it hard off the bat. Get your estro back in range or even below range quick with letro, and that should shrink the gyno considerably. Then zap the rest with Ralox.

if I knew now what I didn’t know then, I wouldn’t be dealing with the shit as bad now.
That's good info thanks man. Mind if I ask the protocol you ran with both?

Edit nevermind you posted it below
So many guys (old me included) try and do the minimum to deal with it, and they end up shrinking it 90%

But then that remaining 10% becomes permanent and much more estrogen sensitive and you will forever be fucking with it

I say fuck it and to overkill. Why try and get away with the minimum? Go straight to plan Z and nuke the fuckers and never have to deal with it. Like I said, wish I knew now what I didn’t know 2 years ago. Now I just take 2.5mg letro and 90mg ralox until it’s gone and it’s MUCH more effective.
I wish I knew that before my first cycle. Gyno started appearing our of nowhere after my PCT, then I tried to fix it with ralox but It never went away completely (good improvement though). Now after my second cycle I'm dealing with the same shit. Good to know for the letro.
So many guys (old me included) try and do the minimum to deal with it, and they end up shrinking it 90%

But then that remaining 10% becomes permanent and much more estrogen sensitive and you will forever be fucking with it

I say fuck it and to overkill. Why try and get away with the minimum? Go straight to plan Z and nuke the fuckers and never have to deal with it. Like I said, wish I knew now what I didn’t know 2 years ago. Now I just take 2.5mg letro and 90mg ralox until it’s gone and it’s MUCH more effective.

Yeah, Letro is harsh as fuck, but it works
I up the Aromasin with Ralox and it does it.

If I was in your shoes I'd run the Letro as well though, I've gotten pretty good at my Aromasin dosing.
Yeah, Letro is harsh as fuck, but it works
I up the Aromasin with Ralox and it does it.

If I was in your shoes I'd run the Letro as well though, I've gotten pretty good at my Aromasin dosing.

I take 25mg aromasin every day and still got gyno, so letro it was lol. Next cycle will definitely need much much less AI. I only ran shit this high because I had a powerlifting meet coming up. A meet that just got cancelled this morning
I take 25mg aromasin every day and still got gyno, so letro it was lol. Next cycle will definitely need much much less AI. I only ran shit this high because I had a powerlifting meet coming up. A meet that just got cancelled this morning
Fuck bro. That's shitty you've been talking about that meet for months.

What numbers were you going to go in with as your starting numbers?
I take 25mg aromasin every day and still got gyno, so letro it was lol. Next cycle will definitely need much much less AI. I only ran shit this high because I had a powerlifting meet coming up. A meet that just got cancelled this morning
A power lifter on another Canadian board in on said he got an email this morning about his meet being canceled, I wonder if it was the same meet.
227-230 depending on if I take my morning shit before or after weighing myself

was going to compete at 220
Nice numbers
Yeah, I'd compete at the same right now but my bench is behind ya.
I've been contemplating a high test blast, that finally could get me up to 4 plates.
But I'm kinda cycled out for the time being lol.

Weighing 230 right now but plenty of room for a cut, if I can hit 220 in a few months or so I'll be TRYING for 405 at 205 for my first meet.
I'm hoping for that for 2022 to get on the platform and try it.

Hitting a. last like yours for me to get close to your numbers would be a big fuckking commitment and I dont think I have the dedication for it hahaha