Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Nice numbers
Yeah, I'd compete at the same right now but my bench is behind ya.
I've been contemplating a high test blast, that finally could get me up to 4 plates.
But I'm kinda cycled out for the time being lol.

Weighing 230 right now but plenty of room for a cut, if I can hit 220 in a few months or so I'll be TRYING for 405 at 205 for my first meet.
I'm hoping for that for 2022 to get on the platform and try it.

Hitting last like yours for me to get close to your numbers would be a big fuckking commitment and I dont think I have the dedication for it hahaha

I won’t run over a gram of test again. I aromatize like mental and the returns off 1200mg vs 800mg are quite diminished I find. Deca and dbol do give me great strength boosts which is why I chose them for a powerlifting cycle.

You are currently signed up for a meet?
I won’t run over a gram of test again. I aromatize like mental and the returns off 1200mg vs 800mg are quite diminished I find. Deca and dbol do give me great strength boosts which is why I chose them for a powerlifting cycle.

You are currently signed up for a meet?

I'm waiting until winter to sign up for a 2022 meet.
I'll be finishing a 2 year project (Hopefully) at that point and my schedule will finally free up... maybe I'll get my second weekend of 2021 by then lol...

At which point ill know when and where I can finally do a meet

Figure I'll just do a standard SBD meet
My Squat is shit, but it's all about getting some experience and having fun lol
I'm waiting until winter to sign up for a 2022 meet.
I'll be finishing a 2 year project (Hopefully) at that point and my schedule will finally free up... maybe I'll get my second weekend of 2021 by then lol...

At which point ill know when and where I can finally do a meet

Figure I'll just do a standard SBD meet
My Squat is shit, but it's all about getting some experience and having fun lol

Yeah for me it was more about I didn’t want to actually become a powerlifer. I really don’t care for powerlifting at all and bodybuilding is much more my forte. I didn’t want to do a full meet because I didn’t want to have to change my entire training to powerlifting and become a powerlifter, so I just signed up for bench only. It allows me to just dip my toe into it without actually directing off course of my more bodybuilding oriented goals.
Yeah for me it was more about I didn’t want to actually become a powerlifer. I really don’t care for powerlifting at all and bodybuilding is much more my forte. I didn’t want to do a full meet because I didn’t want to have to change my entire training to powerlifting and become a powerlifter, so I just signed up for bench only. It allows me to just dip my toe into it without actually directing off course of my more bodybuilding oriented goals.

I hear that
I love Powerliftinf
Hitting a PR is the greatest feeling.
But you csn ask the PL crew, my progression as a PL is slow because o do still focus on my physique, sure, 3 days a week are S/B/D respectively
But I do want to get back into stage shape like I was in my twenties and get onto the stage in a few years

Inhear ya bro, best of both worlds
I have already noticed a reduction in my gyno from the raloxifene and nolvadex I ordered from Pareto after just 2 days!

Still improvements to be made but I am happy.
Just to give an update....after the initial improvements the first few days, I haven't noticed much of a reduction in my gyno lumps on both nipples. And some days I've noticed it has become worse.

Since I began taking both raloxifene and nolvadex, I've taken 40mg (a few days I took 60mg) of nolvadex and I took 50mg of raloxifene the first 12/13 days...afterwards I've taken anywhere from 50mg to 100/125mg on a few different days. As I saw in this thread some people recommended the higher dosages.

I'm also taking 1mg arimidex on my injection days, so 2x per week.

My current cycle is about 0.65mg 2x per week of Test E, and 0.35mg 2x per week of Tren E (had the gyno lumps before I started the Tren E).

I am going to continue to take the 40mg of nolvadex and finish off the remaining raloxifene I have left, and most likely purchase more as I figure this is something that may take a while vs a couple of weeks.

I'm also taking finasteride at a dose of 1.25mg per day...but I'm done my current prescription in a few days so I'm going to see if coming off of it makes a difference in regards to estrogen/gyno.

I'll try to post another update in a few weeks if I remember to.
Just to give an update....after the initial improvements the first few days, I haven't noticed much of a reduction in my gyno lumps on both nipples. And some days I've noticed it has become worse.

Since I began taking both raloxifene and nolvadex, I've taken 40mg (a few days I took 60mg) of nolvadex and I took 50mg of raloxifene the first 12/13 days...afterwards I've taken anywhere from 50mg to 100/125mg on a few different days. As I saw in this thread some people recommended the higher dosages.

I'm also taking 1mg arimidex on my injection days, so 2x per week.

My current cycle is about 0.65mg 2x per week of Test E, and 0.35mg 2x per week of Tren E (had the gyno lumps before I started the Tren E).

I am going to continue to take the 40mg of nolvadex and finish off the remaining raloxifene I have left, and most likely purchase more as I figure this is something that may take a while vs a couple of weeks.

I'm also taking finasteride at a dose of 1.25mg per day...but I'm done my current prescription in a few days so I'm going to see if coming off of it makes a difference in regards to estrogen/gyno.

I'll try to post another update in a few weeks if I remember to.
Maybe run the nolva for now to bind to the estrogen receptors in the breast to stop gyno from growing more, then wait till you’re on a trt or cruise dose to blast the Rolodex in hopes of reducing gyno size.
Maybe run the nolva for now to bind to the estrogen receptors in the breast to stop gyno from growing more, then wait till you’re on a trt or cruise dose to blast the Rolodex in hopes of reducing gyno size.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll probably will lower my dose of Test to like you said a cruise/TRT dose to help lower the amount of estrogen. Then continue to dose the nolva and ralox and see what happens.

The feedback I have gotten in this thread though has been very helpful. As I never would have tried the ralox without others recommendations as I only knew and had used nolva before.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll probably will lower my dose of Test to like you said a cruise/TRT dose to help lower the amount of estrogen. Then continue to dose the nolva and ralox and see what happens.

The feedback I have gotten in this thread though has been very helpful. As I never would have tried the ralox without others recommendations as I only knew and had used nolva before.

So you have developed a mass behind your nipple due to high estrogen, and you have started taking a SERM. That is a step in the right direction. Did you take 1mg arimidex on injection days before you started raloxifene? If you haven’t increased AI since starting a serm, you should. If you’ve developed symptoms of high estrogen on 1mg arimidex on pin days, then 1mg on pin days isn’t enough to stop conversion let alone work back towards lowering estrogen.

Go a little aggressive on the estrogen control and get estrogen down quite a bit. Continue the ralox and nolva. Once the estrogen is back in range, the combination of that with a serm will shrink or eliminate your gyno, depending on how bad it was before you started.
So you have developed a mass behind your nipple due to high estrogen, and you have started taking a SERM. That is a step in the right direction. Did you take 1mg arimidex on injection days before you started raloxifene? If you
Yes I was taking 1mg arimidex on injection days before I started the raloxifene. A few times I have also thrown in an extra day of 0.5mg of arimidex.

I am going to bump it up to 1mg arimidex EOD going forward. While also continuing with the SERMS.

When I originally developed my gyno lump a while back, I was only taking a high dose per week of arimidex, and I crashed my estrogen (felt terrible) in hopes of reducing the lump. But it was only when I started taking 20mg-40mg per day of nolvadex on my previous cycle with the arimidex that I noticed a reduction in the lumps.

But since my latest flare up several weeks back, the arimidex and nolvadex combo has not been working for me. That's why I started taking the raloxifene this time at the recommendation of members on here.

This has definitely been trial and error for me, I think because I already had the lumps from my previous cycle, they flared up easier on this current cycle and it has made it much harder to control. But everyone's feedback has been helping a ton, plus I have been trying to do my own research.
Yes I was taking 1mg arimidex on injection days before I started the raloxifene. A few times I have also thrown in an extra day of 0.5mg of arimidex.

I am going to bump it up to 1mg arimidex EOD going forward. While also continuing with the SERMS.

When I originally developed my gyno lump a while back, I was only taking arimidex, and I crashed my estrogen (felt terrible) in hopes of reducing the lump. But it was only when I started taking 20mg-40mg per day of nolvadex on my previous cycle with the arimidex that I noticed a reduction in the lumps.

But since my latest flare up several weeks back, the arimidex and nolvadex combo has not been working for me. That's why I started taking the raloxifene this time at the recommendation of members on here.

This has definitely been trial and error for me, I think because I already had the lumps from my previous cycle, they flared up easier on this current cycle and it has made it much harder to control. But everyone's feedback has been helping a ton, plus I have been trying to do my own research.

I was the same way man. Lots of trial and error. Now I’ve dealt with it a few times I just purposely crash my estrogen and take a bunch of serms and do that until it does away hahaha

once you got em, they’re much much easier to have an issue with and much harder to get rid of. Don’t settle for good enough, control it as much as you possibly can or it will only get worse as time goes.
I was the same way man. Lots of trial and error. Now I’ve dealt with it a few times I just purposely crash my estrogen and take a bunch of serms and do that until it does away hahaha

once you got em, they’re much much easier to have an issue with and much harder to get rid of. Don’t settle for good enough, control it as much as you possibly can or it will only get worse as time goes.
I really appreciate the advice man.

I was originally going to take a more conservative approach to controlling it....but after reading previous post from you and others I realize I have to take a harder approach otherwise it might not go away and I'll be stuck with it permanently possibly. Yours and others feedback and posts really changed my outlook on how to deal with it.
Hello meso,


Daily Cialis was a new product that was added to our line-up in late 2020. I personally use this product for prostate protection and have been running it since testing stages last year before it was mass produced for the public.
For the month of May, we will run a promo on it. It won't be a generic, run of the mill type of promotion either. We will do this on an order by order basis, but keep in mind that the larger the order the better the promo deal we can do.


DAILY CIALIS (5mg x 60 tablets) by PARETO

Cialis isn't strictly a Sexual aid, and it can also have many benefits when used daily.

Some additional benefits include:
As a nootropic but it does have some beneficial effects for general health and cognition (enhanced overall memory, increased testosterone, decreased estrogen, increased lean mass and decreased fat mass, improved insulin sensitivity, reduced cortisol in response to exercise and more).
Here's some specific nootropic benefits:
  • The improvement of overall memory and delay of onset of Dementia and treatment of Dementia/Alzheimer's
  • Enhancement of Working Memory in healthy individuals.
  • It improves short-term memory remarkably.
  • Tadalafil improves ejaculatory function and orgasmic function, not just erectile function.
  • Cialis protects dopaminergic-neurons, and enhances dopamine levels in the brain.
  • Cialis can thus, increase libido or sexual desire in younger and aging men, by that dopaminergic mechanism.
Awesome. I used to use your 20mg cialis as my daily dose and was just walking around with a serious boner all day long.
If you're worried about clotting.
Take some aspirin ED leading up to and after your Vaccine.
It cant hurt.
But it can help.
I'd also recomend checking Bloods HCT/RBC etc.
That all being said, the clots are typically only a concern for older people that have things like varicose veins or preexisting issues.
If I was getting it, I wouldnt be particularly concerned about clotting.
Everything went well, no issues at all no pain or lethargy, I grabbed some baby aspirin and taking fish oils daily , lots of cardio to sweat it out , workouts aren't effected , thankyou again for your support getting me through my vaccination, really not a big deal, the guy jabbed me so fast I didn't know he already was finished, he pulled the phizer out of a little fridge and within 5 seconds was finished , they use a really skinny needle the vaccine like water , goes in like lightning, I'm not a vaccine pusher , was a personal health call , peace to all at Pareto
Just to give an update....after the initial improvements the first few days, I haven't noticed much of a reduction in my gyno lumps on both nipples. And some days I've noticed it has become worse.

Since I began taking both raloxifene and nolvadex, I've taken 40mg (a few days I took 60mg) of nolvadex and I took 50mg of raloxifene the first 12/13 days...afterwards I've taken anywhere from 50mg to 100/125mg on a few different days. As I saw in this thread some people recommended the higher dosages.

I'm also taking 1mg arimidex on my injection days, so 2x per week.

My current cycle is about 0.65mg 2x per week of Test E, and 0.35mg 2x per week of Tren E (had the gyno lumps before I started the Tren E).

I am going to continue to take the 40mg of nolvadex and finish off the remaining raloxifene I have left, and most likely purchase more as I figure this is something that may take a while vs a couple of weeks.

I'm also taking finasteride at a dose of 1.25mg per day...but I'm done my current prescription in a few days so I'm going to see if coming off of it makes a difference in regards to estrogen/gyno.

I'll try to post another update in a few weeks if I remember to.
Hey man, don’t remember exactly where I read this but I’ve seen the general consensus that if you’re getting progestin related gyno from tren that nolvadex can make it worse. So people take caber or prami on cycle to help with progesterone sides. And I always have aromasin on hand because it actually kills the aromatase enzyme, rather than blocking it and causing a rebound.
Hey man, don’t remember exactly where I read this but I’ve seen the general consensus that if you’re getting progestin related gyno from tren that nolvadex can make it worse. So people take caber or prami on cycle to help with progesterone sides. And I always have aromasin on hand because it actually kills the aromatase enzyme, rather than blocking it and causing a rebound.
Thanks for the feedback!

I had never heard of that before, but I just looked it up because you mentioned it and saw other stuff related to nolvadex making progesterone gyno worse.

I had the gyno issue before I started taking the Tren, but I was taking Deca during my last cycle, so my progesterone levels could still be elevated. Could have been the Deca causing my gyno issues.

Thanks for pointing out the nolvadex/progesterone issue... definitely might be causing the issue because I still haven't seen much relief for my gyno from running the nolvadex.
Thanks for the feedback!

I had never heard of that before, but I just looked it up because you mentioned it and saw other stuff related to nolvadex making progesterone gyno worse.

I had the gyno issue before I started taking the Tren, but I was taking Deca during my last cycle, so my progesterone levels could still be elevated. Could have been the Deca causing my gyno issues.

Thanks for pointing out the nolvadex/progesterone issue... definitely might be causing the issue because I still haven't seen much relief for my gyno from running the nolvadex.
No problem man, just thought I’d help out if I can. Best of luck, I know that gyno can be a bitch to deal with.