Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Shipping is great with this rep. Ordered on the Sunday. Got my tracking info today on the Tuesday. Expected to have my package by Friday and I need it for the ralox and nolva so I'm happy it will be coming soon :)
The CRA does not care where you get your money from as long as you pay your taxes. I had a friend who was audited by the CRA, he had a meeting with an CRA agent and his accountant, the the agent literally told him that they don't care where he got his money from, they said, it's the police job to catch you, it's our job to get our share. Word for word.
Sounds like the CRA alright!
Hello meso,

Let's start the long weekend off right with a quick flash sale. From right now until 5pm est on Sunday

For etransfer orders, Purchase 5+ items and receive one of the following items of your choice for free
-1 viagra
-AI of your choice (excludes hcg or raloxifene)
-1 test prop


10+ items receives one free Pareto branded product of your choice (cannot be combine with volume discount)

With vaccinations increasing and the potential of the gyms opening up we will run another promo in June.

Happy long weekend everyone!
I don’t understand why so many people are antivax now... I need to go back travelling and get tinder plus in foreign lands. Let’s all pull it together !
A friend of a friend just ordered some lady var and clen from Pareto. She tells me the clen pen is very potent. So far the lady var is on point, she’s looking into having them tested to see how close they are to listed dose.
A friend of a friend just ordered some lady var and clen from Pareto. She tells me the clen pen is very potent. So far the lady var is on point, she’s looking into having them tested to see how close they are to listed dose.
Always good to see more of the Canadian labs tested tbh. They are quality labs but they rarely have tests posted from what I've seen.

Syn's Clen tablet testing was fucking impressive though from janoshik I think it was like 49.X mcg and 50.X mcg on two 50mcg dosed tablets.
Hello meso,

Tuesday will be the first of the month, and I will post a product of the month with a promo. Until then, let's start the weekend off right with a quick flash sale.

From right now until 5pm est on Monday.

For etransfer orders, Purchase 5+ items and receive one of the following items of your choice for free
-1 viagra or cialis
-AI of your choice (excludes hcg or raloxifene)
-1 test prop


10+ items receives one free Pareto branded product of your choice (cannot be combine with volume discount) and free shipping

Happy Friday everyone!
Hey pareto bro's, a nice edition to any fat burning stack I like pareto stenabolic it definitely will give you more clean energy, its hard to explain its not a stimulant but like exercise in a pill, one tab will give you a solid 4 hrs of energy, I'm also a big fan of Rad 140 , if your cruising on testosterone and want extra kick and virtually no sides this sarm is the best I feel, I use 20mg daily and it builds up , if your between cycles this is a clever thing to keep test levels up I believe using rad140 as a stand alone, either you like sarms or hate them , I'm a fan of pareto sarms there high end in there own way, sarms are nice between cycles to keep gains as well , rad 140 can also be stacked with anabolic cycles, anyway thankyou Pareto as a fan of sarms I'm very pleased with there quality, rad 140 also ok for females it doesn't effect there organs like anabolics and can be used in probably half the dose of a males dose, the sarms definitely work if your training and diet is on point, this is my opinion and I'm not a doctor, cheers! P.S. stacking mk677 with rad140 is cool , no pins required lol
Hey pareto bro's, a nice edition to any fat burning stack I like pareto stenabolic it definitely will give you more clean energy, its hard to explain its not a stimulant but like exercise in a pill, one tab will give you a solid 4 hrs of energy, I'm also a big fan of Rad 140 , if your cruising on testosterone and want extra kick and virtually no sides this sarm is the best I feel, I use 20mg daily and it builds up , if your between cycles this is a clever thing to keep test levels up I believe using rad140 as a stand alone, either you like sarms or hate them , I'm a fan of pareto sarms there high end in there own way, sarms are nice between cycles to keep gains as well , rad 140 can also be stacked with anabolic cycles, anyway thankyou Pareto as a fan of sarms I'm very pleased with there quality, rad 140 also ok for females it doesn't effect there organs like anabolics and can be used in probably half the dose of a males dose, the sarms definitely work if your training and diet is on point, this is my opinion and I'm not a doctor, cheers! P.S. stacking mk677 with rad140 is cool , no pins required lol

I'd recomend against SARMs between cycles.
They wreck your lipid profile and suppress HPTA if you're still hitting a PCT
May as well just stay on Test

If B&C, just cruise slightly higher, safer... without crushing HDL
Or of someone is seriously concerned about lost gains, Primo doesnt hurt lipids badly for a decent run time.
I'd recomend against SARMs between cycles.
They wreck your lipid profile and suppress HPTA if you're still hitting a PCT
May as well just stay on Test

If B&C, just cruise slightly higher, safer... without crushing HDL
Or of someone is seriously concerned about lost gains, Primo doesnt hurt lipids badly for a decent run time.
Thanks for the feedback rad 140 will shut you down actually, I run test and low dose deca all year, I found rad 140 has little side effects and doesn't effect your prostate , ostarine is probably the safest sarm , would you recommend sarms to guys that have not hit the wall and have adequate test naturally , especially younger guys in there 20 ' s , I like sarms for the fact they don't effect major organs and sides are not like anabolic steroids, I am on test forever but I like sarms I feel good on them and get results, I got flack for my post on cardarine lol I would say ostarine is probably the safest PED and would recommend to guys to use before jumping on injectables if there pondering but scared of injecting and running there first anabolic steroid cycle, I'm not a scientist or chemist I don't know how sarms really work but what ever the lab chemist at Pareto is doing is legit for sarms , if your looking for sarms I recommend Pareto, sarms are potent as most anabolic steroids but they get results slower and yes some sarms may require pct , thankyou silentmon 1011, maybe it's just my body reacts well to sarms, like all peds everyone reacts different, no water retention either with rad 140 or crazy blood pressure sides , mk677 you will retain water I believe and it increases the shit out of my appetite, ok guys thankyou I learned lots and will continue learning, I don't have all the answers but I'm open minded.
Back in a month, enjoy your summer hopefully these masks are gone totally by fall . What is your favorite sarms?
Thanks for the feedback rad 140 will shut you down actually, I run test and low dose deca all year, I found rad 140 has little side effects and doesn't effect your prostate , ostarine is probably the safest sarm , would you recommend sarms to guys that have not hit the wall and have adequate test naturally , especially younger guys in there 20 ' s , I like sarms for the fact they don't effect major organs and sides are not like anabolic steroids, I am on test forever but I like sarms I feel good on them and get results, I got flack for my post on cardarine lol I would say ostarine is probably the safest PED and would recommend to guys to use before jumping on injectables if there pondering but scared of injecting and running there first anabolic steroid cycle, I'm not a scientist or chemist I don't know how sarms really work but what ever the lab chemist at Pareto is doing is legit for sarms , if your looking for sarms I recommend Pareto, sarms are potent as most anabolic steroids but they get results slower and yes some sarms may require pct , thankyou silentmon 1011, maybe it's just my body reacts well to sarms, like all peds everyone reacts different, no water retention either with rad 140 or crazy blood pressure sides , mk677 you will retain water I believe and it increases the shit out of my appetite, ok guys thankyou I learned lots and will continue learning, I don't have all the answers but I'm open minded.

Interesting that you mention prostate.
Rad140 and Ostarine (MK2866) are actually slated for a study into their potential action as a prostate agonist.
The findings were discovered during a seperate study, obviously they were monitoring prostate size and inflammation (As they do with any androgen study) and found that the prostate size decreased significantly!!!

That would POTENTIALLY make Sarms a total fucking game changer for us gewr users.
Obviously the study was pushed back due to Covid... but it's very exciting stuff
Imagine running MK2866 on a Tren stack?
Say goodbye to prostate issues (This has all yet to be prove )

As for the lipids, it seems like the majority of people crash their lipids
But in a few cases, it actually lowered LDL/HDL respectively
As we all know, it's the ratio that's important, so if they're lowered in tandem.... who the fuck cares lol?

My personal OPINION is that it's too new to RECOMEND SARMs
I do use them myself... specifically MK2866 as a prostate agonist and Cardarine for its Lipid profile boosting (And free cardio lol)

I use myself as a lab rat and I enjoy experimentation, I in ZERO way recomend doing the retarded shit that I do

I'm also the guy that has purposely crashed my e2 and T (On seperate occasions) to test my limitation of esters and my limitation on Aromasin respectively

SARMs are very promising in the future, but we just arent there yet.

I can agree with a lot of your points
At the end of the day.... if it works well for you.. that's awesome... I'd keep doing it lol.

But the vast majority of SARM users will see the crashed lipids and/or Heavily suppressed HPTA
Interesting that you mention prostate.
Rad140 and Ostarine (MK2866) are actually slated for a study into their potential action as a prostate agonist.
The findings were discovered during a seperate study, obviously they were monitoring prostate size and inflammation (As they do with any androgen study) and found that the prostate size decreased significantly!!!

That would POTENTIALLY make Sarms a total fucking game changer for us gewr users.
Obviously the study was pushed back due to Covid... but it's very exciting stuff
Imagine running MK2866 on a Tren stack?
Say goodbye to prostate issues (This has all yet to be prove )

As for the lipids, it seems like the majority of people crash their lipids
But in a few cases, it actually lowered LDL/HDL respectively
As we all know, it's the ratio that's important, so if they're lowered in tandem.... who the fuck cares lol?

My personal OPINION is that it's too new to RECOMEND SARMs
I do use them myself... specifically MK2866 as a prostate agonist and Cardarine for its Lipid profile boosting (And free cardio lol)

I use myself as a lab rat and I enjoy experimentation, I in ZERO way recomend doing the retarded shit that I do

I'm also the guy that has purposely crashed my e2 and T (On seperate occasions) to test my limitation of esters and my limitation on Aromasin respectively

SARMs are very promising in the future, but we just arent there yet.

I can agree with a lot of your points
At the end of the day.... if it works well for you.. that's awesome... I'd keep doing it lol.

But the vast majority of SARM users will see the crashed lipids and/or Heavily suppressed HPTA
Rad 140 also shown to prevent brain aging and is healthy for neurons, great for brain health care as well some studies have proven, I agree I rephrase to saying sarms look promising so far , I guess I'm being a little over zealous promoting sarms and jumping the gun by promoting them , I should say to the experienced sarms user and aas users there quality but once again there so new I really can't say much more, world class mma fighters , soccer players, triathlon enthusiasts, cycling teams have been caught already using sarms , in a world of competition were a few seconds more endurance means 1st place to seventh place athletes will take chances with PED's the world anti-dopiing association has already banned most sarms, some research is also showing rad140 as a alternative to Testosterone replacement therapy, but once again more research is needed, what will they invent next to stay up on the world doping association lol , thankyou again silintmon .
Rad 140 also shown to prevent brain aging and is healthy for neurons, great for brain health care as well some studies have proven, I agree I rephrase to saying sarms look promising so far , I guess I'm being a little over zealous promoting sarms and jumping the gun by promoting them , I should say to the experienced sarms user and aas users there quality but once again there so new I really can't say much more, world class mma fighters , soccer players, triathlon enthusiasts, cycling teams have been caught already using sarms , in a world of competition were a few seconds more endurance means 1st place to seventh place athletes will take chances with PED's the world anti-dopiing association has already banned most sarms, some research is also showing rad140 as a alternative to Testosterone replacement therapy, but once again more research is needed, what will they invent next to stay up on the world doping association lol , thankyou again silintmon .
I also have pet mice they have gotten lean on rad 140 in my home research, cheers !!
Hello meso,

Let's start the long weekend off right with a quick flash sale. From right now until 5pm est on Sunday

For etransfer orders, Purchase 5+ items and receive one of the following items of your choice for free
-1 viagra
-AI of your choice (excludes hcg or raloxifene)
-1 test prop


10+ items receives one free Pareto branded product of your choice (cannot be combine with volume discount)

With vaccinations increasing and the potential of the gyms opening up we will run another promo in June.

Happy long weekend everyone!
I am good right now for products because I just made an order off of you. But I appreciate you putting on out a June promo. I am going to wait until probably closer to the end of the month and then I'll probably jump on one of the deals you are offering! :)
Tried the helios not sure if I took too much or sensitive to it but morning 2 tablets with coffee had me wired af, 4 and a half hours later took another with a caffeine pill pre workout. Didn't sleep that night and could feel my heart beating. Not sure if I want to try again lmao