Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Thanks for the feedback!

I had never heard of that before, but I just looked it up because you mentioned it and saw other stuff related to nolvadex making progesterone gyno worse.

I had the gyno issue before I started taking the Tren, but I was taking Deca during my last cycle, so my progesterone levels could still be elevated. Could have been the Deca causing my gyno issues.

Thanks for pointing out the nolvadex/progesterone issue... definitely might be causing the issue because I still haven't seen much relief for my gyno from running the nolvadex.

Hm, honesty using Nolva has saved my damn life. Best thing I’ve ever done. I never get estrogen sides but no matter what there is some flare ups running tren. Nolva always works.

For me personally when estrogen is higher than normal with tren I get flare ups. I don’t use AI anymore because once you start thst fucking balancing act it’s never ending. If I was you throw in 200 mast, it really helps. But the main thing that saves my life is like 3-5 days of Nolva 20mg and 25mg of proviron to help balance out/stabilize my unbound test. I normally do loke 2 days Nolva, 2 days ralox with proviron only during flare ups. Even on 400 Tren 1000 test and estrogen being too high, always works like a charm.
Hello Meso,

Over the past few weeks, more and more clients have been asking me about the legitimacy of the two different Pareto websites. Let me clarify things for you guys as best I can, regarding the differences between dealing with a website vs using an authorized representative, as well as resellers for a brand, and the legitimacy of both websites.

When you deal with a rep you will get the personal treatment, quick responses, and excellent customer care. You will also not have to pay gst/hst on the regular priced items. Finally you will have access to lower pricing through different payment options as well as promos.

Each website is a reseller that purchases product and distributes on their own. Both websites are verified as legitimate, and they both ship out the same Pareto products. Please note, to our knowledge, there are no counterfeit Pareto products, and no scamming websites selling our products, so please be assured that neither website will rip you guys off if you decide to go that route.

If you have any further questions regarding this topic, please email me and I will do my best to clarify things for you. Also, please reach out if you need a copy of the updated May price lists. Thanks guys and let's get through these crazy lock downs together, the end is in sight!
Personally I wouldn’t use a website and prefer speaking to an actual rep. Also paying taxes on something illegal to buy is pretty stupid lol.

I’ve been dealing with my rep Pareto1 for the last 3 years without any issues. I once received the wrong order but he quickly fixed it and I ended up with a couple extra vials of test out of it lol. As long as they’re still in business, they’ll have mine.
Personally I wouldn’t use a website and prefer speaking to an actual rep. Also paying taxes on something illegal to buy is pretty stupid lol.

I’ve been dealing with my rep Pareto1 for the last 3 years without any issues. I once received the wrong order but he quickly fixed it and I ended up with a couple extra vials of test out of it lol. As long as they’re still in business, they’ll have mine.
The websites charge sales tax to keep CRA off of their asses. You need a legitimate business to pass your money from online sales through and legitimate businesses need HST numbers.

That said, it’s way safer, easier and most often cheaper to deal directly with the reps.

We’re pretty lucky here on Meso. All of the Canadian reps that I’ve dealt with were good dudes.
The websites charge sales tax to keep CRA off of their asses. You need a legitimate business to pass your money from online sales through and legitimate businesses need HST numbers.

That said, it’s way safer, easier and most often cheaper to deal directly with the reps.

We’re pretty lucky here on Meso. All of the Canadian reps that I’ve dealt with were good dudes.
Literally almost spit out my coldbruh when I read "charge sales tax to keep CRA off of their asses." lol!
Literally almost spit out my coldbruh when I read "charge sales tax to keep CRA off of their asses." lol!

It's true lol
Back when I still fucked around with drugs
I knew dealers who had debit/credit machines with them.
One guy always said "Government and LE doesnt give a fuck, so long as I charge HST... they gotta get theirs"
Government are just as much crooks as anyone else
Literally almost spit out my coldbruh when I read "charge sales tax to keep CRA off of their asses." lol!
That’s why they do it. I won’t get in to too much detail because of OPSEC, but if you want to pull clean money from online, you need to have a paper trail for auditors and that involves a legit business and an HST number.

Busting steroid dealers is very low priority in Canada. Busting tax evaders, however, is top priority in every country.
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It's true lol
Back when I still fucked around with drugs
I knew dealers who had debit/credit machines with them.
One guy always said "Government and LE doesnt give a fuck, so long as I charge HST... they gotta get theirs"
Government are just as much crooks as anyone else
They are the biggest crooks….they steal from me every pay cheque to fund their BS.
Anyone have any experience with Pareto's injectable anadrol? How does it compare to oral anadrol? What protocol did you run? Thanks for any insight.
Anyone have any experience with Pareto's injectable anadrol? How does it compare to oral anadrol? What protocol did you run? Thanks for any insight.
Pareto actually doesn't make lnjectable anadrol, they just carry it from another lab to resell. I tried it and it's a lot of pinning. To be honest I didn't see a difference, after 2 weeks I gave up pinning every day sucks.
The CRA does not care where you get your money from as long as you pay your taxes. I had a friend who was audited by the CRA, he had a meeting with an CRA agent and his accountant, the the agent literally told him that they don't care where he got his money from, they said, it's the police job to catch you, it's our job to get our share. Word for word.
Had to do a replacement of somethings due to the gyms closing 3 weeks into my cycle. As always though 10/10 service.

Gonna try the oral helios will report back.
The CRA does not care where you get your money from as long as you pay your taxes. I had a friend who was audited by the CRA, he had a meeting with an CRA agent and his accountant, the the agent literally told him that they don't care where he got his money from, they said, it's the police job to catch you, it's our job to get our share. Word for word.
100%. If you have receipts to show that you’re paying them the right percentages on your reported income, they don’t give a single fuck if you’re laundering the money or not. It’s not their job.
Pareto actually doesn't make lnjectable anadrol, they just carry it from another lab to resell. I tried it and it's a lot of pinning. To be honest I didn't see a difference, after 2 weeks I gave up pinning every day sucks.
Ah, my mistake. I saw it on their product list and assumed they made it. Nevertheless I appreciate the info. I didn't know you had to pin it every day because I didn't see the ester. I was hoping to give it a try to mitigate some of the sides but I'm not really a fan of pinning ED either. Thanks again for the insight, much appreciated.
100%. If you have receipts to show that you’re paying them the right percentages on your reported income, they don’t give a single fuck if you’re laundering the money or not. It’s not their job.

But they do care if you dont claim enough.
They will sure as shit as LE to launch an investigation if they think you're not coughing up their taste.
Fucking assholes
But they do care if you dont claim enough.
They will sure as shit as LE to launch an investigation if they think you're not coughing up their taste.
Fucking assholes
That's the point. If they catch you not claiming enough they will end up making you pay it one way or another. All they want is their share of what you actually make. You can't be driving a lambo and claiming 20K on your Income Tax LOL
Made another order for Test E, nolvadex, arimidex, raloxifene and turinabol. Because of the spring promo being offered by them, they are offering 1 vial of NPP also that I chose.

Rep was fast to respond.

Only saw minor relief so far from running nolvadex and raloxifene for the last few weeks for my gyno. Going to keep running some more with this order to see if it helps as it may be something that will take some time vs just a few weeks to resolve.

Changed a few other variables also, going to run 0.5mg Arimidex ED on non injection days, with 1mg on my 2 injection days per week. Also purchased some Vitamin B6 that I am going to run at 400mg per day split into 2 doses.

I am going to get bloods from my doctor to see if my prolactin is elevated, then I'll look into caber/prami etc if so. Didn't want to mess with my dopamine with those harsh drugs. So I am just going to come off the 0.35mg 2x per week of Tren E (had the gyno before using Tren from my last cycle, but I was using Deca then) and use the Vitamin B6 for now if it is a prolactin issue until I can get bloods done.

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to provide my experiences in case it helps another person to problem solve there issues.

I'll try to post an update.
with no gyms opening in ontario.
This year seems like a cut and trt only.
Lost my drive to blast from home due to equipment.