Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

400 DHB feels like 300 Deca,300 Masteron, 20mg proviron. Very lean consistent gains, dries my joints, dry skin... slightly lethargic (maybe 35% of dbol lethargy. Clean consistent gains but very annoying trying to constantly bring your estrogen up. Would not recommend running lower than 750 test with 400 DH

I have ran 2.5 lengthy cycles. For me personally DHB is a VERY VERRRRRYYYYY POWERFUL AI. It has permanently altered my bodies ability to convert test to estrogen. Even on 1000 test... I pretty much no longer need to use any AI. Maybe the odd 20mg proviron and 20mg nolva here and there.

overall I give it a strong 7.8/10
Nice review, I appreciate it. That being said I'll probably pass on this compound simply because I like to keep my dosages rather low. Right now I've got a pretty good handle on my estrogen so I don't reignite that never ending battle again lol.
Thanks again for the insight though.
Tried Pareto's MENT @50mg EOD and It's an interesting compound.. Definitely felt some lighter estrogen sides and one nipple kept getting pain a few hours after injection but It's been about 2 weeks and I've only taken 25mg total Aromasin, I see why these sides could become a massive issue because I'd assume most people will already have a test base which may be decently high.. I had 0 test base and was still feeling estro sides so beware of that. This is one of those steroids that really makes you feel like you're on steroids lol :p

I'm already surpassing my max lifts from the lockdown, It's provided me a nice lean look as well.. Kind of wishing I got more because If anything It's a hell of a kick-starter.. It just feels like having peak test levels after a single injection and It feels to last about 2 days, You feel and notice the vascularity into the day after as well.. I thought I'd just try a vial but this definitely won't be the last time I use it. I will say again.. 0 test base and estrogen sides from only 1 injection.. Careful!
What's a good timing to take aromasin after test c injection. Should it be taken same time as injection, later on that day, next day? Currently using the Pareto aromasin
What's a good timing to take aromasin after test c injection. Should it be taken same time as injection, later on that day, next day? Currently using the Pareto aromasin

Right after your favorite television show, but only if it's on a Tuesday and not raining out and only before bed with a ham sammich.
All jokes aside Dennis James personally told me to take AI at night also anadrol to be taken before bed.. so if that’s the type of answe you wanna hear there it is but it doesn’t matter just follow the dose and take it at the same time each day
what kind of stop watch do you use ? What’s the best stop watch the pros use ?

obviously, if I'm a minute or two off I start to feel the high e2 sides so I need olympic level accuracy.
All joking aside
Timing is relatively meaningless for Aromasin specifically since it is a suicidal AI
Bounce back of Aromatase enzyme is quite slow.
Also meaninging if you crash e2, it's going to take a while to come back

Timing will be dependant in what you're dosing Aromasin at.

I take Aromasin 12.5mg 2x a week at 500mg test this keeps my e2 stable.

If I was half that dose, I would take 6.25 twice a week

Bloodwork will tell all.
I’ve been prescribed aromasin with arimadex for gyno.. and the doctor never mentioned timing.. so don’t stress about it and we we’re definitely just joking around don’t buy the stop watch
I’ve been prescribed aromasin with arimadex for gyno.. and the doctor never mentioned timing.. so don’t stress about it and we we’re definitely just joking around don’t buy the stop watch
Just out of curiosity. Incase there's something to be learned.

Why would your doctor prescribe 2 AIs at once but not tissue selective serms to target the breast tissue?