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I use his cyp and it’s fine for sub-Q MCT oil is perfect for this.
can you tell me where you inject, what amount each injection, what needle size? do you heat before injecting?

because I get big red burning welts when I use his cyp sub-Q. I don't know if I'm just allergic to mct or what but it seems too common that people get burning welts with sub-q in general, so I don't think its just a "me"-problem
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can you tell me where you inject, what amount each injection, what needle size? do you heat before injecting?

because I get huge red stinging welts when I use his cyp sub-Q. I don't know if I'm just allergic to mct or what but it seems too common that people get burning welts with sub-q in general, so I don't think its just a "me"-problem
0.2ml with 27g insuline syringe
I inject in stomach
But I do only trt dosage with sub-Q if I inject more ml I got a little ball and it hurt if I touch it

Don’t know if liska gonna do a low solvent version he have lot of work and new products coming but PS did it
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0.2ml with 27g insuline syringe
I inject in stomach
But I do only trt dosage with sub-Q if I inject more ml I got a little ball and it hurt if I touch it
I'll try lower ml. I'm injecting pretty hefty 0.5ml doses at the moment. Obviously not ideal for Subq, but the red welts still seem over the top regardless

do you preheat the oil?
Just got done with all the things and posted this to the store:

Complete list of new and newly labelled products:
Trestolone Ace 60mg & 100mg; Trestolone Enanthate 100mg
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg & 350mg
Boldenone Cypionate 200mg
Masteron Enanthate 200mg
TB-500 2mg
Trulicity (Dulaglutide) 1.5mg pen
Winstrol 100x25mg
AI/PCT: Arimidex 50x1mg, Aromasin 60x12.5mg, Letrozole 50x2.5mg, Tamoxifen 30x20mg, Clomiphene Citrate 30x50mg, Raloxifene 50x60mg
SARMS: GW-0742 90x10mg, RAD-140 90x10mg, S-23 100x10mg, YK-11 60x10mg

can you tell me where you inject, what amount each injection, what needle size?

because I get huge red stinging welts when I use his cyp sub-Q. I don't know if I'm just allergic to mct or what but it seems too common that people get burning welts with sub-q in general, so I don't think its just a "me"-problem
I would argue this may actually be a 'you' problem related to an intolerance to MCT or any amount of solvents subq (as Test C is relatively low in BB) - I read that Pharmasource has Test E in safflower oil without solvents coming soon, so I'd honestly switch to that as it eliminates two potential issues at once, as it will be a while until I have anything like that to offer due to all the lab testing eating up a lot of time unfortunately.
Just got done with all the things and posted this to the store:

Complete list of new and newly labelled products:
Trestolone Ace 60mg & 100mg; Trestolone Enanthate 100mg
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg & 350mg
Boldenone Cypionate 200mg
Masteron Enanthate 200mg
TB-500 2mg
Trulicity (Dulaglutide) 1.5mg pen
Winstrol 100x25mg
AI/PCT: Arimidex 50x1mg, Aromasin 60x12.5mg, Letrozole 50x2.5mg, Tamoxifen 30x20mg, Clomiphene Citrate 30x50mg, Raloxifene 50x60mg
SARMS: GW-0742 90x10mg, RAD-140 90x10mg, S-23 100x10mg, YK-11 60x10mg

I would argue this may actually be a 'you' problem related to an intolerance to MCT or any amount of solvents subq (as Test C is relatively low in BB) - I read that Pharmasource has Test E in safflower oil without solvents coming soon, so I'd honestly switch to that as it eliminates two potential issues at once, as it will be a while until I have anything like that to offer due to all the lab testing eating up a lot of time unfortunately.
Atleast the gains on your Test are incredible, so that's good
The gains are incredible tho, that's why I'm hesitant to switch source, haha.
I'm not sure why you're injecting 0.5ml Test C subq instead of IM - neither amount nor frequency necessary for stable levels would result in significant amounts of scar tissue.
I'm not sure why you're injecting 0.5ml Test C subq instead of IM - neither amount nor frequency necessary for stable levels would result in significant amounts of scar tissue.
well im sorta newish to injecting. tried some big 0.5ml shots recently. Tried injecting my triceps IM but same thing happened area got red and burning and swelled up for 4 days, also couldn't move my triceps properly

So I opted to shoot it subq instead, because the gains have been amazing
@Liska can't you create a Testosterone specific for SubQ use

so many of us want to cruise or TRT on a Test that won't create red burning golfballs under our skin everytime we inject - which I guess happens because of high solvents ?
Because you can't cruise or trt as everyone doing IM injection right? I mean that would be too smart I guess.

Oh right you are new to injecting and so you inject triceps as a virgin muscle. Yeah you are one those... Gotcha!
According to every forum ive ever read, everyone
My man, subq injection are made for very small amount of oil. Usually ppl that do TRT and cruise and they do ED injection of max EOD so it means 0.1ml or max 0.2ml each time.

You are shooting 0.5ml and complaining of pain and golfball and asking for low solvent or no solvent product... Do you see the non logic (and I'm being kind here) of it?

You have probably read nothing or have reading comprenshion problem because I assure you no one is gonna write that it's easier to do 0.5ml of test C subq Vs IM.
If you mean easier as: sticking the pin in your skin yeah sure... As easier for the whole process to be successful... I guess only an idiot could say so.


Learn how to pin IM, learn where to pin and from your answers I'm worried you are too young for all this or you are not knowledgeable enough... Or both.
shallow IM into the VG is the best of both worlds. I do that for my cruise pinning 2 times a week Ethanate.

at first it’s hard to find the spot but there’s zero pip, little blood loss, no injection pain with 29g insulin needles, and no big veins or nerves near the area so little risk of injecting into a vessel
shallow IM into the VG is the best of both worlds. I do that for my cruise pinning 2 times a week Ethanate.

at first it’s hard to find the spot but there’s zero pip, little blood loss, no injection pain with 29g insulin needles, and no big veins or nerves near the area so little risk of injecting into a vessel
I loved VG until I started having my femorus locking or giving me strange sensation after shooting for a while..I guess I was hitting the wrong spot or some oil was leacking around the area and creating some inflammation. I'll go back trying it now that I'm leaner and I can clearly see that lovely golf ball of a muscle rasing when I move my legs outwards
Just got done with all the things and posted this to the store:

Complete list of new and newly labelled products:
Trestolone Ace 60mg & 100mg; Trestolone Enanthate 100mg
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg & 350mg
Boldenone Cypionate 200mg
Masteron Enanthate 200mg
TB-500 2mg
Trulicity (Dulaglutide) 1.5mg pen
Winstrol 100x25mg
AI/PCT: Arimidex 50x1mg, Aromasin 60x12.5mg, Letrozole 50x2.5mg, Tamoxifen 30x20mg, Clomiphene Citrate 30x50mg, Raloxifene 50x60mg
SARMS: GW-0742 90x10mg, RAD-140 90x10mg, S-23 100x10mg, YK-11 60x10mg

I would argue this may actually be a 'you' problem related to an intolerance to MCT or any amount of solvents subq (as Test C is relatively low in BB) - I read that Pharmasource has Test E in safflower oil without solvents coming soon, so I'd honestly switch to that as it eliminates two potential issues at once, as it will be a while until I have anything like that to offer due to all the lab testing eating up a lot of time unfortunately.
Where is Myyyyy ANADROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL?? IMG20211009144906.jpg
According to every forum ive ever read, everyone
Sampei, charming as usual, is correct regarding both your first choice of triceps for IM, and 0.5ml subq. My personal recommendations are glutes & quads - if you've trouble relaxing your quad, lying down on your side and pinning in that position helps.

@Sampei oh my god is that the fabled cat I've not yet seen? I'm working on it - the Oxy raws test came back less than ideal but it won't affect the finished product.
Sampei, charming as usual, is correct regarding both your first choice of triceps for IM, and 0.5ml subq. My personal recommendations are glutes & quads - if you've trouble relaxing your quad, lying down on your side and pinning in that position helps.

@Sampei oh my god is that the fabled cat I've not yet seen? I'm working on it - the Oxy raws test came back less than ideal but it won't affect the finished product.
Yeah sorry I didn't mean to derail the thread. Like I said your test is amazing, my results on it have been incredible and I'm not even doing huge doses

I was just trying to work out if I was doing subq wrong

Anyways good day
I'm moving the release date back one day each time it's asked about, so the current estimate is summer of 2024.

Speaking of releases, a lot of the announced products have been released into the cat café already and you are free to pet and order them right away to their new forever home.

Fair enough, I understand that about DHB. But that can be the new rule for asking about the beloved Optis, right? :-(
Sampei, charming as usual, is correct regarding both your first choice of triceps for IM, and 0.5ml subq. My personal recommendations are glutes & quads - if you've trouble relaxing your quad, lying down on your side and pinning in that position helps.

@Sampei oh my god is that the fabled cat I've not yet seen? I'm working on it - the Oxy raws test came back less than ideal but it won't affect the finished product.
Yes he is. 9kgs of pure love, retardiness and laziness.

Delts IM for low amount like 0.5ml are very good even for skinny bitches. Quad are good too but tricky or at least for me, I always pin a fucking nerves 7 times out of 10.
Oh boy I love when I start kicking twitching like a mule on quad pin ahaha


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