Cat Café EU & US domestic

Are you planning to add more pharma items in the future?

Like pharma t3, t4, diuretics, modafinil, etc.
Basic things which are commonly used in bodybuilding cycles.
Pharma T3 without T4 has been disappearing from many countries for a while now, so I'll probably continue relying on Deus Medical due to their quality control/testing and just being able to talk to them about production - such insight/transparency is invaluable to me in grooming my inventory.

Diuretics I feel very uneasy about due to the dangers involved in misuse/abuse during contest prep.

Modafinil & Armodafinil have become considerably more risky for me to acquire from India after the Brexit & VAT changes, so I'm unsure whether they'll return soon/at previous prices.
Anyone has some insights to share between the difference of GW-0742 and GW-1516? I just found 0742 having a shorter halftime and an increased enlargement of the heart but not much in terms of efficiency

Listen i´m gonna share my experience, i know bimatoprost did not got to phase 3 for what ever reason but here it goes, recently the theory of DHT being the direct cause of MPB has been kida refuted not debunked but refuted in a sense, so me, you and everyone in here have DHT, what has been found in the scalp of balding men is high levels of PGD2 and low PGE2 and PGF2 alpha (this last one being bimatoprost, latanoprost and similars) then when this imbalance occurs it seems to create the proper enviroment for DHT to destroy the hair follicle, so this leaves DHT only as the effect and the prostaglandins imbalance as the cause, you dig
to my case: i am very very prone to hair loss, i have been dealing with it for years, i´m also a health care professional in an EU country so i have access to pharma grade meds and to do what ever lab test i want when ever i want, if it´s available of course.
I have been using finasteride since 2014 with kinda terrible side effects, ED, anxiety, kinda like hypogonadism, all this maybe becuase i already had low T before starting fin, not maybe i´m sure.
I also found that i responded very well to finasteride, it halted hairloss almost right away and i begun noticing my hair getting thicker, at the same time i was using minoxidil 5% with side effects like dark circles under the eyes and dry skin.
I lowered dose of finasteride to only 3 times per week with exact same results even after i started TRT at 120 mg per week splitted into 3 shots, no hair loss besides the typical seasonal shed i experience in late summer and fall.
When ever i added any DHT based compound such as proviron, masteron primo, DHB even at a very low dose my hair started shedding like crazy and that shed i could not stop even with dutasteride, the only fix was to stop the DHT add on, shame because i get insane libido on masteron even at a very low dose per week, also on DHB.
Ok fast forward to this day this is what i do
Minoxidil 5% 2 ml
Minoxidil 2 % 1ml
Bimatoprost (lumigan) in my country we have 28 eye drop bottles for everyday use, so i add 2 bottles to the mixx
And finally an antihistamin (to attenuate PGD2, it does not get rid of it) also eyedrops which is Ketotifen brand name in my country Zaditen also it comes in individual bottles i also add 2 bottles, that gives around 4.7 ml i just complete with minox until 5 ml and i use 1 ml every day and i prepare another mix every 5 days.
Since then i´am able to use any compund with no shed at all, but i only use them as my TRT add on so i never run crazy cycles but i´m confident this will stop everything.
I also take 0.5 mg finasteride 3 times per week and i plan on adding RU to this mix, i tryed ordering from anageninc but fucking Customs seized it since it came from the UK, now i got it from Actifolic hoping i have no issues this time, i believe this would be the ultimate stack to stop hairloss from any steroid.
Now i use my TRT with small dose NPP and small dose Masteron and my Libido is crazy high no joke, just insane and no worries about hairloss, also got a tennis elbow fixxed from the NPP.
I´m confident Bimatoprost works because on a trichogram follow up the dermatologist told me that if i was doing something different because my hair was getting thicker and that is from the bimatoprost, also when you don´t see bald spots on the barbar´s mirror, you know you are doing something right.
Kinda long but i think it may help to those who still care about hair
Sorry to ask a dumb question like this one, but can you elaborate more on how you run your routine?
Ketotifen and Bimatoprost, do you apply on scalp?
I know you use NPP (how much?) and Fin at low dose but aren't those two compounds a receipe for a capillar disaster?
I am only asking because I cycle:
high doses of Fin with DHT compounds (Primo/Anavar) + test
Test+NPP without Fin. And if you are right then I wouldn't cycle at all and would lower Fin.
Like you said, I don't wanna chose between Hair and Libido...
Thanks in advance. @cadafi

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In your case I know who I could blame any scratches on.
You should see what that little fucker does to ever Pen i own.
(and yes before anyone asks, i have a babybay cot for them next to my bed)
How much are you planning to run? I’m trying to work out the best dosing schedule…. 2 times a week right? As it’s an Ethanate ester
not sure, atm i try 45mg A a day and its damn nice. Still no e2 sides. testing the waters as to speak. 2 times a week would be nice, although i might just try 0,2ml a day subcutan with slinpins. every possibility is open
Modafinil & Armodafinil have become considerably more risky for me to acquire from India after the Brexit & VAT changes, so I'm unsure whether they'll return soon/at previous prices.
please keep in mind most sources fall due to dabling with stuff they shouldnt. i dont want to lose you! please dont leave me! we got some eu pharma sources for that, but only one cat enthusiastic trest e source!
Hey guys, don't let me disturb your discussion.
View attachment 154719
Pharma T3 without T4 has been disappearing from many countries for a while now, so I'll probably continue relying on Deus Medical due to their quality control/testing and just being able to talk to them about production - such insight/transparency is invaluable to me in grooming my inventory.

Diuretics I feel very uneasy about due to the dangers involved in misuse/abuse during contest prep.

Modafinil & Armodafinil have become considerably more risky for me to acquire from India after the Brexit & VAT changes, so I'm unsure whether they'll return soon/at previous prices.
I definitely can relate to your concerns regarding diuretics. I personally only would use it to get rid of water retention and not to completely dry out.

Aren't there mild options that can' be abused too much? Maybe HCT?

A while ago you had a combined product with telmisartan and hct.

Thanks for the detailed answer!
Can we get slin back pls ? ☹️
i hope liska is not mad at me for giving an alternative source but since he told me probably no slin in the near future
i can recomend the pharmacist for slin just tell him which you want
i hope liska is not mad at me for giving an alternative source but since he told me probably no slin in the near future
i can recomend the pharmacist for slin just tell him which you want
View attachment 154762
Thanks man!
Can we get slin back pls ? ☹️
Not until I can reliably source this in vials as I don't want to ship a lot of pens per parcel.

@nkdozzy I frequently send people to Pharma Only, European Pharmacist or ExpressPCT myself depending on the desired pharma product, I'm totally fine with mentioning other sources and said sources posting here themselves if they can fulfill a request posted better than I could.

I took a quick product picture and put this on the store so I won't drown in mails:

As you can see: New labels! There's still a cat featured to the left but I scrapped the batch number and Exp.Date and will use the Mfg. Date as the batch number because:

1. this is featured on every Janoshik labtest in the upper right and just slightly harder to manipulate since you can never send in another sample to Janoshik after 09/21 and have this date featured on the labtest, but you're always free to choose the batch number yourself (obviously you can manipulate the date on the labels themselves, I still have to find an affordable solution for this).

2. after much research and receiving input from people I highly respect, I have found expiration dates rather impossible to determine, but based on knowing the manufacturing date everyone can and must do their own research rather than blindly believe whatever the label says.
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Oh fuck. Its here. 99.99, does that annoy you?
No, but this does:

Same raw purity as the previous batch of 50mg/ml which tested at 47mg, slight adjustment of previous recipe to get it to just above 50mg/ml and now it tests 20% over - rather than give in to my usual panic and cause thousands in damage, this time I'll just surrender and print 60mg/ml labels.

Started putting new products on the store as well as replacing the unlabelled versions, so these will disappear from the promo tomorrow as well as they'll be technically out of stock-
Yay, Trest E :) any guesstimate when Optis will be back and DHB will be available?
I'm moving the release date back one day each time it's asked about, so the current estimate is summer of 2024.

Speaking of releases, a lot of the announced products have been released into the cat café already and you are free to pet and order them right away to their new forever home.
Enclomephene is amazing!

As for trest E, why would people want to keep it so long in their system? Is it to avoid having to pin too much? Testes gonna be so smol so fast... What's the actual half life?

@takkix Have you tried playing with your electrolite levels first? Sodium/Potassium ratios? It really helps in the water retention and esthetics departments.
@Liska can't you create a Testosterone specific for SubQ use

so many of us want to cruise or TRT on a Test that won't create red burning golfballs under our skin everytime we inject - which I guess happens because of high solvents ?
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