Cat Café EU & US domestic

I chose to ignore your mail as you seemed to have ignored the website stating "no exceptions". Since I cannot disclose your order this is making me look a bit cruel, so I'll deduct your order attempt from the order minimum if you'd like to share what you tried to order with my fellow felines here.

In embarassing news, I screwed up & scratched up a majority of Trest E/A vials, leaving the glass with tiny indentations that, as my luck would have it, can be mistaken as floaters unless you've sensitive fingertips or the vial is tilted to notice them unmoving and part of the glass, here's an example vial of Trest E (the two white dots):
View attachment 154586

I'd rather admit to my mistakes than try to hide them (which I could with proper label placement), which leaves me with two choices: Delay sale further to find a practical method of polishing the scratches out, or put them on the store this week with a disclaimer. I'd like to hear honest opinions on whether you would think less of a lab if they sold vials with such a glaring visual defect.

Just post in on the website and inform about it.

Your products is top notch, they will sell them self.
In particular I wouldn’t worry about the Trest E considering no other sources I have come across are selling it in Europe and it is extremely in demand from those who love MENT but don’t want to pin everyday, I’m pretty confident those 120 vials will sell in no time

even with the Trest A, limited legit sources here in Europe unlike the USA and a good demand for it

it just takes a look at this thread to see how you treat your customers and the trustworthiness and quality of the store
Redpill me on bimatoprost, good sir
"Thus, bimatoprost stimulates human scalp follicles in culture and rodent pelage follicles in vivo, mirroring eyelash behavior, and scalp follicles contain bimatoprost‐sensitive prostamide receptors in vivo. This highlights a new follicular signaling system and confirms that bimatoprost offers a novel, low‐risk therapeutic approach for scalp alopecias.—Khidhir, K. G., Woodward, D. F., Farjo, N. P., Farjo, B. K., Tang, E. S., Wang, J. W., Picksley, S. M., and Randall, V. A."

Personally I'd much rather op in for use of RU and Fin but each to their own I guess
Redpill me on bimatoprost, good sir
Listen i´m gonna share my experience, i know bimatoprost did not got to phase 3 for what ever reason but here it goes, recently the theory of DHT being the direct cause of MPB has been kida refuted not debunked but refuted in a sense, so me, you and everyone in here have DHT, what has been found in the scalp of balding men is high levels of PGD2 and low PGE2 and PGF2 alpha (this last one being bimatoprost, latanoprost and similars) then when this imbalance occurs it seems to create the proper enviroment for DHT to destroy the hair follicle, so this leaves DHT only as the effect and the prostaglandins imbalance as the cause, you dig
to my case: i am very very prone to hair loss, i have been dealing with it for years, i´m also a health care professional in an EU country so i have access to pharma grade meds and to do what ever lab test i want when ever i want, if it´s available of course.
I have been using finasteride since 2014 with kinda terrible side effects, ED, anxiety, kinda like hypogonadism, all this maybe becuase i already had low T before starting fin, not maybe i´m sure.
I also found that i responded very well to finasteride, it halted hairloss almost right away and i begun noticing my hair getting thicker, at the same time i was using minoxidil 5% with side effects like dark circles under the eyes and dry skin.
I lowered dose of finasteride to only 3 times per week with exact same results even after i started TRT at 120 mg per week splitted into 3 shots, no hair loss besides the typical seasonal shed i experience in late summer and fall.
When ever i added any DHT based compound such as proviron, masteron primo, DHB even at a very low dose my hair started shedding like crazy and that shed i could not stop even with dutasteride, the only fix was to stop the DHT add on, shame because i get insane libido on masteron even at a very low dose per week, also on DHB.
Ok fast forward to this day this is what i do
Minoxidil 5% 2 ml
Minoxidil 2 % 1ml
Bimatoprost (lumigan) in my country we have 28 eye drop bottles for everyday use, so i add 2 bottles to the mixx
And finally an antihistamin (to attenuate PGD2, it does not get rid of it) also eyedrops which is Ketotifen brand name in my country Zaditen also it comes in individual bottles i also add 2 bottles, that gives around 4.7 ml i just complete with minox until 5 ml and i use 1 ml every day and i prepare another mix every 5 days.
Since then i´am able to use any compund with no shed at all, but i only use them as my TRT add on so i never run crazy cycles but i´m confident this will stop everything.
I also take 0.5 mg finasteride 3 times per week and i plan on adding RU to this mix, i tryed ordering from anageninc but fucking Customs seized it since it came from the UK, now i got it from Actifolic hoping i have no issues this time, i believe this would be the ultimate stack to stop hairloss from any steroid.
Now i use my TRT with small dose NPP and small dose Masteron and my Libido is crazy high no joke, just insane and no worries about hairloss, also got a tennis elbow fixxed from the NPP.
I´m confident Bimatoprost works because on a trichogram follow up the dermatologist told me that if i was doing something different because my hair was getting thicker and that is from the bimatoprost, also when you don´t see bald spots on the barbar´s mirror, you know you are doing something right.
Kinda long but i think it may help to those who still care about hair
Listen i´m gonna share my experience, i know bimatoprost did not got to phase 3 for what ever reason but here it goes, recently the theory of DHT being the direct cause of MPB has been kida refuted not debunked but refuted in a sense, so me, you and everyone in here have DHT, what has been found in the scalp of balding men is high levels of PGD2 and low PGE2 and PGF2 alpha (this last one being bimatoprost, latanoprost and similars) then when this imbalance occurs it seems to create the proper enviroment for DHT to destroy the hair follicle, so this leaves DHT only as the effect and the prostaglandins imbalance as the cause, you dig
to my case: i am very very prone to hair loss, i have been dealing with it for years, i´m also a health care professional in an EU country so i have access to pharma grade meds and to do what ever lab test i want when ever i want, if it´s available of course.
I have been using finasteride since 2014 with kinda terrible side effects, ED, anxiety, kinda like hypogonadism, all this maybe becuase i already had low T before starting fin, not maybe i´m sure.
I also found that i responded very well to finasteride, it halted hairloss almost right away and i begun noticing my hair getting thicker, at the same time i was using minoxidil 5% with side effects like dark circles under the eyes and dry skin.
I lowered dose of finasteride to only 3 times per week with exact same results even after i started TRT at 120 mg per week splitted into 3 shots, no hair loss besides the typical seasonal shed i experience in late summer and fall.
When ever i added any DHT based compound such as proviron, masteron primo, DHB even at a very low dose my hair started shedding like crazy and that shed i could not stop even with dutasteride, the only fix was to stop the DHT add on, shame because i get insane libido on masteron even at a very low dose per week, also on DHB.
Ok fast forward to this day this is what i do
Minoxidil 5% 2 ml
Minoxidil 2 % 1ml
Bimatoprost (lumigan) in my country we have 28 eye drop bottles for everyday use, so i add 2 bottles to the mixx
And finally an antihistamin (to attenuate PGD2, it does not get rid of it) also eyedrops which is Ketotifen brand name in my country Zaditen also it comes in individual bottles i also add 2 bottles, that gives around 4.7 ml i just complete with minox until 5 ml and i use 1 ml every day and i prepare another mix every 5 days.
Since then i´am able to use any compund with no shed at all, but i only use them as my TRT add on so i never run crazy cycles but i´m confident this will stop everything.
I also take 0.5 mg finasteride 3 times per week and i plan on adding RU to this mix, i tryed ordering from anageninc but fucking Customs seized it since it came from the UK, now i got it from Actifolic hoping i have no issues this time, i believe this would be the ultimate stack to stop hairloss from any steroid.
Now i use my TRT with small dose NPP and small dose Masteron and my Libido is crazy high no joke, just insane and no worries about hairloss, also got a tennis elbow fixxed from the NPP.
I´m confident Bimatoprost works because on a trichogram follow up the dermatologist told me that if i was doing something different because my hair was getting thicker and that is from the bimatoprost, also when you don´t see bald spots on the barbar´s mirror, you know you are doing something right.
Kinda long but i think it may help to those who still care about hair
Any insight on oral supplements that one could take to halt hair loss? I gather that taurine helps stop hair bulb fibrosis on the scalp
Countermail web servers have been unreachable since around noon, this might cause all mails to bounce or not but is definitely the reason for anyone not getting a response until it's fixed.

Fresh delivery by the MVP of HPLC @janoshik:
Test Report #14231.pngTest Report #14233.png
Last edited:
Any insight on oral supplements that one could take to halt hair loss? I gather that taurine helps stop hair bulb fibrosis on the scalp
Not really man, more of a med type of person but regarding MPB and the use of AAS i´m pretty sure that no sup will stop/prevent hairlooss from using them
I'd rather admit to my mistakes than try to hide them (which I could with proper label placement), which leaves me with two choices: Delay sale further to find a practical method of polishing the scratches out, or put them on the store this week with a disclaimer. I'd like to hear honest opinions on whether you would think less of a lab if they sold vials with such a glaring visual defect.

nobody will complain since you have been upfront with it.
and probably nobody would have noticed anyway lol.

Considering most of us waiting for Trest E are already satisfied customers i am sure they will be gone before you even put them up for sale. Ill take 10!
nobody will complain since you have been upfront with it.
and probably nobody would have noticed anyway lol.

Considering most of us waiting for Trest E are already satisfied customers i am sure they will be gone before you even put them up for sale. Ill take 10!
In your case I know who I could blame any scratches on.

By the weekend I should have these labelled product (re)listed on the store:
Test E 250mg & 350mg
Masteron E 200mg
Bolde Cyp 200mg
Trest Ace 100mg
RAD-140 90x10mg
GW-0742 90x10mg
S23 100x10mg
YK-11 60x10mg
Tamoxifen 30x20mg
Clomid 30x50mg
Letrozole 50x2.5mg
Arimidex 50x1mg
Aromasin 60x12.5mg
Raloxifene 50x60mg
Trestolone E 100mg & Trestolone Ace 50mg are still waiting for labs

I'm planning on upgrading the amounts of tablets for some products once I have suitable containers.
I also take 0.5 mg finasteride 3 times per week and i plan on adding RU to this mix
Fin can stop further hair loss but won't really regrow hair and it's only for test and other derivatives so does nothing again tren,winstrol etc but still gives you some protection especially if you run high Test.
RU + Fin is what you want in my opinion and what I've been using myself.
One of my friends on the other hand dropped fin and is only using RU because how fin affected his sex drive/libido and still getting results from RU on it's own.

Derek from moreplates probably has done more articles/videos about hairloss prevention than anyone out there if you really want to look up that kind of stuff
nobody will complain since you have been upfront with it.
and probably nobody would have noticed anyway lol.

Considering most of us waiting for Trest E are already satisfied customers i am sure they will be gone before you even put them up for sale. Ill take 10!
How much are you planning to run? I’m trying to work out the best dosing schedule…. 2 times a week right? As it’s an Ethanate ester

I’m probably going to go with 70mg split into 2 35mg shots a week. Since I want to run it for some time and I always respond well to MENT
Mail is back up, any sent between roughly 2pm and 8pm never arrived. Should have labels by Friday night and be able to have everything up on the shop Saturday morning. Since I'd like for everyone to be able to use the promo & buy the new products in the same order, I'll just extend the promo for a day or two to ensure that can happen.
Since I'd like for everyone to be able to use the promo & buy the new products in the same order, I'll just extend the promo for a day or two to ensure that can happen.
Sorry Liska, I'm struggling to find where the terms of the promotion are clearly stated.

From what I can gather, select products have a 20% reduction (in the table on the site's homepage), which has been applied already to prices in the store? Customers need do no more than use those prices when calculating and making orders (in addition to observing a new €300 minimum)?
@2legit2quit That's pretty much it, I applied the prices to the products listing as well to prevent people from not using the promo.

As one purrpose of the promo is to check how sales of certain products are affected by discounts, I am considering keeping a few prices lower to manage inventory, and I honestly want to run another promo with different products in the near future to get more data.

Seasonal demand as well as demand around BB competition season has shown to be the biggest factor surprisingly, so I'll focus on this moreso in the future.
Are you planning to add more pharma items in the future?

Like pharma t3, t4, diuretics, modafinil, etc.
Basic things which are commonly used in bodybuilding cycles.
Are you planning to add more pharma items in the future?

Like pharma t3, t4, diuretics, modafinil, etc.
Basic things which are commonly used in bodybuilding cycles.
Dytide triamteren would be cool. Rarely to get it..


Steroids can cause akne and pimples... Especially if it's bunk.
Soo.. I'm using liskas primo since a few weeks and my akne is fading... I changed nothing except for primo. So is this a good sign for quality? Or just rumors about the akne stuff