Cat Café EU & US domestic

Great news Liska!
Just waiting for enclo to be back before placing an order (mainly for peptides). Now I'm excited at the prospect of being able to add your new hgh to the order. I'm already stocked on Opti but can't resist.

Congrats and looking forward to trying it out.
Great news Liska!
Just waiting for enclo to be back before placing an order (mainly for peptides). Now I'm excited at the prospect of being able to add your new hgh to the order. I'm already stocked on Opti but can't resist.

Congrats and looking forward to trying it out.
I don't think I'll have Enclomiphene tested and ready for sale before end of the upcoming peptide promo but you can send me a mail, put the peptides into your imaginary shopping cart/litter box at promo prices and add Enclomiphene when it's in stock early November.
From the upcoming 2022 cat café calendar.

As new Optitropin kits are still in transport, I've put my own kits on the store a bit earlier than planned at these prices:
1-3 kits = 125€ each
4+ kits =115€ each

You can add any amount of kits to an order that meets the minimum of 250€, but if you want to order HGH only, the minimum amount is four kits.

Just like Optitropin kits, these are meant as an additional product alongside the rest of the inventory, I've no intentions of competing with specialized HGH vendors.

I'll be continuously testing kits I purchase from factories to ensure consistent quality, and have further testing planned on this batch as well. Once that's completed, I'll post an update on what I can offer for blind testing these - for now I'm more interested in IGF-1 scores on these from existing customers/respected members (as I have a slight distrust in people's ability to get bloodwork done correctly) and will award 100€ in store credit for those.

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Good morning Liska, here in Spain this form of payment is beginning to be used a lot since they do not charge a commission for filling the cryptocurrency wallet and then they only charge $ 1
for shipping regardless of the USDT (theter) amount, do you plan to include it?
Good morning Liska, here in Spain this form of payment is beginning to be used a lot since they do not charge a commission for filling the cryptocurrency wallet and then they only charge $ 1
for shipping regardless of the USDT (theter) amount, do you plan to include it?
Sure, I've no issue with accepting it.
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From the upcoming 2022 cat café calendar.

As new Optitropin kits are still in transport, I've put my own kits on the store a bit earlier than planned at these prices:
1-3 kits = 125€ each
4+ kits =115€ each

You can add any amount of kits to an order that meets the minimum of 250€, but if you want to order HGH only, the minimum amount is four kits.

Just like Optitropin kits, these are meant as an additional product alongside the rest of the inventory, I've no intentions of competing with specialized HGH vendors.

I'll be continuously testing kits I purchase from factories to ensure consistent quality, and have further testing planned on this batch as well. Once that's completed, I'll post an update on what I can offer for blind testing these - for now I'm more interested in IGF-1 scores on these from existing customers/respected members (as I have a slight distrust in people's ability to get bloodwork done correctly) and will award 100€ in store credit for those.

View attachment 155331

I have a question regarding hgh. Never used it and researched very little till now. I'm very tempted to try liskas hgh. Is it a good idea to try 100 IU's and then to stop. Or could it interrupt my own production through the NFL? Is hgh a long man's run. Not for one to two month use with it? If it is so I'll try the mk first and in two years I'll go the hgh route.
I have a question regarding hgh. Never used it and researched very little till now. I'm very tempted to try liskas hgh. Is it a good idea to try 100 IU's and then to stop. Or could it interrupt my own production through the NFL? Is hgh a long man's run. Not for one to two month use with it? If it is so I'll try the mk first and in two years I'll go the hgh route.
It depends on what purpose you intend to use it for. In my personal experience, benefits regarding sleep quality/recovery, fat loss/inhibition of fat gain and downstream effects that improve training/performance become noticeable within mere days or weeks at most, whereas everything related to anti-aging, healing of injuries, soft tissue & tendons etc. may require long-term use. Ultimately one kit or 100iu at 2iu a day and slowly ramping up by 0.5iu to 1iu per week to ward off the onset of side effects such as radial nerve compression/numb fingers etc. will suffice to determine whether you like HGH.
It depends on what purpose you intend to use it for. In my personal experience, benefits regarding sleep quality/recovery, fat loss/inhibition of fat gain and downstream effects that improve training/performance become noticeable within mere days or weeks at most, whereas everything related to anti-aging, healing of injuries, soft tissue & tendons etc. may require long-term use. Ultimately one kit or 100iu at 2iu a day and slowly ramping up by 0.5iu to 1iu per week to ward off the onset of side effects such as radial nerve compression/numb fingers etc. will suffice to determine whether you like HGH.

Thanks for the reply. But I'm looking mostly for muscle gain. Yeah maybe not directly but due to better recovery and sleep etc. However I decided to wait one more year or so. I think it's not the best idea to use everything so early on my career. Slowly over time! I'll try though the mk 677 :)
See you at your shop liska for the order :)
the new and improved view from Cat cafe after Elon musk brought liska with him to Mars to serve as chief scientist of catabolics
I really hope we can expect Test U and HCG restock together by the end of next month or earler or idk where to order both tbh
View attachment 155337
the new and improved view from Cat cafe after Elon musk brought liska with him to Mars to serve as chief scientist of catabolics
Not the catabolism I wished for!

@Konrev combo of chinese holidays + flight restrictions afterwards is causing a few weeks of delayed arrivals but I'm expecting HCG and Test U raws to arrive any day now, though the latter will have to go through the entire testing gauntlet first - I just checked the usual EU suspects with no success, does noone have Test U available presently? If that's so, I'll go for rush testing to fix that a bit sooner.
for now I'm more interested in IGF-1 scores on these from existing customers/respected members (as I have a slight distrust in people's ability to get bloodwork done correctly) and will award 100€ in store credit for those.
Is this in regards of your own hgh or optis or maybe bloods to compared running both?
My Test results from Liska Test Enanthate (350 version) pinning 0.6 ml so around 210mg EOD so 735mg a week.

Bloods taken after 30 days into the cycle.

Pretty happy regarding my overall performance and condition at the moment! Thanks Liska ♥️

There's a lot of bloodwork posted in optis thread already, so my focus will be on collecting a sufficient sample size of my own kits for meaningful interpretation.
Once I get through the few kits of optis i just got no so long from you I give yours ago if there still be a need for bloods by then
My Test results from Liska Test Enanthate (350 version) pinning 0.6 ml so around 210mg EOD so 735mg a week.

Bloods taken after 30 days into the cycle.

Pretty happy regarding my overall performance and condition at the moment! Thanks Liska ♥️

View attachment 155377
Really happy to see bloodwork, perhaps I should reward bloodwork from trusted people at least (I don't trust everyone to get bloods done properly/not just send in random ones), as responsible/serious BB will get regular bloods anyways. What do you guys think?

@TrenBolognaSandwich Same user/circumstances/lab does offer some much required consistency when it comes to HGH related bloodwork, though I believe pulling 30+ on serum levels and roughly IGF-1 scores of 100 per iu will be the case for any correctly dosed 90%+ pure HGH and regardless of dimer, so the cases of special interest are when either value comes back abnormally low.

Lazy google image pull on serum levels after injection of 4mg (12iu):
Hey @Liska when sildenafil is supposed to be back in stock? I ask this question as I couldn't find anything related to this on the shop.

I'm taking a lot of time to ensure proper flow properties via granulating the raws as well as considering methods of administration other than tablets. Most Sildenafil products I've offered in the past received mixed reviews and I want to avoid that with my own, which means a release date in the second half of November is realistic.

Cenforce Professional sublingual tablets received the best feedback from what I can recall, but indian pharma products have become way more difficult for me to import post Brexit, especially after the recent VAT law change, so I'm still looking for a solution on that front.

Which Sildenafil products did you guys find best in effect/tolerable side effects?