Cat Café EU & US domestic

Hi Liska. Apologies if I’ve missed something or if I’m breaking a rule by asking but how do I view your products ?
Hotlinking this to not break a rule myself, here are the store rules - you can find the products on the website:
I'm taking a lot of time to ensure proper flow properties via granulating the raws as well as considering methods of administration other than tablets. Most Sildenafil products I've offered in the past received mixed reviews and I want to avoid that with my own, which means a release date in the second half of November is realistic.

Cenforce Professional sublingual tablets received the best feedback from what I can recall, but indian pharma products have become way more difficult for me to import post Brexit, especially after the recent VAT law change, so I'm still looking for a solution on that front.

Which Sildenafil products did you guys find best in effect/tolerable side effects?
I always used pharma grade so I don't know about underground sildenafil, anyway whatever brand I used I always had the same sides that's why I use it mainly at 25mg sometime 50 but more than that is pointless and increase the chance of sides for me.
One of the Deus Mast E Amps was broken & completely empty, there was also no leaflet in the box, but for the special price its not a problem. Did not saw it before ;)
Can you send me some further details? I don't open these to check for issues to be honest as I haven't heard of anything like this before. I can add something extra to make up for it next time, just remind me.

In other news, HCG Livzon will be back in stock in 2-4 days.
Hallo Liska,
entschuldige bitte die Störung, wird Test Cyp wieder verfügbar?
Danke sehr.
Test C ist unter "back in stock" (bald wieder verfügbar) als erstes Produkt aufgelistet, gleich unter dem Hinweis, bitte nicht nachzufragen, wann Produkte wieder verfügbar sind. Ungewiss, ob es noch im Oktober oder erst Anfang November wieder im Katzencafé erscheint.
Test C ist unter "back in stock" (bald wieder verfügbar) als erstes Produkt aufgelistet, gleich unter dem Hinweis, bitte nicht nachzufragen, wann Produkte wieder verfügbar sind. Ungewiss, ob es noch im Oktober oder erst Anfang November wieder im Katzencafé erscheint.
Entschuldigung, mein Fehler, ich habe nur die Seite mit den Injektionsmitteln gesehen, vielen Dank.
Can you send me some further details? I don't open these to check for issues to be honest as I haven't heard of anything like this before. I can add something extra to make up for it next time, just remind me.

In other news, HCG Livzon will be back in stock in 2-4 days.
*rubs hands*
*rubs hands*
By 2-4 days I meant hours apparently, it's back in store now. While I have some original boxes leftover from past stock, I requested to receive only the vials this time around as that lowers the risk and cost of shipping to and from me, so hopefully that won't result in disappointment.

Should you guys want sterile water amps alongside HCG for some reason, feel free to request any reasonable amount and I'll include them.

I removed the 300€ minimum order increase for the current promotion to simplify the order process.
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