Cat Café EU & US domestic

I just want a nice ski-in ski-out chateau :(
St Moritz is very beautiful but more high society and very expensive but the horse race is fkn awesome there.
Winterthur is also awesome, just a 40mins drive from me.

What are you thinking of? Quite a few swiss customers figured out a comfortable way of receiving packages that allows me to send there under domestic shipping conditions, so anyone from Switzerland feel free to mail me regarding this.
Ahh thought Switzerland doesn't get delivered from you, sorry!
@Liska just noticed your UK operation is up again. will the AAS be showing up on there or will that remain EU based?
Indian pharma products only, all cat products will remain EU based, as shipping them across from here hasn't been an issue honestly. For UK domestic I recommend fellow Meso feline TitanCats.
Yes, except you are going to the gym and the border scans everything even your slip.

Yeah... High society or only fans only haha
Yeah right the border scans everything mate hahahahahahaha and then theres me casually doing trips multiple times a month and I got checked only once in my Lifetime. I can name you a few places where you can cross very easy and comfortable.
I've remade the pharma category on the website and put up ten boxes of german pharma Telmisartan 98x80mg, available for 55€ each. I would part these out but with the strips holding seven tablets each and being a PAWG to ship/stealth, you'll have to go big or go home.

While looking for a cat pharma picture for this post, I rediscovered a thai UGL that seems to no longer be operational - should any members know them by purr coincidence, please contact them/me as I'm interested in acquiring their logo design! Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules by posting these amazing pictures publically available on their facebook:
Used a lot of your injectables and I always had effect from them, except from trestolone. Bought both trest ace and ena, didn't get any effects. Maybe I'm just nonresponder, this was my first time using it. Curious what others got out of it?
Used a lot of your injectables and I always had effect from them, except from trestolone. Bought both trest ace and ena, didn't get any effects. Maybe I'm just nonresponder, this was my first time using it. Curious what others got out of it?
Running how much, how frequently and with what else?
Used a lot of your injectables and I always had effect from them, except from trestolone. Bought both trest ace and ena, didn't get any effects. Maybe I'm just nonresponder, this was my first time using it. Curious what others got out of it?
I'll have to look into studies regarding the existence of non-responders but based on personal experience with Trest Ace pinning 5mg daily subq for TRT+, even this amount is noticeable in a change of mood, which I'd describe as horny+comfy (versus the horny+crazy of Trenbolone), with this state quickly disappearing even after stopping for a couple of days only. Based on recent user feedback, it might increase your charisma stat with your cat as well.

More information on dosage/duration/other compounds is definitely needed for further assessment though.
Today is the offical reopening of the UK domestic cat café!
While everything of importance can be found on the website itself, here's some information anyways:

1. The most important part is that the UK branch will carry indian pharma products only. It will not carry cat products nor ship outside the UK, so don't ask please. Should any of this change, I'll definitely announce it in advance.

2. It's run by the same dependable cat as before, who will join here shortly to offer customer support/answer questions regarding the UK store. The only contact for orders is Mailing orders to me due to willful ignorance may result in one or even two store bans. I'll take responsibility should something catastrophic happen of course but am otherwise uninvolved.

3. I'll ensure that products that have been testing badly (mostly various indian HCG products recently) won't be sold on the store and will send novel products for testing beforehand, but there's no plan to test the entire inventory upfront, as most of it has been selected based on consistently good test results from previous batches performed by @ExpressPCT , and others. Should you come across any concerning test results regarding any of the products, please contact me or just post here so I can remove them immediately.
Hi Ruby Tuesday / RubyLion here, Catcafe UK

Introducing the UK Domestic ONLY Branch.

We will be increasing our existing lines in the very near future. We will also be taking requests for specific bulk orders/items. (Obviously, there would be some associated delay in these bulk orders.)

As new products are added we will update you here.

We would like to gauge your interest in meds in these groups: Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Nootropics, Fat Burners, (No DNP !!!) & General Health Medication. Any sufficient call for new lines that you would regularly order please contact me at Catcafe UK

Any Dumb ASS questions/requests received via email will be posted here. :)
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.Regarding OPSEC, orders are deleted after two weeks of fulfillment, orders handled via Tails with VPN & Tor browser. Orders are fulfilled with stealth packaging, as reasonably as is needed for domestic orders, such as minimised rattling and such.
Hi Ruby Tuesday / RubyLion here, Catcafe UK

Introducing the UK Domestic ONLY Branch.

We will be increasing our existing lines in the very near future. We will also be taking requests for specific bulk orders/items. (Obviously, there would be some associated delay in these bulk orders.)

As new products are added we will update you here.

We would like to gauge your interest in meds in these groups: Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Nootropics, Fat Burners, (No DNP !!!) & General Health Medication. Any sufficient call for new lines that you would regularly order please contact me at Catcafe UK

Any Dumb ASS questions/requests received via email will be posted here. :)
If you can source a pharmaceutical grade of injectable glutathione, such as Tationil, or are able produce your own glutathione (preferably lyophilised unless you can ensure it remains refrigerated) I’d pretty much buy your entire inventory. I haven’t had trouble sourcing anything I need in the past but reputable injectable glutathione with provided lab reports remains impossible to find.