Cat Café EU & US domestic

What is the reason subq could make a difference compared to IM?
i did subq with the trest a. tried 50mg a day for a while. gave me crippling lower back pumps. i spent 80% of my gymtime lying on the floor trying not to cry.
11/10 would do again. gonna try daily subq with trest e too, but crusing now for a while on test only
i did subq with the trest a. tried 50mg a day for a while. gave me crippling lower back pumps. i spent 80% of my gymtime lying on the floor trying not to cry.
11/10 would do again. gonna try daily subq with trest e too, but crusing now for a while on test only
which dose of test are u cruising on?
@Liska This has probably been asked a thousand times already. But is there no chance of reopening to scandinavia? Your products were the shit
@Liska This has probably been asked a thousand times already. But is there no chance of reopening to scandinavia? Your products were the shit
The circumstances I based my decision on haven't changed, but that would be my prerequisite unfortunately.

I'll take this opportunity to add a necessary PSA: As I've fallen almost a day behind schedule due to a record number of customers sending an insufficient amount of BTC (>15€ short), which can be a mess to resolve as some exchanges don't allow for sending small amounts at all, or will charge a set fee for sending any amount, which may cost 25€ in fees for sending 25€ (as Binance did today). While trusted regulars can add such debts to future orders, I cannot grant this to newcomers unfortunately. Please make sure you are familar with the fees of your chosen crypto exchange/service.

Once I've confirmed to have received your payment, customers are henceforth forbidden from mailing me for 48h asking whether your order has been sent or what your tracking number is, as it's a very rare occurence to not receive tracking within said timeframe - not that tracking would be of any use this early on. I may have raised some rather entitled kittens by providing certain services so far and will need to work on remedying my mistakes before they drive me all too mad.

I apologize to all those whose were quietly expecting their orders to be sent today (more specifically by noon latest, as they may not get picked up for further transport after that time until noon the next day). Every order that has been paid for will be in transport by afternoon and all non-domestic orders will receive tracking by morning latest.
As I've fallen almost a day behind schedule due to a record number of customers sending an insufficient amount of BTC (>15€ short)
You should provide them with a priority and quality of service based on how serious they take you themselves which in here is trying to get away with sending less money as from following the thread it seems like only me and only 2 or 3 more individuals be sending few euro more rather than less which I though it would be a standard procedure
You should provide them with a priority and quality of service based on how serious they take you themselves which in here is trying to get away with sending less money as from following the thread it seems like only me and only 2 or 3 more individuals be sending few euro more rather than less which I though it would be a standard procedure
I believe these are genuine accidents primarily of crypto first timers (I do appreciate being their first...) as it can go the other way as well - my dearest (and onliest) aussie customer somehow managed to send an excess of 200€ recently.
Normally you don't get tracking ids if you order peds because of security.
Some seller offer it after 10days if you still haven't received it yet.
Some like meditrope give it to you after they shipped it.

Maybe set a 5-10 days line and then they can ask for tracking number (sometimes useless at your service because package is already here after a few days)
Normally you don't get tracking ids if you order peds because of security.
Some seller offer it after 10days if you still haven't received it yet.
Some like meditrope give it to you after they shipped it.

Maybe set a 5-10 days line and then they can ask for tracking number (sometimes useless at your service because package is already here after a few days)
I'll have my newest employee rewrite history the order guidelines today with an iron paw
You should provide them with a priority and quality of service based on how serious they take you themselves which in here is trying to get away with sending less money as from following the thread it seems like only me and only 2 or 3 more individuals be sending few euro more rather than less which I though it would be a standard procedure
never hurts to chuck in a couple extra euro, it should be standard procedure
Out of stock: Telmisartan 98x80mg
Limited stock: Ramipril, Teva Aromasin, Deus Medical Winstrol tabs & suspension
Back in stock: Trulicity (Dulaglutide) 1.5mg pens (one box/12 pens only)
In stock by Friday: pharma Modafinil & Armodafinil repacked - I will post quantity & prices at that point.

Sometime close to Christmas the cat café will be closed for a while - not for feasting but to finally focus on new projects and upgrading some background processes.
Out of stock: Telmisartan 98x80mg
Limited stock: Ramipril, Teva Aromasin, Deus Medical Winstrol tabs & suspension
Back in stock: Trulicity (Dulaglutide) 1.5mg pens (one box/12 pens only)
In stock by Friday: pharma Modafinil & Armodafinil repacked - I will post quantity & prices at that point.

Sometime close to Christmas the cat café will be closed for a while - not for feasting but to finally focus on new projects and upgrading some background processes.
For feasting, new projects and upgrading!
Even a cat loves feasting Christmas.. Imagine the Christmas tree full of lights liska... Go for it!


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@Liska what's the temperature range that your HGH should be stored in?
I recommend storing all peptides & HGH in the fridge prior and post reconstitution, so slightly above zero degrees celsius. While HGH will be fine outside the fridge unreconstituted for an unknown amount of time, there's no reason for taking that risk.
I recommend storing all peptides & HGH in the fridge prior and post reconstitution, so slightly above zero degrees celsius. While HGH will be fine outside the fridge unreconstituted for an unknown amount of time, there's no reason for taking that risk.
I believe Jano posted before the % degredation somewhere for it before? Or am I wrong?
I keep mine prior reconstruction in freezer and reconstructed in the fridge, also some prior posts in regards of it from older threads:
You can store it pretty much anywhere except out in the sun while it's still a puck.

Reference standards are kept at -80 Celsius and shipped on dry ice, so I assume you storing vials in a fridge, if anything, is beneficial.

Anyway, any GH should last two days at normal room temp. Most will be usable without concern for up to 4-5 days.

I typically use my GH within 1-2 days of mixing and I haven't refrigerated it in years. Room temp (68 degrees) has been fine. I suppose i would stick it in the fridge if it was going to be 4-5 days or exposed to a higher room temp.

When I use Novalin R insulin I don't put it in the fridge either. It says keep it at room temp once opened (below 77 degrees).

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I believe Jano posted before the % degredation somewhere for it before? Or am I wrong?
I keep mine prior reconstruction in freezer and reconstructed in the fridge, also some prior posts in regards of it from older threads:
I faintly remember someone (I'm thinking @Mighty-mouse for some reason) having conducted some testing and concluded that storing it in the fridge is indeed beneficial.

What's noteworthy on this topic is that pretty much all HGH lab reports, generic and pharma, are from samples that are shipped supplier > vendor > @janoshik uncooled, and having looked at lab reports of the same HGH brand/batch in summer and winter, I've not found a significant difference insofar if the dates were removed, I wouldn't be able to sort them by season.
I believe these are genuine accidents primarily of crypto first timers (I do appreciate being their first...) as it can go the other way as well - my dearest (and onliest) aussie customer somehow managed to send an excess of 200€ recently.
I have been in crypto trading long time now, have multiple wallets and I always transfer my funds in XLM ( Stellar) it is fast and cheap way to transfer money.


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