Cat Café EU & US domestic

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1. Several customers are confusing Mfg. Date with Exp. Date so I'll return to the old label design and will make up estimate Exp. Dates for future batches. Speaking of labels, new labels for everything unlabelled will finally arrive next week after waiting for well over a month.

2. No promises as catastrophes lurk behind every corner but here's a list of planned product for February: Testosterone Undecanoate 250mg in castor oil, Proviron 50mg, Oxymetholone 50mg, lots of new batches for existing products, a very limited restock of Optitropin kits. For March a lot more new products are planned including (re)stock of various pharma ancillaries & peptides but please refrain from asking about them because this strengthens the curse placed upon me.

3. The current promotion is active for another four days:crashpromo.png
Liska, did you ever consider filling Trest into cartridges for SlinPens? Due to the small volumes it would be kinda fun and convenient to have it in flexpens. Probably a stupid idea but i have a catpic to make up for it.
Also, unrelated question whats the best strength builder without putting on unnecessary weight? Need a little pick me up but need to stay in my Weightclass. Tren I assume? Sorry i am temp banned on fraud so i need a questin/shitpost alternative

Probably a stupid idea but i have a catpic to make up for it.
Just one catpic won't make up for how stupid this idea is.

For strength, consider superdrol - while it will increase glycogen storages a bit and is significantly hepatotoxic, alternatives tend to be worse in at least one of those categories.
View attachment 159496

1. Several customers are confusing Mfg. Date with Exp. Date so I'll return to the old label design and will make up estimate Exp. Dates for future batches. Speaking of labels, new labels for everything unlabelled will finally arrive next week after waiting for well over a month.

2. No promises as catastrophes lurk behind every corner but here's a list of planned product for February: Testosterone Undecanoate 250mg in castor oil, Proviron 50mg, Oxymetholone 50mg, lots of new batches for existing products, a very limited restock of Optitropin kits. For March a lot more new products are planned including (re)stock of various pharma ancillaries & peptides but please refrain from asking about them because this strengthens the curse placed upon me.

3. The current promotion is active for another four days:View attachment 159497
Test U is awesome news.
Soon we're stocking some new products on the UK site.

We also added BAC water today and lowered modafinil to £9 each.

Restocking on HMG in the next week or two. Ezemetibe in 2-3 weeks.

We are adding T4, simvastatin, rosuvastatin, pramipexole, mesterolone, kamagra jelly shortly.

We are open to custom orders. We can currently access oral semaglutide(rybelsus) at 3,7 and 14mg;Dulaglutide injectable 1.5mg pens but there would be an associated 2-3 week wait for it, we can also take custom requests for non-aas items and we will try our best to make it happen.

So if the semaglutide/dulaglutide interests you or other custom orders, chuck us an email or suggest stuff here.
What brand will the T4 be and is it lab tested? Reason I ask is I have hashimotos disease which is now affecting my TSH levels, T4 levels are holding for now but won’t be long until I need to use T4 for life land in the UK Gp’s don’t prescribe it often.
View attachment 159496

1. Several customers are confusing Mfg. Date with Exp. Date so I'll return to the old label design and will make up estimate Exp. Dates for future batches. Speaking of labels, new labels for everything unlabelled will finally arrive next week after waiting for well over a month.

2. No promises as catastrophes lurk behind every corner but here's a list of planned product for February: Testosterone Undecanoate 250mg in castor oil, Proviron 50mg, Oxymetholone 50mg, lots of new batches for existing products, a very limited restock of Optitropin kits. For March a lot more new products are planned including (re)stock of various pharma ancillaries & peptides but please refrain from asking about them because this strengthens the curse placed upon me.

3. The current promotion is active for another four days:View attachment 159497
Proviron is a good news
Hey Cat Cafe! I've ordered some Test-E vials a couple months ago, these were unlabelled and therefore I got them for a significant discount. The Test-E was working as intended and not only could I feel it but my bloodwork also confirmed it.

The only problem I had was that I would get a Test-Flu the next day EVERYTIME I injected the Test-E. I've been using so many brands for the past 10 years and I've only once experienced the 'Test-E Flu' and that was when I injected high amounts of test upwards to 1.5G. This was not the case this time around, I've only ranged between 300MG's and 600 MG's of Test-E/week.

My friends for some reason did not have this problem, which makes me think I might be having an inflammatory response to something in the Test-E. I do not have any knowledge regarding brewing and which oil might cause it, may it be MCT or something else.

My question is do you remember with what you brew the Test-E whilst shipping those unlabelled vials? Was it the MCT like you're using now or something else? I was really happy with the Test-E effect but the constantly having a Test-Flu for 1 day after every injection was getting quite tiresome.
Hey Cat Cafe! I've ordered some Test-E vials a couple months ago, these were unlabelled and therefore I got them for a significant discount. The Test-E was working as intended and not only could I feel it but my bloodwork also confirmed it.

The only problem I had was that I would get a Test-Flu the next day EVERYTIME I injected the Test-E. I've been using so many brands for the past 10 years and I've only once experienced the 'Test-E Flu' and that was when I injected high amounts of test upwards to 1.5G. This was not the case this time around, I've only ranged between 300MG's and 600 MG's of Test-E/week.

My friends for some reason did not have this problem, which makes me think I might be having an inflammatory response to something in the Test-E. I do not have any knowledge regarding brewing and which oil might cause it, may it be MCT or something else.

My question is do you remember with what you brew the Test-E whilst shipping those unlabelled vials? Was it the MCT like you're using now or something else? I was really happy with the Test-E effect but the constantly having a Test-Flu for 1 day after every injection was getting quite tiresome.
It's just BA, BB and MCT for all products for every batch, so it's probably the MCT indeed - if you've not gotten PIP or other localized symptoms, I would rule out the concentration being a factor (not that I know if this was 250mg/ml or 350mg/ml).
It's just BA, BB and MCT for all products for every batch, so it's probably the MCT indeed - if you've not gotten PIP or other localized symptoms, I would rule out the concentration being a factor (not that I know if this was 250mg/ml or 350mg/ml).
I've also gotten PIP & Localized swelling each and every time. Could it be an combination of? It was 350mg/ml. Do you recommend giving the Test Cyp 275mg/ml or Test Enth 250mg/ml a try?
I've also gotten PIP & Localized swelling each and every time. Could it be an combination of? It was 350mg/ml. Do you recommend giving the Test Cyp 275mg/ml or Test Enth 250mg/ml a try?
If you have any other MCT product on hand to test if the carrier oil is the issue I'd try that first. If that goes well I recommend Test E 250mg though the safest option might be to get this in another carrier by another brand.
What brand will the T4 be and is it lab tested? Reason I ask is I have hashimotos disease which is now affecting my TSH levels, T4 levels are holding for now but won’t be long until I need to use T4 for life land in the UK Gp’s don’t prescribe it often.
The T4 is GSK which means that testing is a bit moot. If it was a lesser known indian manufacturer I'd understand the cynicism.
For strength, consider superdrol - while it will increase glycogen storages a bit and is significantly hepatotoxic, alternatives tend to be worse in at least one of those categories.

This should be tested before by that individual, Superdrol is very very heavy not only on the liver it can greatly cause very hard stomach issues that you can't use the strong glycogen effect, especially if Tren is in use, I've used over 300mg Oxymetholon for several weeks and and it didn't kill my stomach like a week on Superdrol.

I would stick to a Injectable Halotestin and Oxandrolone combination, halo is bad for the liver too but the stomach issues aren't that hard like Superdrol.

Got my first Prolactin gyno from brawn Superdrol back in the day, 29,99 Euro for a bottle "no side-effects like steroids" what a time
This should be tested before by that individual, Superdrol is very very heavy not only on the liver it can greatly cause very hard stomach issues that you can't use the strong glycogen effect, especially if Tren is in use, I've used over 300mg Oxymetholon for several weeks and and it didn't kill my stomach like a week on Superdrol.

I would stick to a Injectable Halotestin and Oxandrolone combination, halo is bad for the liver too but the stomach issues aren't that hard like Superdrol.

Got my first Prolactin gyno from brawn Superdrol back in the day, 29,99 Euro for a bottle "no side-effects like steroids" what a time
Thanks for the input. As for now, i will try the Sdrol since i got some at home. Normally i try to stay away from Orals and i didn't know Injectable Halo exists. Might look into that for the next Contest.
At the moment i am "just" running Trest+Mast (without Test, that actually works damn good too. Wanted to try it for myself) Adding Sdrol should hopefully be fine.
Thanks for the input. As for now, i will try the Sdrol since i got some at home. Normally i try to stay away from Orals and i didn't know Injectable Halo exists. Might look into that for the next Contest.
At the moment i am "just" running Trest+Mast (without Test, that actually works damn good too. Wanted to try it for myself) Adding Sdrol should hopefully be fine.
Pharmasource has injectable & labtested Sdrol so that might be preferable, injectable Fluoxymesterone is incredibly rare, even moreso than Mibolerone. I forgot to mention this but I'll have TUDCA available someday unless that's readily available in EU post-Brexit again, which wasn't the case earlier this year.