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I received a test report from a customer of Trestolone Enanthate 100mg/ml done by lab4tox and verified that it's legitimate. As I stated in the OP, I accept Janoshik test results for store credit only (making an exception for this one as it's already done) as lab4tox doesn't accept blind tests to my knowledge, but I'm obviously thankful to any customer going through the trouble of getting my products tested!

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Speaking of more shameful results, I've been hesitant to put these on the store at all, as you can tell by two weeks having passed since the report and the product not being listed. Switching from a TDP-5 and premixed fillers to a rotary & mixing fillers myself is a long and frustrating learning process but I promise to make a new & better batch as soon as chinese holidays are over and I can reorder raws. Should public opinion be mostly negative, I won't hesitate to pull it, so criticism is appreciated.
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This result is good for me.

Yes, it is a little more mg than it should be, but it has been tested and we are aware of that and more importantly there are no big differences between the tablets. The biggest problem for me is when there is a big difference between pills.

With you, the biggest difference between the tablets is about 5%, which is great.
This result is good for me.

Yes, it is a little more mg than it should be, but it has been tested and we are aware of that and more importantly there are no big differences between the tablets. The biggest problem for me is when there is a big difference between pills.

With you, the biggest difference between the tablets is about 5%, which is great.
Being able to test multiple tablets per product without having to pay the full price for extras at @janoshik is my favourite feature.
I received a test report from a customer of Trestolone Enanthate 100mg/ml done by lab4tox and verified that it's legitimate. As I stated in the OP, I accept Janoshik test results for store credit only (making an exception for this one as it's already done) as lab4tox doesn't accept blind tests to my knowledge, but I'm obviously thankful to any customer going through the trouble of getting my products tested!

View attachment 159315

Speaking of more shameful results, I've been hesitant to put these on the store at all, as you can tell by two weeks having passed since the report and the product not being listed. Switching from a TDP-5 and premixed fillers to a rotary & mixing fillers myself is a long and frustrating learning process but I promise to make a new & better batch as soon as chinese holidays are over and I can reorder raws. Should public opinion be mostly negative, I won't hesitate to pull it, so criticism is appreciated.
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i've been thinking long and hard about these results. the label dose does clearly state 10mg of cardarine. the fact you're now posting testing showing that 2 of 3 tablets started with an 11 is damn right shameful.

will these be offered at a heavy discount, to apologise to all those who have now had to suffer this report? ;)
i've been thinking long and hard about these results. the label dose does clearly state 10mg of cardarine. the fact you're now posting testing showing that 2 of 3 tablets started with an 11 is damn right shameful.

will these be offered at a heavy discount, to apologise to all those who have now had to suffer this report? ;)
Yes, I reduced the price by 15% from 40€ for the first batch to 34€ for this one.
Hi guys. Im now 10 weeks into my first cat cycle.
Started with sust 250 0,5ml e2d. After 4 weeks i included primo 100 1,5ml e2d.
Now im getting some ridicoulus pain in my joints, especially ellbows. Could this be from the primo? (Never took primo before)
Hi guys. Im now 10 weeks into my first cat cycle.
Started with sust 250 0,5ml e2d. After 4 weeks i included primo 100 1,5ml e2d.
Now im getting some ridicoulus pain in my joints, especially ellbows. Could this be from the primo? (Never took primo before)
Primo lowers e2 and low e2 causes joint pain amongst many other issues. I've gotten my testosterone to primo ratio wrong in the past and ended up with an e2 score of 8, which was fixed by taking more testosterone. While your ratio doesn't seem problematic at first glance, you could be a low aromatizer, so get bloodwork to check for this - are you taking anything else?
Zdravo momci. Sada sam 10 sedmica u svom prvom ciklusu mačke.
Počelo sa sust 250 0,5ml e2d. Nakon 4 sedmice ubacila sam primo 100 1,5ml e2d.
Sada dobijam smešne bolove u zglobovima, posebno u laktovima. Može li ovo biti od primo? (Nikad ranije nisam uzimao Primo)
You probably knocked down your E.

Do a blood test to be sure.

And why didn’t you turn on the primo right away for 1 week?
Hi guys. Im now 10 weeks into my first cat cycle.
Started with sust 250 0,5ml e2d. After 4 weeks i included primo 100 1,5ml e2d.
Now im getting some ridicoulus pain in my joints, especially ellbows. Could this be from the primo? (Never took primo before)
Pull bloods and see where your at.
Primo lowers e2 and low e2 causes joint pain amongst many other issues. I've gotten my testosterone to primo ratio wrong in the past and ended up with an e2 score of 8, which was fixed by taking more testosterone. While your ratio doesn't seem problematic at first glance, you could be a low aromatizer, so get bloodwork to check for this - are you taking anything else?
Yeah im gonna get blood work next week. So i already thought it would be a problem caused by low e2, but im not sure cause i added your trest a at 25mg ed last monday which should bump this up a bit. But maybe ill have to wait some days until that really hits. Anyway thank for your answer!
Yeah im gonna get blood work next week. So i already thought it would be a problem caused by low e2, but im not sure cause i added your trest a at 25mg ed last monday which should bump this up a bit. But maybe ill have to wait some days until that really hits. Anyway thank for your answer!
Only make changes to a cycle off the back of objective blood results so as to keep the variables down.