Cat Café EU & US domestic

I have a Cat she’s 16 and still the size of a kitten, her names Moggy V ses swee (Don’t ask me why I thought she was French)

Anyway @Liska I’ve sent you a message mate.
Animal cruelty, threats of violence against animals prohibited.
What do you think of my cat

[EDIT: photo removed, animal cruelty, threats of violence against animals is prohibited.]
Threats of physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members are prohibited.
Enjoy my dick
Not cool mate, because of this comment I will fuck your downsydrom mom in the ass tonight, unfortunately (for her) I am on tren right now, which means I will tear that downy ass up
However... Pinned tren 150 mg/ml, smooth af, no cough, no pip, nothing, it just skyrocketed my BP, but I'm on telmisartan so it's under control. Test cyp is fucking my ass tho, 1 ml and I'm crippled by pip. I have a weird relationship with test, Test E gives me PIP, Cyp gives me PIP, Sust gives me unbearable pip, I tolerate very well test prop, last time I had 2ml of Liska's prop in delts and no pip at all.. Pinning 550mgs+/week of prop is not an option, any idea?

P.S: injection technique is perfect, needles and syringes are top notch.
However... Pinned tren 150 mg/ml, smooth af, no cough, no pip, nothing, it just skyrocketed my BP, but I'm on telmisartan so it's under control. Test cyp is fucking my ass tho, 1 ml and I'm crippled by pip. I have a weird relationship with test, Test E gives me PIP, Cyp gives me PIP, Sust gives me unbearable pip, I tolerate very well test prop, last time I had 2ml of Liska's prop in delts and no pip at all.. Pinning 550mgs+/week of prop is not an option, any idea?

P.S: injection technique is perfect, needles and syringes are top notch.
Can you feel depots from the longer estered Testosterones at the injection site & have you had this experience with E & C from other brands (there could be an issue with breaking down longer esters in a timely manner)?

Depending on the response I have various suggestions, including the consideration of Trestolone as a base instead.
Can you feel depots from the longer estered Testosterones at the injection site & have you had this experience with E & C from other brands (there could be an issue with breaking down longer esters in a timely manner)?
Yes, it isn't a consistent experience but I used PS' gear and Test E always gave me pip, so I switched to Cyp. Last time I had HL Test E sold by you and it gave me pip for a couple of weeks and then stop. I categorically exclude it depends on your gear, since it's the smoothest I have pinned, plenty of lab tests and good reviews, it's a matter of compound.

Edit: no sir, can't feel any depot, I can barely feel tren a 150mg/ml depot but nothing that could be called "discomfort", let alone "pain".
Yes, it isn't a consistent experience but I used PS' gear and Test E always gave me pip, so I switched to Cyp. Last time I had HL Test E sold by you and it gave me pip for a couple of weeks and then stop. I categorically exclude it depends on your gear, since it's the smoothest I have pinned, plenty of lab tests and good reviews, it's a matter of compound.
Warming up the oil prior to injection might help slightly - if Sustanon is causing this problem as well, I'm suspecting it's more likely related to an individual issue with long esters generally rather than specific ones or the concentration of each, as Sustanon has neither E nor C but the even longer Decanoate at 100mg/ml.

Test Prop at 150mg/ml might be worth a try, or Trestolone Ace. Hopefully someone more experienced with this issue comes up with a smarter idea!
Warming up the oil prior to injection might help slightly - if Sustanon is causing this problem as well, I'm suspecting it's more likely related to an individual issue with long esters generally rather than specific ones or the concentration of each, as Sustanon has neither E nor C but the even longer Decanoate at 100mg/ml.

Test Prop at 150mg/ml might be worth a try, or Trestolone Ace. Hopefully someone more experienced wites up with a smarter idea!
Might be carrier oil problems?

Would be interested to see inflammatory markers in bloods when pain is being felt, CRP/immunoglobulin levels.