Cat Café EU & US domestic

Might be carrier oil problems?

Would be interested to see inflammatory markers in bloods when pain is being felt, CRP/immunoglobulin levels.
Anytime you have Significant PIP/inflammation you’ll have elevated CRP. It’s not a useful metric when you know you’re in pain. You don’t need a blood test to confirm you have a stomach ache. Well, usually.
Liska are you planning test p or a of 150mg? It will be interesting
Please find the answer here:
It is up to me, but Í do have this rule to not ask about future products because when I do allow these questions I find myself drowning in them immediately.
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Liska are you planning test p or a of 150mg? It will be interesting
Ace is downright impossible with any reasonable recipe, prop might hold in the spanish summer but can crash easily most other places or seasons based on some testing from last year. Might try again closer to summer & closer to 150mg.
Another experience with Liskas cat cafe:

Ordered 25x cat test e250 for a friend of mine because he doesn't know how to pay with crypto.
Le me did a little mistake with my btc but Liska stayed friendly and was really helpful with everything.

Got tracking code instantly.

Friend received his order after 4days. 2 vials were broken, sent Liska the pictures and got immediately a free reship of it including the tracking code.

Thanks liska for that awesome service. You got one customer more in your cat cafe.
Another experience with Liskas cat cafe:

Ordered 25x cat test e250 for a friend of mine because he doesn't know how to pay with crypto.
Le me did a little mistake with my btc but Liska stayed friendly and was really helpful with everything.

Got tracking code instantly.

Friend received his order after 4days. 2 vials were broken, sent Liska the pictures and got immediately a free reship of it including the tracking code.

Thanks liska for that awesome service. You got one customer more in your cat cafe.
Vials breaking is always extremely embarassing - finding the perfect balance between protection and stealth is something I'll definitely figure out by spring!

Speaking of crypto transfers, if anyone knows a comprehensive guide for EU for newbies (possibly from another source board/darknet market), please post a link, otherwise it's about time to compile one ourselves as a cat community as this continues to cause a lot of problems for customers.
Some observations of my own ass:

TRT+, Pinning 0.4ml 300mg/ml Baku Test Ent, it forms a slightly painful lump that takes about 7 days to fully dissipate.

TRT+, Switching to Catcafe 0.35ml 350mg/ml Test Ent, the lump is slightly more painful and takes about 10 days to fully go away.

Switching to blast, mixed in one syringe, Catcafe 0.7ml Test Ent 350mg/ml, 0.7ml Deca 300mg, 0.7ml Mast Ent 200mg, the injection site is significantly less painful, after 4 days I can barely feel any lump inside.
Some observations of my own ass:

TRT+, Pinning 0.4ml 300mg/ml Baku Test Ent, it forms a slightly painful lump that takes about 7 days to fully dissipate.

TRT+, Switching to Catcafe 0.35ml 350mg/ml Test Ent, the lump is slightly more painful and takes about 10 days to fully go away.

Switching to blast, mixed in one syringe, Catcafe 0.7ml Test Ent 350mg/ml, 0.7ml Deca 300mg, 0.7ml Mast Ent 200mg, the injection site is significantly less painful, after 4 days I can barely feel any lump inside.
As with previous cases, there are lots of variables you can check for: Have you tried Test E at 250mg/ml to compare whether it might be an issue of the concentration itself? A lump forming could be a result of not reaching IM at all or not sufficiently due to your ass being dummy thicc as well. I recommend having a reference standard concentration Testosterone E 250mg/ml product to eliminate possible causes via comparison.
As with previous cases, there are lots of variables you can check for: Have you tried Test E at 250mg/ml to compare whether it might be an issue of the concentration itself? A lump forming could be a result of not reaching IM at all or not sufficiently due to your ass being dummy thicc as well. I recommend having a reference standard concentration Testosterone E 250mg/ml product to eliminate possible causes via comparison.
I got lump from test e also. Not your test e as I didn't use that but from brewing. Is probably the raw test e itself that cause that lump. Was injected deep as I use 4 cm needle for glute and I'm not that fat either
Is a pain in the ass literally that test e
As with previous cases, there are lots of variables you can check for: Have you tried Test E at 250mg/ml to compare whether it might be an issue of the concentration itself? A lump forming could be a result of not reaching IM at all or not sufficiently due to your ass being dummy thicc as well. I recommend having a reference standard concentration Testosterone E 250mg/ml product to eliminate possible causes via comparison.
It's not intended as a robust scientific experiment. From memories over the past 10 years or so, I get usually no lump with test e at 200-250mg. Stealth Juice, Pharmacom, GlobalAnabolics, KeiFei, SP Labs, Balkan Pharma, MedTech are those Test E that I have used most (in addition to Baku and your own).
As a comparison, I get proper pip from Pharmacom Mix3 (500mg/ml), to the point that it's uncomfortable to sit down.
Im sure my ass thicccness has gone up and down a bit too but I still reckon that I manage to poke into the muscle.
Anyway, just an observation from my side. Useful for me is that the pip and lump disappeared when mixing it with deca and mast.
Vials breaking is always extremely embarassing - finding the perfect balance between protection and stealth is something I'll definitely figure out by spring!

Speaking of crypto transfers, if anyone knows a comprehensive guide for EU for newbies (possibly from another source board/darknet market), please post a link, otherwise it's about time to compile one ourselves as a cat community as this continues to cause a lot of problems for customers.
I bet it was the failure of the postman, you know how they are handling their packages. Vials can break like other stuff. You gave a free reship of the vials, not everyone is doing that. Had other experiences too with broken vials or shipping failures.

About the crypto stuff: most gas stations have btc for selling one of the simplest ways to buy it.
I help my friends I like and for the "older generation" crypto is something they don't understand haha
As for the PIP issue everyone talking about.
I ve tried pinning the cat Test E 350 on my delts a couple times. It gave me a huge lump and redness and PIP that moved all the way down to the bicep. This took ~around 8 days to clear both times. Same test E gives me 0 PIP in glutes. Same technique, needles etc with cat Masteron and cat Tren on delts, gives me 0 PIP. I guess delts and high concentration oils don't work well??

As for the people that want to buy crypto , it doesn't get more simple than:
Make and verify account on Kraken.
Send funds to your Kraken account.
Buy crypto.
Send to Liska' s wallet.
Vials breaking is always extremely embarassing - finding the perfect balance between protection and stealth is something I'll definitely figure out by spring!

Speaking of crypto transfers, if anyone knows a comprehensive guide for EU for newbies (possibly from another source board/darknet market), please post a link, otherwise it's about time to compile one ourselves as a cat community as this continues to cause a lot of problems for customers.
This guide helped me

As for the PIP issue everyone talking about.
I ve tried pinning the cat Test E 350 on my delts a couple times. It gave me a huge lump and redness and PIP that moved all the way down to the bicep. This took ~around 8 days to clear both times. Same test E gives me 0 PIP in glutes. Same technique, needles etc with cat Masteron and cat Tren on delts, gives me 0 PIP. I guess delts and high concentration oils don't work well??

As for the people that want to buy crypto , it doesn't get more simple than:
Make and verify account on Kraken.
Send funds to your Kraken account.
Buy crypto.
Send to Liska' s wallet.
well, then i also give my opinion.
0,05ml test E 350/mg/ml in delts eod as TRT regime --> Zero PIP.
i draw and pin with an insulin syringe 30g
I received a test report from a customer of Trestolone Enanthate 100mg/ml done by lab4tox and verified that it's legitimate. As I stated in the OP, I accept Janoshik test results for store credit only (making an exception for this one as it's already done) as lab4tox doesn't accept blind tests to my knowledge, but I'm obviously thankful to any customer going through the trouble of getting my products tested!

lab4tox trest e-1.png

Speaking of more shameful results, I've been hesitant to put these on the store at all, as you can tell by two weeks having passed since the report and the product not being listed. Switching from a TDP-5 and premixed fillers to a rotary & mixing fillers myself is a long and frustrating learning process but I promise to make a new & better batch as soon as chinese holidays are over and I can reorder raws. Should public opinion be mostly negative, I won't hesitate to pull it, so criticism is appreciated.
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