Cat Café EU & US domestic

On a new episode of Misteri dei gatti: A picture has surfaced of how the dripping wet pussy arrived at the customer. Fidati gattini italiani - do all of you receive my parcels bagged like this, is it random, or was this by chance done to contain the leak?
He quickly went to his local dpd and asked for few stickers, never had my package in anything else than the original wrapping... thats with other "normal" packages delivered to me by dpd also
On this note, I received a mail from an italian customer with pictures of a parcel supposedly arriving completely destroyed. Having never seen anything close to this level of obliteration before, I'm doubting that a courier service would deliver a parcel completely soaked in oil, which includes the address label. In my quest to find out whether it happened as written or if this is the result of an accident post-delivery, I asked for permission to post this and get opinions from italian customers specifically:
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Hello Liska,

This has happened to one of our regular customers from Italy too, long time ago. This particular client was certainly not lying about the situation. I was also shocked to see his pictures and also had no idea what in the hell happened to that parcel. Reshipped and problem solved :)
Hello Liska,

This has happened to one of our regular customers from Italy too, long time ago. This particular client was certainly not lying about the situation. I was also shocked to see his pictures and also had no idea what in the hell happened to that parcel. Reshipped and problem solved :)
Hi! Do you recall if it arrived in such extra packaging back then as well, probably due to the parcel being too soggy to handle? It would not be the first time I've had italian couriers shirk responsibility, as GLS Italy likes to pretend addresses don't exist and thus cannot be delivered to when given the chance.
Hi! Do you recall if it arrived in such extra packaging back then as well, probably due to the parcel being too soggy to handle? It would not be the first time I've had italian couriers shirk responsibility, as GLS Italy likes to pretend addresses don't exist and thus cannot be delivered to when given the chance.
Yes if I remember correctly it was also repacked in some plastic bag like the picture you showed.
Its not just GLS Italy which pretends addresses dont exist, its same with other couriers in Italy.
Hello Liska,

This has happened to one of our regular customers from Italy too, long time ago. This particular client was certainly not lying about the situation. I was also shocked to see his pictures and also had no idea what in the hell happened to that parcel. Reshipped and problem solved :)
I just remembered that this is a customer of yours as he initially mentioned that you had sent him to me for this product - I understand you're trying to help him, but given this undisclosed affiliation, I respectfully request not to inferfere. I promise fair treatment.

@Stefanv Thanks for showing them off so neatly! I really appreciate the effort put into such pictures even without pets present.
Almost 400€... there are people that would lie for much less but maybe guy is right and who knows what happened truly
You have the right to question his story and don't replace the order. Personally I wouldn't send a replace
I mean if it's destroyed what's the benefit for the customer? He's just out whatever he paid + no product. Where would the scam be here?

As a sidenote this does look like it got run over by a car.
I mean if it's destroyed what's the benefit for the customer? He's just out whatever he paid + no product. Where would the scam be here?

As a sidenote this does look like it got run over by a car.
He switched out vials with old empty ones and crushed them. He keeps the original order and gets a free replacement.
He switched out vials with old empty ones and crushed them. He keeps the original order and gets a free replacement.
Idk. Seems a stretch.

Maybe people are crappy.

But really for 400e or whatever it is that's an extraordinary amount of effort to get another 400e of gear, one time thing, when he orders again if this is a scam he can't try it again.

Anyway. I've got no cat (ha!) in this race.
Idk. Seems a stretch.

Maybe people are crappy.

But really for 400e or whatever it is that's an extraordinary amount of effort to get another 400e of gear, one time thing, when he orders again if this is a scam he can't try it again.

Anyway. I've got no cat (ha!) in this race.
I’ve no cat in this race either, but sadly - people can be asses and take advantage of situations. You’d be surprised how many people scam for free stuff. Not to mention, I believe this was MENT, which is more expensive than Test or other hormones.
Idk. Seems a stretch.

Maybe people are crappy.

But really for 400e or whatever it is that's an extraordinary amount of effort to get another 400e of gear, one time thing, when he orders again if this is a scam he can't try it again.

Anyway. I've got no cat (ha!) in this race.
I've seen people do worse for way way less than this so anything is possible.
Add to that for example more eastern european countries where 400 would actually be a lot of money or what if the person is just trying to get a free cycle by selling off the replacements? Crazy people by coming up with crazy ideas.

This whole thing just got me tempted to do some durability testing on my vials when I empty them
On a new episode of Misteri dei gatti: A picture has surfaced of how the dripping wet pussy arrived at the customer. Fidati gattini italiani - do all of you receive my parcels bagged like this, is it random, or was this by chance done to contain the leak?
View attachment 160807
That's a different courier. I always got the usual other from you.

Edit: nevermind, i don't remember how they were when arrived
I just remembered that this is a customer of yours as he initially mentioned that you had sent him to me for this product - I understand you're trying to help him, but given this undisclosed affiliation, I respectfully request not to inferfere. I promise fair treatment.

@Stefanv Thanks for showing them off so neatly! I really appreciate the effort put into such pictures even without pets present.
No idea, no one contacted us about this situation. Just read this myself and thought it would be helpful to share our experience.
He switched out vials with old empty ones and crushed them. He keeps the original order and gets a free replacement.
When I receive the package, always but always before opening it, I take the phone and start making videos, even with Liska's package I did so, so that if there is some defect or anything else that something is missing I will have real evidence and not just photos. So for me the customer made a mistake that he didn't start making videos before starting to open the package, especially seeing that it was completely wet with oil. If I saw the package like this, the first thing I would do was the video ... so it's the customer's fault because now it becomes difficult to believe ..
When I receive the package, always but always before opening it, I take the phone and start making videos, even with Liska's package I did so, so that if there is some defect or anything else that something is missing I will have real evidence and not just photos. So for me the customer made a mistake that he didn't start making videos before starting to open the package, especially seeing that it was completely wet with oil. If I saw the package like this, the first thing I would do was the video ... so it's the customer's fault because now it becomes difficult to believe ..
Absolutely! Unless for some reason the customer wasn’t home to receive the package. And even then, they should have started recording it as soon as they saw the package in that condition.

I am in the US, so I don’t know how other countries deliver, but in the US, this package would have probably not even made it to the door of the customer and possibly could’ve been grounds to get a warrant from law enforcement.
When I receive the package, always but always before opening it, I take the phone and start making videos, even with Liska's package I did so, so that if there is some defect or anything else that something is missing I will have real evidence and not just photos. So for me the customer made a mistake that he didn't start making videos before starting to open the package, especially seeing that it was completely wet with oil. If I saw the package like this, the first thing I would do was the video ... so it's the customer's fault because now it becomes difficult to believe ..
While I've not seen complete destruction to this extent before, vials have broken and product has been forgotten (though it's usually just overlooked due to stealth) and these incidents are so embarassing to me I usually reship them within hours of receiving the pictures I request, but there was a mix of details (not all I shared as they would create bias against the customer) about this case that made me reach out to my pizza cats.

@Villain I stealth my oils as gamergirl pussy juice (the real thing is available via my onlyfans) because LE don't fuck with that.
Хотя я никогда раньше не видел полного уничтожения в такой степени, флаконы разбивались, а продукт был забыт (хотя обычно это просто упускают из виду из-за скрытности), и эти инциденты настолько смущают меня, что я обычно повторно отправляю их в течение нескольких часов после получения фотографий, которые я запрос, но был набор деталей (не все, что я поделился, поскольку это создаст предвзятое отношение к покупателю) об этом случае, что заставило меня обратиться к моим пиццериям.

@Villain Я прячу свои масла в виде сока из киски геймерши (настоящая вещь доступна через моих единственных поклонников), потому что LE это не ебать.
did the right thing, because the case itself is very suspicious
To be honest I don't think that a vial can break in that way so easy. Don't think that any post worker can manipulate the package in that way that it will look like this when is delivered. And even if it does who would let the package to get to customers all in oil. It would be label as lost then get delivered destroyed

What was the total worth of the package?

I cant comfirm that. Even got such destroyed parcels where every vial and every pen was destroyed. The delivery guy don't give a fuck if the content of the parcel is save or not. It's all about the time and how fast the deliver to conplete the whole delivery-route
Pharma recipes tend to use unnecessarily high amounts of BB but the ideal amount for 'Nebido' is definitely above 20% in retrospect. I couldn't find any brewer amongst my friends using just castor either (some added a low amount of EO).

None of the customers that had problems and received free samples gave me feedback afterwards iirc but since switching to the new filler mix noone has complained either, so I'm hopeful the switch fixed it. Still there's room for improvement of course and I'm reading what I can get my hands on regarding pharmaceutical production procedures of tablets.

Any idea if it will go through 27G needle without too much pressure?