Cat Café EU & US domestic

Would repackaging it not make it easier even for eu shipping or is too time consuming to be worth the effort?
Here's one box of blisters with Cialis for scale to illustrate just how big these are. Not comfortable taking telmi tablets out of blisters due to degradation stress test studies on it.

@dasistmane You can try 40mg but it's more likely that 80mg is necessary if you're getting high BP on 500mg test already.
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Here's one box of blisters with Cialis for scale to illustrate just how big these are. Not comfortable taking telmi tablets out of blisters due to degradation stress test studies on it.
View attachment 161635

@dasistmane You can try 40mg but it's more likely that 80mg is necessary if you're getting high BP on 500mg test already.
Be careful because mostly of the telmisartan that I have tried are hyGrophobic, in presence of humidity they just dissolve. So maybe you can split a pill but the other one probably has to be thrown away.
Hello, just saw a Video from Tony Huge about a Peptide called Epitalon, supposed to be the holy grail of antiaging since it seems to act directly as an antitelomerase.
Was just wondering if there are any plans on including this one on the shop @Liska ?
Interested in the telmisartan. May have to put in another order already.

Is it ok for me to ask in here what dosages of this people generally run? I get high BP just from running 500 test. Would 20mg ED be a good starting point?
20mg ED would be a good start if you don't have any issues but since blasting already gives you high BP, I'd start with 20mg the first week and up it to 40mg right away. It'll be unlikely that you need the full 80mg but buy enough to run 40mg for as long as you wish your stock to last.
After a few jabs of Test E 350 and some tabs Proviron I can definitely feel my spirits returning ;) I'll get bloodwork done at my next doctor's appointment in a week, maybe post it here too. Excellent delivery by @Liska, once again ;)
do you still have special prices for 10+ vials?
Not at the moment, this is part of promotions only and a way for me to manage stock.

@Ferenor I remember that we talked about this a while ago - the instruction leaflet for the product I have does specifically say that tablets with a groove can be split evenly, but it certainly shouldn't be crushed according to this study: Medications that should not be crushed

@cadafi I've actually offered this at the cat café in the past and there was so little interest that I ended up giving most of it away. The longetivity niche is similar to nootropics insofar there's dozens of products that may make you immortal and omniscient or do nothing at all, with insufficient research to give a conclusive answer.

@theoneandonlyivy I rarely get to see Proviron bloodwork or even comments on it so I'm really looking forward to this!

Bag of mixed kittens tonight:

Both TB-500 and BPC-157 tested curiously underdosed, which is unprecedented for the factory & these products from the lab reports I've seen.
It's a stark reminder of the Meso mantra of a source being only as good as their last batch and the value of testing: while I paid for underdosed product, you won't, since I can adjust the price upfront according to the test result. Let me know if these seem reasonable (I couldn't find any EU peptide source with testing for price comparison) as I'm taking that cat cash straight to another lab known for the highest peptide quality (and prices) to ensure perfection.

BPC-157 9mg: 1-9 vials: 22€ each, 10+ vials: 20€ each, 20+ vials: 18€ each
TB-500 8mg: 1-4 vials: 45€ each, 5+ vials: 42€ each, 10+ vials: 39€ each

Fortunately this lab report accompanied the two above:
Any reason why this tres e is more orange than the previous one? Just curious
Current BB having a yellowish hue as mentioned but the (liquid) raws were a darker colour than the previous batch as well - whether this is due to higher purity or anything regarding precursors/production I'm not sure about.

@effiffoff I cannot replicate this nor can I find anything to justify this warning. Provide further details please and I'll have someone specialized look into it.
Current BB having a yellowish hue as mentioned but the (liquid) raws were a darker colour than the previous batch as well - whether this is due to higher purity or anything regarding precursors/production I'm not sure about.

@effiffoff I cannot replicate this nor can I find anything to justify this warning. Provide further details please and I'll have someone specialized look into it.
I will have to try
was just gonna order a lot :/
I've been regularly pulling products temporarily due to falling behind on stock management/labelling, it's the alternative to me closing the store altogether to do so (which never works because people ignore it). I'll post whenever a product is close to being sold out, which at the moment are just L-Carnitine and Telmisartan.
I've been regularly pulling products temporarily due to falling behind on stock management/labelling, it's the alternative to me closing the store altogether to do so (which never works because people ignore it). I'll post whenever a product is close to being sold out, which at the moment are just L-Carnitine and Telmisartan.
yeah i understand no problem ill just wait until mast E is back up
2 test cyp are crashed and 1 is fine, but that's expected because they arrived today very cold. I will put everything in the warm water before using just in case. 3 bold cyp, 3 npp and 1 test prop are all cold but did not crash.20220317_110541.jpg