Cat Café EU & US domestic

2 test cyp are crashed and 1 is fine, but that's expected because they arrived today very cold. I will put everything in the warm water before using just in case. 3 bold cyp, 3 npp and 1 test prop are all cold but did not crash.View attachment 161855
impressed at the bold cyp not crashing if the test cyp has done so. can you update on any PiP from the bold cyp once you've pinned it a few times?
impressed at the bold cyp not crashing if the test cyp has done so. can you update on any PiP from the bold cyp once you've pinned it a few times?
I do find a small percentage of Boldenone C 200mg & NPP 150mg vials to crash but nowhere near as consistently as Test C 250mg, and I'm afraid to say correcting the dosage from 275mg to 250mg hasn't helped in this regard, but that's not to say tthis aspect cannot be improved.
I do find a small percentage of Boldenone C 200mg & NPP 150mg vials to crash but nowhere near as consistently as Test C 250mg, and I'm afraid to say correcting the dosage from 275mg to 250mg hasn't helped in this regard, but that's not to say tthis aspect cannot be improved.
crashed gear doesn't bother me in the slightest tbh. just warm it up and it goes back in solution and then it lives at room temp happily ever after. if you adjusted yout test cyp, i'd have to rethink the blast dosages i'm hoping to get from you shortly!
impressed at the bold cyp not crashing if the test cyp has done so. can you update on any PiP from the bold cyp once you've pinned it a few times?
My first pin will be tomorrow and I will be doing MWF. This is my first time using bold cyp. For now I have planned to do 1ml test cyp, 1ml npp, 0.5ml bold cyp every pin which will be 750 test, 450 npp, 300 bold. Starting low with bold because primo crashed my e2 when I ran 750 test 600 primo.

I have used before cat npp and it gave me slight pip once when I pinned 2ml at once (1ml was always without problems), but it didn't affect my workouts.
Any thoughts on the recent talks about banning cryptocurrencies in the EU, as far as we are concerned?

I know jack shit about this stuff but I'm guessing there will be a work around
Any thoughts on the recent talks about banning cryptocurrencies in the EU, as far as we are concerned?

I know jack shit about this stuff but I'm guessing there will be a work around
From what I understand this got rejected three days ago so things should be fine for the foreseeable future.
Any thoughts on the recent talks about banning cryptocurrencies in the EU, as far as we are concerned?

I know jack shit about this stuff but I'm guessing there will be a work around
Interestingly enough my coinbase account got closed, no information to as why it got closed at all. My support ticket got closed without answer...
In case bitcoin is closed, what alternative will be the safest for sellers? Nationally, it is clear that the safest thing is to send cash camouflaged by parcels and false data, but internationally it will be a risk without bitcoin.
Current BB having a yellowish hue as mentioned but the (liquid) raws were a darker colour than the previous batch as well - whether this is due to higher purity or anything regarding precursors/production I'm not sure about.

@effiffoff I cannot replicate this nor can I find anything to justify this warning. Provide further details please and I'll have someone specialized look into it.
conn fail.JPG
When I remove the 'S' from 'https' then malvarebytes premium blocks it.
Don't summon him. He'll shit post another thread, and this one has a lot of good info thats easy to find!

Don't be such a pussy bro.
Just coz you don't like and can't handle a conversation or alternate viewpoint doesn't mean the other person is wrong.

You can try to run away from reality but you can't hide from it and it will always find you eventually !