Cat Café EU & US domestic

Do you have any lab results to back up your claim on the oxymetholone and Cialis being bunk?
Another one bashing QSC and praising the catcafe

Cool i wont even bother checking the rest of you suckers its clear shills or alt accounts
Just keep bringing me back in the thread im sure it will do much good.
Keep digging the hole i hear cats land on they're feet might be different this time.
Threatening, promoting and/or encouraging physical violence (implied or actual), including threats of sexual violence, against (but not limited to) forum members is prohibited.
I thinks its Liska’s ass that is in real danger to be honest
Tick tack tick tack tick tack booommmm
You have no clue about this game. Don't know basic stuff about what sourcing is
My ignore list so long now that when I scroll in a thread there is 2 messages. Plenty of clueless guys but that's everywhere in life especially on a forum
Did some bloods on 250mg's Test e (Liska) + 250iu hcg (meditrope).

CBC looks normal, no indication of dirty gear. High sensitivity CRP is low, so definitely no inflammation.

TT is 2950 ng/dl, which is normal for me on 250mg's, so T is properly dosed.

What's this talk about Liska's gear causing inflammation @GuerillaPete ?
Another one bashing QSC and praising the catcafe

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Cool i wont even bother checking the rest of you suckers its clear shills or alt accounts
Just keep bringing me back in the thread im sure it will do much good.
Keep digging the hole i hear cats land on they're feet might be different this time.
Yup. Fuck the cat, doesn’t realize how much business it’s costing her me thinkssss.
So shills from another source thread come to the pussy thread to bitch about shilling while shilling. The new messto in full effect.
Another one bashing QSC and praising the catcafe

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Cool i wont even bother checking the rest of you suckers its clear shills or alt accounts
Just keep bringing me back in the thread im sure it will do much good.
Keep digging the hole i hear cats land on they're feet might be different this time.

You forgot to show my posts where I've used other sources and left feedback, as well as inquired about other sources which I'm planning to use in the near future.

You've selectively only shown my posts regarding this source, all while ignoring my initial question.

Good job.
Did some bloods on 250mg's Test e (Liska) + 250iu hcg (meditrope).

CBC looks normal, no indication of dirty gear. High sensitivity CRP is low, so definitely no inflammation.

TT is 2950 ng/dl, which is normal for me on 250mg's, so T is properly dosed.

What's this talk about Liska's gear causing inflammation @GuerillaPete ?
Thank you! Meso is being turned from a harm prevention into a business/source board via some aggressive & effective manipulation and I'm not going to stand by and watch my homebase become a scammers paradise despite taking a lot of damage potentially.

Despite plans to spend about 100k on labtesting this year and wanting to host some sort of Q&A where members can post unresolved mysteries that I'll try to figure out by throwing money at them (any source makes enough money to fund a labtesting group for Meso all by themselves but I haven't yet figured out a setup that won't make other labs potentially come after me), lately I fear that Meso might fall into complete ruin at the hands of aforementioned manipulators before any of that can happen.

HCG degradation testing for 30, 45, 60 days after reconstitution stored at 2-8 degrees celsius has been ordered so hopefully that'll resolve a longstanding question!
HCG degradation testing for 30, 45, 60 days after reconstitution stored at 2-8 degrees celsius has been ordered so hopefully that'll resolve a longstanding question!

Damn, now that sounds like a great idea! I would conduct the first test a bit sooner then at the 30th mark, huh? If only 3 test can be done, then maybe 21, 37, 50 ... Haha, your numbers look cleaner, but idk, the 30th day is a bit of a stretch imo. Wait, what about baseline? Surely you need a test at day 1?

I have no idea what's going on. Honestly, it all looks a bit emotional, hope it resolves in a rational manner as soon as possible.
Damn, now that sounds like a great idea! I would conduct the first test a bit sooner then at the 30th mark, huh? If only 3 test can be done, then maybe 21, 37, 50 ... Haha, your numbers look cleaner, but idk, the 30th day is a bit of a stretch imo. Wait, what about baseline? Surely you need a test at day 1?

I have no idea what's going on. Honestly, it all looks a bit emotional, hope it resolves in a rational manner as soon as possible.
3 samples on day 1 and then 1 each on the subsequent dates. Pharmaceutical HCG is said to be discarded after 30 days of reconstitution so that's why I chose that interval.

I do take implicit/veiled threats very seriously because expecting other humans to be rational rather than unhinged is what gets you into trouble, and that guy threatening me as a source in such an unspecific manner could be a threat to all of my customers OPSEC despite the measures I am taking to protect them myself. It's a huge burden to protect a lot of people properly, so I'm having to divert time and resources from normal operations towards this situation now.
3 samples on day 1 and then 1 each on the subsequent dates. Pharmaceutical HCG is said to be discarded after 30 days of reconstitution so that's why I chose that interval.
Yes, discarded, but that doesn't sound like it doesn't start to degrade sooner, just that at that date, it's to far gone to make sense using it or that it's a health hazard in some way ... Have you ever read something similar on an official pharma leaflet of hcg? All I've seen was hcg that came with saline water and that starts to degrade much sooner, so I presume the 30 days is forum bro lore?

I do take implicit/veiled threats very seriously because expecting other humans to be rational rather than unhinged is what gets you into trouble, and that guy threatening me as a source in such an unspecific manner could be a threat to all of my customers OPSEC despite the measures I am taking to protect them myself. It's a huge burden to protect a lot of people properly, so I'm having to divert time and resources from normal operations towards this situation now.

Ok, I see I must go a couple of pages back and see what's going on. But you know, there's plenty of unstable people around here, aas has a tendency of making people unhinged ... You have to have a finely tuned radar to know; what to take seriously and what not.
Hello @Liska will it be possible soon that people who are located in the same country you are shipping from ,get a lower minimum order amount? I am a student and 500€ +50€ bankfee is a lot . Main reason for that high min order amount was the time for stealth you have to invest. But if you just have to throw some vials and pills into a box and ship it ,the time you will invest is like 3 minutes. So will it be possible for those customers who are in the same country as you to get a min order amount of like 250-300€?
Hello @Liska will it be possible soon that people who are located in the same country you are shipping from ,get a lower minimum order amount? I am a student and 500€ +50€ bankfee is a lot . Main reason for that high min order amount was the time for stealth you have to invest. But if you just have to throw some vials and pills into a box and ship it ,the time you will invest is like 3 minutes. So will it be possible for those customers who are in the same country as you to get a min order amount of like 250-300€?
Both minimums will be lowered in the future but I can't give you a date yet. Bank transfers take about four bank business days (as banks work less days than most other businesses this is important) to be fully processed and I do have to limit the amount of incoming ones for OPSEC reasons.
3 samples on day 1 and then 1 each on the subsequent dates. Pharmaceutical HCG is said to be discarded after 30 days of reconstitution so that's why I chose that interval.

I do take implicit/veiled threats very seriously because expecting other humans to be rational rather than unhinged is what gets you into trouble, and that guy threatening me as a source in such an unspecific manner could be a threat to all of my customers OPSEC despite the measures I am taking to protect them myself. It's a huge burden to protect a lot of people properly, so I'm having to divert time and resources from normal operations towards this situation now.
That was the idea fucker but rest assured i don't play that dirty im not about that! A good scare is all i wanted and feel it was warranted for you acting out of line so you understand that someone could go that rout but that someone is not me.
I don’t invent the inflammation claims as there are many reports of it, of course there is always a sub par explanation from your part as dumb as it is.
The thing is i bought 1 vial of test 350 to test out with all the fuss about test E latley and you saying you get superior raws and it was pip free.
Cool i procesed to buy another 5 ( unlabeled ones )and they are pippy as fuck and cause inflammation at the injection site and no i dont want replacement or refund.
I was gonna get people together that was unsatisfied with your stuff and see how you made it right with them but seeing that nobody cares i wont bother .
The scare is enough with me and if you think you got a good thing going here stay in your lane nobody asked or appointed you to be on messo patrol and you spamming other vendors threads is irritating because no matter how many cat pictures you post you are still a dealer.
That was the idea fucker but rest assured i don't play that dirty im not about that! A good scare is all i wanted and feel it was warranted for you acting out of line so you understand that someone could go that rout but that someone is not me.
I don’t invent the inflammation claims as there are many reports of it, of course there is always a sub par explanation from your part as dumb as it is.
The thing is i bought 1 vial of test 350 to test out with all the fuss about test E latley and you saying you get superior raws and it was pip free.
Cool i procesed to buy another 5 ( unlabeled ones )and they are pippy as fuck and cause inflammation at the injection site and no i dont want replacement or refund.
I was gonna get people together that was unsatisfied with your stuff and see how you made it right with them but seeing that nobody cares i wont bother .
The scare is enough with me and if you think you got a good thing going here stay in your lane nobody asked or appointed you to be on messo patrol and you spamming other vendors threads is irritating because no matter how many cat pictures you post you are still a dealer.
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As some customers suffering from Test E 350mg PIP that contacted me regarding this issue (I cannot remember if you did) may confirm, I've never denied this issue being present with the higher concentration variant (I don't think I've received reports about this happening with the TE 250mg made with the same raws at the same time). I'm relatively sure it's not related to enanthic ester presence or cleaving of enanthic ester over time as that would show more prominently in blind tests of the batch later on (which I posted one of recently that's within margin of error of my result from half a year back), and the Trestolone E raws I had a GCMS analysis done on to understand the impurities had a significant amount of enanthic (heptanoic) acid present which isn't causing significant PIP in the finished product.

Until I've figured out the problem I plan to circumvent it by brewing more frequent, smaller batches as age seems the primary factor based on there being no such reports when the batch was fresh, but an increasing number as it got towards 6 months of age - and I'm hoping to have a custom synthesis setup in the not too distant future, which should resolve the problem as long as I can isolate the precursor material responsible (unless it's a step in the synthesis at fault but I can test both options easily at that point).

What you're referring to as local inflammation is likely the rate of crystalization of the compound (which all do post injection) being faster than your rate of absorption), forming a depot putting pressure on surrounding tissues and being considered a foreign entity by your immune system and so on, to put it in casual terms. Rate of crystalization can be significantly slowed down by disrupting uniformity of molecular structure in the finished product but I didn't know that half a year ago, I'm still learning.

I publically posted that I would pull the product from the store after the increasing number of complaints and did so right then, you can find this post in this thread.

Usually customers that have issues with products contact me per mail and I'll offer some kind of resolution on request but when it's related to claims of bunk product, I do request them to send blind tests to Janoshik and they usually don't. A long time ago some people seemed to have issues with the ready-made Firmapress filler mix so I made my own mix and sent people free Cialis samples to report back if those worked any better - I think 0 or only 1 of all the people I sent them to ever posted feedback.

You're mad at me that I'm trying to help my friend who got scammed for thousands of dollars get his money back by not letting it get swept under the rug. I would hope you'd do the same for your friends and that they'd do the same for you, so either you're not aware of the situation in its entirety or see the world in a different way. I don't think it's relevant whether someone sells legal alpaca socks or deals illegal PEDS or both.
Until I've figured out the problem I plan to circumvent it by brewing more frequent, smaller batches as age seems the primary factor based on there being no such reports when the batch was fresh, but an increasing number as it got towards 6 months of age - and I'm hoping to have a custom synthesis setup in the not too distant future, which should resolve the problem as long as I can isolate the precursor material responsible (unless it's a step in the synthesis at fault but I can test both options easily at that point).

You think all gear can go "bad" like this in time? I've used a good years old gear last time and saw a rise in monocytes and eosinophils ... And now I'm thinking it could have been bc of gears age ...