Cat Café EU & US domestic

So tren would be great on prediabetic people then ??
erm, i mean, sorta? i would imagine given the risk profiles most people would look at metformin being the more sensible option but in a bodybuilding context, a low dose of like 100mg/week tren is a good way to manage an aggressive bulk without getting ruined by the sides of tren on appetite and sleep. that dose is still high enough to trash your bloodwork, so metformin still sorta wins out on the whole "maintain insulin sensitivity" score board.
This quick news update is presented by one of my OG french cathletes:

1. Due to the current crypto death spiral causing various problems, I'm no longer accepting ETH but added USDT & USDC (both via ERC20 only) to as new options. Furthermore, the minimum amount for bank transfer payments has been lowered from 500€ to 300€, though the 10% surcharge for this options remains.

2. Deus Medical Anadrol, Halotestin and Primobolan Enanthate have been added to the store.
Placed an order with CCUSA and picked up some t400. I won't say how much I paid as the item is not yet listed in the store (and Liska might get annoyed about the idea of selling stock not yet tested by Jano) but the price was fair and I am happy to help the venture get off the ground. Hopefully I'm not causing any problems.

Comms were excellent and T/A was fine. I did not have any particular expectations really, the source never claimed to be fast or anything but within two or three mailing days the order was out and I received late last week. I wanted to make this review an honest one and just pinned about an hour ago.

I pinned 2ml with 1ml deca 300 the overall quality of the vials and rubber stoppers and flip tops is quite good. Oil drew up slightly slower than my deca 300 which is expected. Pinned much smoother and a bit quicker than what I was seeing pinning test c 250 with the same ratios. My leg hasn't fallen off yet, so far so good!

I will be running 4mls of the t400 with 2mls deca 300 moving forward. Anecdotal data is all I can offer at the moment. Will report back on that aspect in the near future.

Now, I have not said anything about stealth and for good reason, the stealth this source uses gets 11/10. I'm very very rarely impressed with any sources stealth even the Intl ones and domestic sources usually slack off in this department and that can be fatal for domestic sources. It's public knowledge that if a postal worker sees a wet package they are legally required to open it on the spot to make.sure it's not something poisonous toxic or flammable. If they do open a pack and determine it's AAS, well a pretty big lab got busted a few years back exactly like that.

The care taken in packing my order was superb. You could have stepped on smashed and run over the pack with a car and absolutely zero oil would have been released. No sounds of clanging vials at all, and if it had been opened I would have known because it would be impossible to retape everything and make it look unopened.

So overall I am more than happy, I have to say my experience exceeded my somewhat high expectations (meso has spoiled us all.)

My cat was out hunting and such that I couldn't get a good pic with the stock so I settled for his favorite squeeky mouse instead.


It is not comparable to tren. Its comparable to testosterone or nandrolone. Ment just doesn't do any of the nuanced things that tren does, that makes tren unique at what it does, such as its massive impact on hba1c.
Makes sense, Trest feels like a supercharged version of Test/Nand with less NOTICEABLE sides. How does the nutrition partitioning compare?
Makes sense, Trest feels like a supercharged version of Test/Nand with less NOTICEABLE sides. How does the nutrition partitioning compare?
That's weird. Everyone keeps telling me how difficult to handle the Trest sides are even at very low doses.
Makes sense, Trest feels like a supercharged version of Test/Nand with less NOTICEABLE sides. How does the nutrition partitioning compare?
its a hugely anabolic and androgenic substance, you run enough and its gonna cause some amout of nutrient partitioning like any other AAS will with sufficient dosing. It's not doing what tren does but you can certainly unintentionally recomp with MENT. usually drives my hunger pretty hard, so i tend to get fat on it, which isn't a problem cos i do strongman.
This quick news update is presented by one of my OG french cathletes:
View attachment 167854

1. Due to the current crypto death spiral causing various problems, I'm no longer accepting ETH but added USDT & USDC (both via ERC20 only) to as new options. Furthermore, the minimum amount for bank transfer payments has been lowered from 500€ to 300€, though the 10% surcharge for this options remains.

2. Deus Medical Anadrol, Halotestin and Primobolan Enanthate have been added to the store.
Can´t you simply become Deus medical official reseller but testing every batch you sell as you currently do with your own stuff since their tests are kinda old (the primo one is from Jan/21) and seems like they don´t test every batch or at least i´m under that impression, also prices are very good for not being an official reseller, i used their NPP, Primo, Test cyp, Tren ace and very good feelings on all of them, Amp are over filled 1.1 ml at least and they are smooth and no pip also very easy to uncap, to sum it up Deus seems like quality gear, just a thought
Can´t you simply become Deus medical official reseller but testing every batch you sell as you currently do with your own stuff since their tests are kinda old (the primo one is from Jan/21) and seems like they don´t test every batch or at least i´m under that impression, also prices are very good for not being an official reseller, i used their NPP, Primo, Test cyp, Tren ace and very good feelings on all of them, Amp are over filled 1.1 ml at least and they are smooth and no pip also very easy to uncap, to sum it up Deus seems like quality gear, just a thought
Unintuitively you'll have to enter my mail address at
to find this:
Deus Medical does test every batch, they produce giant batches that remain in circulation for a year or two depending on the product. I've been temporarily stocking more of their products recently as a bridge until I have my own produced and tested, so between their own testing and a decent amount of blind tests by the Meso FR & Academia Tren (Spain) labtesting groups, I hadn't even considered testing them.
Placed an order with CCUSA and picked up some t400. I won't say how much I paid as the item is not yet listed in the store (and Liska might get annoyed about the idea of selling stock not yet tested by Jano) but the price was fair and I am happy to help the venture get off the ground. Hopefully I'm not causing any problems.

Comms were excellent and T/A was fine. I did not have any particular expectations really, the source never claimed to be fast or anything but within two or three mailing days the order was out and I received late last week. I wanted to make this review an honest one and just pinned about an hour ago.

I pinned 2ml with 1ml deca 300 the overall quality of the vials and rubber stoppers and flip tops is quite good. Oil drew up slightly slower than my deca 300 which is expected. Pinned much smoother and a bit quicker than what I was seeing pinning test c 250 with the same ratios. My leg hasn't fallen off yet, so far so good!

I will be running 4mls of the t400 with 2mls deca 300 moving forward. Anecdotal data is all I can offer at the moment. Will report back on that aspect in the near future.

Now, I have not said anything about stealth and for good reason, the stealth this source uses gets 11/10. I'm very very rarely impressed with any sources stealth even the Intl ones and domestic sources usually slack off in this department and that can be fatal for domestic sources. It's public knowledge that if a postal worker sees a wet package they are legally required to open it on the spot to make.sure it's not something poisonous toxic or flammable. If they do open a pack and determine it's AAS, well a pretty big lab got busted a few years back exactly like that.

The care taken in packing my order was superb. You could have stepped on smashed and run over the pack with a car and absolutely zero oil would have been released. No sounds of clanging vials at all, and if it had been opened I would have known because it would be impossible to retape everything and make it look unopened.

So overall I am more than happy, I have to say my experience exceeded my somewhat high expectations (meso has spoiled us all.)

My cat was out hunting and such that I couldn't get a good pic with the stock so I settled for his favorite squeeky mouse instead.


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View attachment 167867

Good day sir,

Thank you for the honest and very thorough review. This product was made per request and will be on the site in upcoming weeks. To be honest both raws were from tested batches and you felt comfortable with the compounding per the testing you had seen, I assume?

This being said, blood work in 4-5 weeks running this much t400 would be great to see even though everyone isn't the same responder. I am very, very interested to see uncapped bloods on 1.6g of test per week and compensation will be given. Please contact me at that time.

Also, any further reviews of smoothness or lack there of is greatly appreciated.


Unintuitively you'll have to enter my mail address at
to find this:
View attachment 167885
Deus Medical does test every batch, they produce giant batches that remain in circulation for a year or two depending on the product. I've been temporarily stocking more of their products recently as a bridge until I have my own produced and tested, so between their own testing and a decent amount of blind tests by the Meso FR & Academia Tren (Spain) labtesting groups, I hadn't even considered testing them.
Nice, thanks a lot for clarifying that.
yo can u @ me if u find a fix for shipping to norway? guessing thats what ur talking about. Fucking antidoping norge
I've not had issues shipping there yet but I'll pussy out for now before I spoil my record. I am optimistic regarding injectable catnip coming back to Scandinavia sometime next year but you'll have to be as patient as I.

@Liska Any updates on this? The 98-99% success rate you had seems pretty damn good if you ask me. Help a viking out, please?
Just a friendly reminder. Non encrypted emails will not get a response. Please use Proton or the likes if you would like to place an order.

