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Started using 7.X mg of Trestolone Acetate daily with my 50mg Test and 75mg Primo. Strength went up on the third day. Is this Stuff really that powerful on such a low dose or am I experiencing Placebo?
This isn't necessarily accurate information/to be taken a face value but to give you a rough idea: said:

a. Anabolic Rating​

Trestolone delivers 10× more myotropic effect than testosterone. The myotropic effect is the effect of building muscle, making Trestolone more effective than any other commercial steroid in existence. Whereas Testosterone's Anabolic to Androgenic ratio is 100:100, and Trenbolone's comes in at 500:500, MENT comes in at 2300:650.

Trestolone's rating of 2300:650 is higher than nearly any other available compound aside from designer steroid Methyltrienolone, aka Mtren, or Metribolone—rated at 12000+:6000+ and also dosed in the microgram range. Metribolone so strong that it's used as the absolute reference standard for laboratory tests to measure androgen receptor (AR) binding—but its acute liver toxicity precludes widespread use.
Started using 7.X mg of Trestolone Acetate daily with my 50mg Test and 75mg Primo. Strength went up on the third day. Is this Stuff really that powerful on such a low dose or am I experiencing Placebo?
i am on 4-5mg daily of his trest A in addition to Test C 7-8mg daily.
ive dropped from 20-25mg test C daily to this stack due to HCT/HB/RBC being to high on higher test TRT.
--> better mood, better strength/joint feeling, less prostate stress on my new stack. Resting HR is 3-4 points higher and some water retention (~3lbs) but apart from that, i love it
This isn't necessarily accurate information/to be taken a face value but to give you a rough idea:
On paper is looks absolutely incredible, I read some of the compound threads on reddit as well. Apparently it has also pretty decent nutrition partitioning which makes it even more versatile. Overall also a very enjoyable feeling and headspace.
Started using 7.X mg of Trestolone Acetate daily with my 50mg Test and 75mg Primo. Strength went up on the third day. Is this Stuff really that powerful on such a low dose or am I experiencing Placebo?
how do you administrate the dosage? Insulin syringe?
i am on 4-5mg daily of his trest A in addition to Test C 7-8mg daily.
ive dropped from 20-25mg test C daily to this stack due to HCT/HB/RBC being to high on higher test TRT.
--> better mood, better strength/joint feeling, less prostate stress on my new stack. Resting HR is 3-4 points higher and some water retention (~3lbs) but apart from that, i love it
Im interested to see how my prostate stress changes when using Trestolone. Have you noticed a big difference?
yes. Most noticeable is that i am peeing less and more urine volume
Nice! I’ll watch mine closely :^)
Very interesting. Is it TRT or blast? And how fast does Subq response differ from IM? Do you find it easier to administrate it subq with the increased frequency?
Well im blasting rn 350 Test E 525 Primo E 52.5 Trest A. Subq absorption is slightly slower but barely noticeable. And yes definitely! Daily pinning of such a small amount is perfect for Subq IMO.
Another vote for subq pinning trest. Might just be me but it seemed like I got less of a spike in estrogen when I switched to subq.

Really great stuff if a little overblown, at least on reddit.

Would highly recommend keeping some BP meds handy for sure.
Has anyone used the Primo 200? Would like to know if it has much PIP and if the oil is thin enough (after warming) to pass through a 25g needle?
Has anyone used the Primo 200? Would like to know if it has much PIP and if the oil is thin enough (after warming) to pass through a 25g needle?
No pip at all, but I mix it with other 2 compounds.

Regarding the gauge, you can draw and pin even with an insulin 31g syringe without warming with MTC oil, imagine using 25g.
Sure, do you say this because higher amount may cause pip or is it generally just not a good idea to do higher SubQ? Anyway 0,3ml will be sufficient.
higher amounts will leave ugly lumps that take some time to fully disappear.