Cat Café EU & US domestic

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Various stock updates

In limited stock:

Masteron E 200mg/ml 35€
Boldenone C 200mg/ml 22€ (will be discontinued)
Testosterone P 100mg/ml 20€
Testosterone U 250mg/ml 22€
Dianabol 100 x 25mg 35€
Turinabol 60/100 x 20mg 35€/55€
Superdrol 60 x 10mg 35€
Clomiphene Citrate 30/50 x 50mg 20€/34€
Arimidex 50x1mg 28€
LGD-4033 100x10mg 45€ (will be discontinued)
YK-11 60x10mg 45€ (will be discontinued)
TB-500 (TB4) 8mg 40€ - 35€ (will be discontinued)

Recently discounted:
Trenbolone E 200mg to 25€
Trenbolone E 250mg to 30€
Trenbolone A 100mg to 23€
Trenbolone A 150mg to 28€
Trestolone A 60mg to 40€
Trestolone A 100mg to 70€
Trestolone E 100mg to 65€ (will be discontinued)
Nandrolone D 300mg to 25€
Masteron P 100mg to 25€
BPC-157 9mg to 18€-15€ (will be discontinued)
HGH 120iu to 110€ at 4+ kits down to 90€ at 20+ kits
All SARMS (will be discontinued)

EU domestic raws (only at those quantities, all 98%+ via Janoshik):
Primobolan 500g/1000g to 4600€/9000€
Masteron E/P 1000g to 3100€
Turinabol 1000g to 3100€
Proviron 1000g to 3100€
GW0742 200g to 2800€

Upcoming products for June:
HCG & higher IU HGH kits
Deus Medical Primobolan, Oxymetholone, Halotestin
Pfizer Caber 2mg

Upcoming products for July & August:
Hope this is not against you "ask about products rule", but with the trest E disocontinue, do yo plan on adding other trest long acting esters or other trest E concentration, or will trest A be the only trest option?
Hope this is not against you "ask about products rule", but with the trest E disocontinue, do yo plan on adding other trest long acting esters or other trest E concentration, or will trest A be the only trest option?
It depends on how sales develop in the future - there's 600+ vials left so either way it'll be available for a long time.
It depends on how sales develop in the future - there's 600+ vials left so either way it'll be available for a long time.
Good to hear that you have a lot stock left, I do see its a quite unique product, so may not be the best selling product. Allthough for those who loves trest, its a very very lovely product.
Good to hear that you have a lot stock left, I do see its a quite unique product, so may not be the best selling product. Allthough for those who loves trest, its a very very lovely product.
The MOQ for custom synthesis of raws is always fairly high unfortunately but from now on I can split such orders between several stores which will allow for further unique products to be available in more regions.
The MOQ for custom synthesis of raws is always fairly high unfortunately but from now on I can split such orders between several stores which will allow for further unique products to be available in more regions.
Well, I have no clue how the raw market looks atm. All I can say is that its much more convienient with trest E vs trest A - also appreciating you sharing raws reports for upcoming products. Not many sources shares as much info on raws/final products as you do, which I think all your customers really value.
Sorry maybe I've got this wrong. But Ment's E2 is methylestradiol? Like dbol?
No, they are different with different potency and binding affinity.
DBOL ----> 17α-methylestradiol
MENT----> 7α-methylestradiol

7α-methylestradiol appears to be a bit stronger.

Re: the restock of HCG due in June - will this be also available from the UK store, or just EU?

Either way, is it Livzon 5000iu kits again?

Also, regarding the pharma ephedrine in the EU store - are the tablets scored & do they split in half “reasonably” easily & cleanly?

Cheers in advance.

Re: the restock of HCG due in June - will this be also available from the UK store, or just EU?

Either way, is it Livzon 5000iu kits again?

Also, regarding the pharma ephedrine in the EU store - are the tablets scored & do they split in half “reasonably” easily & cleanly?

Cheers in advance.
1. Just EU
2. No Livzon, they tripled in purchase price a few months ago which eliminated them as a viable option for EU customers even if sold at cost based on price memory.
3. Yes, stole this image from google image search:
I'm proud to present a top tier ginger cathlete showing off his posing routine including a signature mlem!

Will thre be a discontinuation of mk677? As I read all sarms
MK677 (Ibutamoren) and GW501516 (Cardarine) will definitely stay! Despite more extensive testing & lower prices than others (from what I can tell), the rest isn't selling at all due to a lack of targeted advertising I suppose, and I don't want to get into the mess of shilling on SARMS subreddits and similar places.
I'm proud to present a top tier ginger cathlete showing off his posing routine including a signature mlem!
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View attachment 167628View attachment 167629View attachment 167630

MK677 (Ibutamoren) and GW501516 (Cardarine) will definitely stay! Despite more extensive testing & lower prices than others (from what I can tell), the rest isn't selling at all due to a lack of targeted advertising I suppose, and I don't want to get into the mess of shilling on SARMS subreddits and similar places.

do you want people to steer potential SARM goblins your way, or would you prefer not to get hit by a wave of stupid teenagers?
do you want people to steer potential SARM goblins your way, or would you prefer not to get hit by a wave of stupid teenagers?
The 250€ minimum might exceed a teenager's pocket money/SARMS cycle cost unfortunately. The most efficient move might be to break my stance on not accepting online resellers (at least for SARMS) and find someone willing to serve teenagers at a lower minimum order, as my primary interest in getting rid of the SARMS overstock is having found some amazing new (very expensive) projects to invest into that are more in line with the Meso/competitive BB customerbase I already have.
The 250€ minimum might exceed a teenager's pocket money/SARMS cycle cost unfortunately. The most efficient move might be to break my stance on not accepting online resellers (at least for SARMS) and find someone willing to serve teenagers at a lower minimum order, as my primary interest in getting rid of the SARMS overstock is having found some amazing new (very expensive) projects to invest into that are more in line with the Meso/competitive BB customerbase I already have.
cant wait for the juicy details
cant wait for the juicy details
Imagine the impatient wait of:

1. finding the best source for something rare, getting a COA to confirm it's the right thing
2. ordering an expensive sample, sending sample to Janoshik, hoping for a decent result (sometimes by comparison to a test result of pharma product)
3. order sufficient raws for production of a batch, sending a sample to Janoshik again to confirm it's still good/matches the initial one
4. attempting proper/accurate production of something that may be completely novel to the UGL market
5. sending the finished product to Janoshik for testing, hoping for a decent result

It's likely that one or more of these steps have to be repeated several times, each time delaying having a complete product for sale by weeks if not months.
The 250€ minimum might exceed a teenager's pocket money/SARMS cycle cost unfortunately. The most efficient move might be to break my stance on not accepting online resellers (at least for SARMS) and find someone willing to serve teenagers at a lower minimum order, as my primary interest in getting rid of the SARMS overstock is having found some amazing new (very expensive) projects to invest into that are more in line with the Meso/competitive BB customerbase I already have.
i'll mention you on some of the more popular boards if SARM source queries come in.
Started using 7.X mg of Trestolone Acetate daily with my 50mg Test and 75mg Primo. Strength went up on the third day. Is this Stuff really that powerful on such a low dose or am I experiencing Placebo?