Cat Café EU & US domestic

I've been on Liska's Test E 50mg daily ( 350mg/week) and Bolde E 60mg daily (420 mg/week) for 20 days.
Yesterday I got my Bloodwork and went to donate blood here are the most notable markers that indicate that the gear is GTG:
10^12/l4.400 - 5.900
g/l135 - 180
l/l0.400 - 0.530

pmol/l41.40 - 159.00
nmol/l9.90 - 27.80
nmol/l18.00 - 54.00

Unfortunately, the lab had an upper limit for Testosterone (52.00 nmol/l =1500 ng/dl) that I was not aware of.
E2 pretty low
Hi, do you have an labtest for your oxandrolone 100x10 mg batch number 27-06-YU? Cant find it on your website
Apologies, it's still accessible as it was posted on the product page (removed because sold out now) via this url:

Batch nr. on the labels is from an older batch that I re-pressed because I was unhappy with the variance (one of the tablets was at 9.xxmg) but as it's the only batch of Oxandrolone 10mg I've ever sold, there should be no potential to confuse it with any other.
Various stock updates

In limited stock:

Masteron E 200mg/ml 35€
Boldenone C 200mg/ml 22€ (will be discontinued)
Testosterone P 100mg/ml 20€
Testosterone U 250mg/ml 22€
Dianabol 100 x 25mg 35€
Turinabol 60/100 x 20mg 35€/55€
Superdrol 60 x 10mg 35€
Clomiphene Citrate 30/50 x 50mg 20€/34€
Arimidex 50x1mg 28€
LGD-4033 100x10mg 45€ (will be discontinued)
YK-11 60x10mg 45€ (will be discontinued)
TB-500 (TB4) 8mg 40€ - 35€ (will be discontinued)

Recently discounted:
Trenbolone E 200mg to 25€
Trenbolone E 250mg to 30€
Trenbolone A 100mg to 23€
Trenbolone A 150mg to 28€
Trestolone A 60mg to 40€
Trestolone A 100mg to 70€
Trestolone E 100mg to 65€ (will be discontinued)
Nandrolone D 300mg to 25€
Masteron P 100mg to 25€
BPC-157 9mg to 18€-15€ (will be discontinued)
HGH 120iu to 110€ at 4+ kits down to 90€ at 20+ kits
All SARMS (will be discontinued)

EU domestic raws (only at those quantities, all 98%+ via Janoshik):
Primobolan 500g/1000g to 4600€/9000€
Masteron E/P 1000g to 3100€
Turinabol 1000g to 3100€
Proviron 1000g to 3100€
GW0742 200g to 2800€

Upcoming products for June:
HCG & higher IU HGH kits
Deus Medical Primobolan, Oxymetholone, Halotestin
Pfizer Caber 2mg

Upcoming products for July & August:
Can Cialis be break in quarters?
I saw on picture that is separated on diameter bit it is still 10mg, but 5mg ED of Indian pharma is almost too much for me
Can Cialis be break in quarters?
I saw on picture that is separated on diameter bit it is still 10mg, but 5mg ED of Indian pharma is almost too much for me
Even with a pill splitter they wouldn't cut into perfect quarters I'm afraid, will have lower mg Cialis for this purpose in the future.