Cat Café EU & US domestic

@Liska thoughts? obviously you have good gear just thought this was hilarious. are these all just bots or what? They must be mad you are taking all their business :oops:
They had me at naps gear
The moment i saw them talk about sticking to napsgear i straight up just chuggled and closed the tab. What a forum
Basically the same here.

I got curious since Liska tend to be quite respected here(for a good reason) but the moment i saw that i understood why.
How do I explain to my parents I need to borrow their dog in private for a moment so I can take pictures of her with vials of testosterone so I can get a discount on an illegal underground steroid website?
Can't a normal person with a halfway decent IQ understand this scam? How does this website pop up in the Google search so high?
Months ago they came after another domestic Meso source claiming his product was bunk. When it was pointed out that said product was tested by several different people the shills all jumped in to explain how the tests were probably fake and part of the scam. Interesting how none of their sources there have any testing at all…
Can't a normal person with a halfway decent IQ understand this scam? How does this website pop up in the Google search so high?
Pretty easily actually…if you’re willing to pay for it. Depending on who hosts your domain and manages your website you can pay for "search engine optimization”. Basically just paying to be in the top of any searches. Fkn google is the real criminal.
Hello, i was away for a few months because i had a fucking car crash and had a more or less severe head trauma, since i was gonna get back on juice i was looking at your shop and you didn't have lots of your brand products anymore, did you stop making them? Sorry i was released a few days ago and have problems to read, this text took me almost an hour to write

Kind regards
Hello, i was away for a few months because i had a fucking car crash and had a more or less severe head trauma, since i was gonna get back on juice i was looking at your shop and you didn't have lots of your brand products anymore, did you stop making them? Sorry i was released a few days ago and have problems to read, this text took me almost an hour to write

Kind regards
They will be back in stock soon. Contact me if you need anything that can help your recovery.
@Liska Is full restock still planned end of summer? A buddy told me about a slight delay, but I cant seem to find any announcement in this thread on this?