Cat Café EU & US domestic

Hi all,
My first post in here and on this forum overall.
After some google searching for a proper (EU) source this forum and the cat cafe shows up.
However, other forums (namely anabolex) claim that cat cafe (US) sucks and Napsgear is kinda the goat. Napsgear seems to be pure dogshit according to this forum though.
How is that possible? Are these forums just full of lobbyists posting whatever for some $?
Theres a reason why he ended up banned here not sure if temporarily or permanently but use search option and dont forget some snacks as posts are definitely still up
Hi Liska,
I was looking for SR9009 (Stenabolic).
Do you plan to have it sooner or later?
No, way too niche and similar to SR9011 only sufficiently bioavailable when injected. I've lost interest in SARMS and will discontinue all of them except for MK677 and Cardarine, which aren't actually SARMS anyways.
Random question, how long does IGF-1 stays elevated after 1 dose of GH regardless of the dose, i mean the effect of it, i have read some where that around 2 days, might this be the case??
No, way too niche and similar to SR9011 only sufficiently bioavailable when injected. I've lost interest in SARMS and will discontinue all of them except for MK677 and Cardarine, which aren't actually SARMS anyways.
I think those are really the only two worth carrying honestly liska, I kinda do wish ccusa would make a gluthione product I would deff buy that over all immune help plus helps with liver.... I gotta get a bottle of that mt-2 trying to keep alil color through the winter notice I just feel overall better if I do and don't get as down or depressed.... Can't wait for the new oils.... Thanks for all the testing u do also @Liska and @CCUSA keeping product quality high and safe and product we can count on, and it's the contuined testing some do a once and done thing but you are always constantly adding value and quailty products to catcafe just wanted to let u guys know it's appreciated and it's seen
Random question, how long does IGF-1 stays elevated after 1 dose of GH regardless of the dose, i mean the effect of it, i have read some where that around 2 days, might this be the case??

I dont believe IGF1 increases tend to be that acute with GH, afaik it takes few weeks for your levels to go up or down depending on your dosage.

I'm sure @Type-IIx can break this down further, he's very educated on the topic of GH and IGF1.
Due to some incentivized misinformation being posted by a certain company's shills on a deeply corrupt german board I feel forced to show off some more of my current work.

Apologies for hiding everything regarding the HGH raw tests but I don't want rarities like these getting stolen by raws sources again.

Non-GMP factory HGH raws:
GMP factory HGH raws:
First result of lyophilizing the latter at the cat café in EU:
A little feedback about the ordering and co

Liska responds very fast 11/10

Paket 11/10

And how dast he send that is unbelievbel

Nice work and best regards

Now i look how the products work
I dont believe IGF1 increases tend to be that acute with GH, afaik it takes few weeks for your levels to go up or down depending on your dosage.

I'm sure @Type-IIx can break this down further, he's very educated on the topic of GH and IGF1.
@cadafi time-course is very important because of the long half-life of IGF-I secreted by liver somatotrophs. After a week of daily rhGH administration, IGF-I increases from a mean of 159 to 323, but does not peak until week 5 - 6. There is also a decrement by 4 mo at a constant dose.
I really wanna try some Cat Café Trenboloneeee

All your products look beautiful and very accurately dosed wow.
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Me too. If I am going to be losing my sanity and hair, it might as well be from a cat.
Pyrilutamide will stop hairloss even from the harshest compound, it makes AAS its bitch, lol and there is already several providers of it, widely available
When do you anticipate Jano results for the newest domestic HGH, @CCUSA ?
Right after
Janoshik said:
Laboratory holidays from 26 SEP to 11 OCT 2022 due to renovation of laboratory and revalidation of laboratory equipment. Emails are handled, samples are received, everything goes as usual, but samples are not tested during the period.
Despite ridiculously expensive express shipping, samples got there just a day or two late iirc (both mine and a friend's arrived only at the very last second as well - the F5 Jano tracking life).