Cat Café EU & US domestic

Hey T have u tried any of the primo did u notice any pip if ur stateside, idk if u have tried the primo at all just figured I'd ask. I did ask ccusa and he said one or two which is normal and really good considering the amount that have tried it. I guess that kinda answer my own question on the primo, plus I'd I mix it with some test and alil npp should be money
Actually running the ccusa 200mg primo now, have for a while. I always mix with my test, and notice no more pip than usual. I've run the test, mast, and primo and all three pinned with no issues.
Hey T have u tried any of the primo did u notice any pip if ur stateside, idk if u have tried the primo at all just figured I'd ask. I did ask ccusa and he said one or two which is normal and really good considering the amount that have tried it. I guess that kinda answer my own question on the primo, plus I'd I mix it with some test and alil npp should be money
Zero Pip with the primo for me, been running for over a month
Good Night all,

I pinned 1mL of the current DHB and have zero pip 24 hours after injection.

Initial injection did have a very slight amount of pip and swelling right after, but it didn't last long. This will be tested next round which is coming up shortly.


Anyone running the CC Trestolone Acetate experienced with microdosing with TRT got any input on AI requirement on dosage approximately 100 test 35 trest weekly I have read many reports but question the legitimacy of the product people got on other boards and wanted to hear from users of the CC one in particular. Obviously individual but would rather have an idea of general approach to E2 sides I am particularly okay with running high test with no AI but am just diving into trestolone as a compound and have to yet establish a feel checklist and labs here have only ECLIA Estradiol option
On another note just got two packages everything went great communication in particular is top notch cheers
Anyone running the CC Trestolone Acetate experienced with microdosing with TRT got any input on AI requirement on dosage approximately 100 test 35 trest weekly I have read many reports but question the legitimacy of the product people got on other boards and wanted to hear from users of the CC one in particular. Obviously individual but would rather have an idea of general approach to E2 sides I am particularly okay with running high test with no AI but am just diving into trestolone as a compound and have to yet establish a feel checklist and labs here have only ECLIA Estradiol option
ive used 8-10mg test cyp and 4mg trest A daily before switching to 8-10mg test cyp and 5mg trest E (what i am using now).
i am using a quarter aromasin e4d (so 6,25mg e4d) and my E2 was 38 last blood work. But keep in mind, methylestrogen does not show up on bloodwork, so it is more of a guesswork.
I feel fine with this approach. sporadically (maybe every 2 weeks) i take a half instead of a quarter
Friendly reminder to keep those injections sites clean boys and girls


Yes. Please use alcohol pads to clean vial tops for at least 20 seconds. Do the same with injection site.

48 ish hour PIP report on DHB. Pain free.

The one issue with this recipe is that I did use ps80, and this brings a slight haze to the solution. I will have to alter it slightly and throw away this batch. (The only fix I found was warming it until the haze was gone.)


Yes. Please use alcohol pads to clean vial tops for at least 20 seconds. Do the same with injection site.

48 ish hour PIP report on DHB. Pain free.

The one issue with this recipe is that I did use ps80, and this brings a slight haze to the solution. I will have to alter it slightly and throw away this batch. (The only fix I found was warming it until the haze was gone.)



No need to throw gear away? :eek: There is always someone wanting to buy it if the quality is still good. I'd take it if i wasnt outside of your shipping location.
Hi all,
My first post in here and on this forum overall.
After some google searching for a proper (EU) source this forum and the cat cafe shows up.
However, other forums (namely anabolex) claim that cat cafe (US) sucks and Napsgear is kinda the goat. Napsgear seems to be pure dogshit according to this forum though.
How is that possible? Are these forums just full of lobbyists posting whatever for some $?
Hi all,
My first post in here and on this forum overall.
After some google searching for a proper (EU) source this forum and the cat cafe shows up.
However, other forums (namely anabolex) claim that cat cafe (US) sucks and Napsgear is kinda the goat. Napsgear seems to be pure dogshit according to this forum though.
How is that possible? Are these forums just full of lobbyists posting whatever for some $?
A slight 5 minutes glance at that forum tells me they are a bunch of napsgear nuthuggers. Everyone agrees that napsgear is the ultimate one and only source for everything. Just look at the thread titles, let alone the comments:

Napsgear best tren
AAS Diaries From Napsgear
Napsgear for the single guy
transforming my body on napsgear
Napsgear best brands

And the comments (you'll notice these are all from the many forum moderators):

"Napsgear(dot)org is dealing with all top-notch steroid brands, and Naps all kinds of stuff are very effective"

"Any brand from napsgear will work great, they are approved and their quality is always superb"
they are all excellent

And my favorite:
*You can trust anyone on napsgear....*

If it wasn't so embarrassing it would be sickening.
Hi all,
My first post in here and on this forum overall.
After some google searching for a proper (EU) source this forum and the cat cafe shows up.
However, other forums (namely anabolex) claim that cat cafe (US) sucks and Napsgear is kinda the goat. Napsgear seems to be pure dogshit according to this forum though.
How is that possible? Are these forums just full of lobbyists posting whatever for some $?
I can't say one way or the other about cat cafe but anyone that say napsgear is kinda the goat is a full on window licker. And yes there's no shortage of biased info on any board so do your due diligence.
Hi all,
My first post in here and on this forum overall.
After some google searching for a proper (EU) source this forum and the cat cafe shows up.
However, other forums (namely anabolex) claim that cat cafe (US) sucks and Napsgear is kinda the goat. Napsgear seems to be pure dogshit according to this forum though.
How is that possible? Are these forums just full of lobbyists posting whatever for some $?
Holy crap. I just went there. That forum sounds like a bunch of bots. I don't think those are even real people. Stick around here at Meso and you will see that the people who post here are real.

Catcafe is legit. I wouldn't trust any of those other sources.
That place is a joke great labs there so fucking cheap they won't even put out for lab testing of there own products or offer reembursement if a customer sends something out that should tell u enough right there...
However, other forums (namely anabolex) claim that cat cafe (US) sucks and Napsgear is kinda the goat.
Anabolex is like cancer if cancer was also made entirely of AIDS. The people over there are a perfect combination of dishonest and staggeringly dumb. Like, so dumb that they couldn’t be legally executed in Texas.