Cat Café EU & US domestic

@Liska Can insulin be shipped without icepackage or will you include some sort of ice if ordering insulin?
Also I see you said you replaced the old BPC157, I know they were 9mg dosed but I think people would buy these if you just adjusted the price slightly. I mean its better than just tossing them?
@Liska Can insulin be shipped without icepackage or will you include some sort of ice if ordering insulin?
Also I see you said you replaced the old BPC157, I know they were 9mg dosed but I think people would buy these if you just adjusted the price slightly. I mean its better than just tossing them?
You can google 'Novorapid insulin storage' to confirm it does not require cooling during shipping. As this question comes up regularly, neither do peptides or HGH in powder form.

By replacement, I meant taking its place after the 9mg had sold out.
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I have been using Liska's BPC-157 for a while for various minor tendon injuries, and it works really well. It heals me every time, and I don't have to wait for weeks/months for the pain to fully disappear anymore. This compound is magical.

Can I ask what doses & durations you’ve used for those minor injuries? I know there’s recommendations everywhere, but I’m interested in your experience because you’ve been using tested BPC-157.
You can google 'Novorapid insulin storage' to confirm it does not require cooling during shipping. As this question comes up regularly, neither do peptides or HGH in powder form.

By replacement, I meant taking its place after the 9mg had sold out.
Yes was probably a stupid question, but thank you for answering anyway.

I see that bacwater is out of stock, can I order hgh and then just add the bacwater to another order once its back in stock(since your rule of ordering bacwater to fit amount of peptides)?
Yes was probably a stupid question, but thank you for answering anyway.

I see that bacwater is out of stock, can I order hgh and then just add the bacwater to another order once its back in stock(since your rule of ordering bacwater to fit amount of peptides)?
Liska, the last 3 orders, have arrived with absolute success, only 3 days!!! Surprising! Very happy with everything 20/10!! Waiting to make you another 2 my friend!!
So better I place my orders in October and the first half of November for fast delivery ?
I don't expect any delays until the 2nd half of November and no more than +2 days of delay until December, with it gradually slipping into the +3-5 day delay range as the month progresses. Shipping to islands will be hit hardest, so anyone from UK, Ireland, Greece etc. should order in the 2nd half of November latest.
Any consideration on making 3000-4000 IU hCG vials, as they are would be most adequate for 3x per week or EOD administration based on your recent degeneration analysis. Thanks
Any consideration on making 3000-4000 IU hCG vials, as they are would be most adequate for 3x per week or EOD administration based on your recent degeneration analysis. Thanks
Yes, though I'm unsure about producing anything less than 5000iu vials as due to our industry (blindly) copying pharma dosages for decades, 5000iu HCG vials have become accepted & expected as the standard, meaning they will sell much better than any novel dosage for many years to come, no matter the amount of evidence put forth that 5000iu HCG vials may not be ideal as they were never designed for the purposes of our community.

If I sold 5000iu vials for the price expected of 3000-4000iu, both the added value of iu/€ as well as the perceived value of 'pharma dosage' will offset the lower profit margin via sales numbers easily, which gives me more cat cash for stupid ideas novel research/products, since I'm still very much in the phase where 100% of revenue gets reinvested until I've achieved true
Can I ask what doses & durations you’ve used for those minor injuries? I know there’s recommendations everywhere, but I’m interested in your experience because you’ve been using tested BPC-157.

Same question. I started at 1 mg/wk and worked up to 4 mg/wk until minor pain due to pec strain resolved after about 4 weeks. I was doing local injections directly into the damaged pec muscle but I've since learned many people just go subQ into stomach area. Someone posted a rat study where SubQ worked as well as direct administration so next time that's what I'd do. Hopefully, there's not a "next time" but Imma be prepared just in case.

Same question. I started at 1 mg/wk and worked up to 4 mg/wk until minor pain due to pec strain resolved after about 4 weeks. I was doing local injections directly into the damaged pec muscle but I've since learned many people just go subQ into stomach area. Someone posted a rat study where SubQ worked as well as direct administration so next time that's what I'd do. Hopefully, there's not a "next time" but Imma be prepared just in case.


Also, I think this and TB-500 work better on *recent* injuries. Because while my minor pec pain resolved within a month (I started treatment about a week after the injury), I still have some low back (since 2018) and one knee started bothering me after heavy leg days about a year ago. Neither of those resolved.

@je9izla5 @Zebedee
Has anyone state side tried the primo any pip issues? I haven't had or tried any yet figured I'd ask and see if anyone had any experience with it yet
EU news: There's a holiday coming up on Monday, which means both couriers as well as banks will be down from Friday afternoon until Tuesday morning. The last day to place and pay for your order and have it shipped before next week would be Friday morning, and for those wanting to pay via bank transfer it would likely be today, as these can take a few business days to be processed.

While opening up HGH kits for inspection I found that half of what I believed to be a decent amount of 150iu remaining were actually 120iu Catropin, which results in the following HGH selection:
You can google 'Novorapid insulin storage' to confirm it does not require cooling during shipping. As this question comes up regularly, neither do peptides or HGH in powder form.

By replacement, I meant taking its place after the 9mg had sold out.
Can confirm this as a diabetic. Insuline can go a long way without cooling.

@Liska Will there be EQ 500mg/ml any time soon?
Excellent communication and fast shipping by @CCUSA once again. Will be posting bloodwork in next 2 weeks as well.
Hey T have u tried any of the primo did u notice any pip if ur stateside, idk if u have tried the primo at all just figured I'd ask. I did ask ccusa and he said one or two which is normal and really good considering the amount that have tried it. I guess that kinda answer my own question on the primo, plus I'd I mix it with some test and alil npp should be money