Cat Café EU & US domestic

First order and first post too. Super fast shipping and fancy packaging. :)

Newbie question as it's my first time with HGH. Are 4 iu of HGH too much for a single dose at night? I wouldn't like to split it and dose in the morning and then mess with my sugar.
I would start off running 2iu daily for a week or so. Then split to 1.5 twice daily, then 2iu twice daily. There is an hgh ramping chart around somewhere. This is advice for myself. Please do as you wish.

In my personal experience, jumping straight to this dose will turn you into a water balloon.
Bloods pulled on 350 mg of test cyp from @CCUSA pinning schedule is every other day (which is why we aren't seeing a huge multiplier) the more frequently we inject the more stable our levels are meaning we don't get those big spikes after a larger injection.

I pull labs very frequently and this is right where I would expect to see myself on such a dose. I’ve also pulled labs on @CCUSA test in the past while he was running other batches and the numbers are consistent.

Thanks you for your service, sir.

EDIT: my e2 is also very low due to the fact that I’m using his primo as well. No AI at all.
cat tren goes very hard
love from kazakhstan
I hate myself so much it's unreal

You smashed that door because of Tren rage? :D
View attachment 174377
Bloods pulled on 350 mg of test cyp from @CCUSA pinning schedule is every other day (which is why we aren't seeing a huge multiplier) the more frequently we inject the more stable our levels are meaning we don't get those big spikes after a larger injection.

I pull labs very frequently and this is right where I would expect to see myself on such a dose. I’ve also pulled labs on @CCUSA test in the past while he was running other batches and the numbers are consistent.

Thanks you for your service, sir.

EDIT: my e2 is also very low due to the fact that I’m using his primo as well. No AI at all.
Primo dose? 1:1?
View attachment 174377
Bloods pulled on 350 mg of test cyp from @CCUSA pinning schedule is every other day (which is why we aren't seeing a huge multiplier) the more frequently we inject the more stable our levels are meaning we don't get those big spikes after a larger injection.

I pull labs very frequently and this is right where I would expect to see myself on such a dose. I’ve also pulled labs on @CCUSA test in the past while he was running other batches and the numbers are consistent.

Thanks you for your service, sir.

EDIT: my e2 is also very low due to the fact that I’m using his primo as well. No AI at all.
How much primo do you use?
You should certainly not start at 4iu but start at 2iu and taper up by 0.5iu per week or so to avoid getting hit hard with the water retention > nerve compression > tingling/numb finger side effect right away. It depends on your morning schedule whether splitting into 2/2 would actually affect your blood sugar significantly.
I wish this post was made 2 months back , when i was HGH Virgin, and started with Catropin at 5IU ED. Hands and ankles went double in size , i couldn't even hold my toothbrush to brush my teeth.
Still having some numbness though at 3 IU.
I wish this post was made 2 months back , when i was HGH Virgin, and started with Catropin at 5IU ED. Hands and ankles went double in size , i couldn't even hold my toothbrush to brush my teeth.
Still having some numbness though at 3 IU.
I think this is best fixed by coming off completely until symptoms subside and then restarting via aforementioned protocol rather than dropping the dosage.
View attachment 174377
Bloods pulled on 350 mg of test cyp from @CCUSA pinning schedule is every other day (which is why we aren't seeing a huge multiplier) the more frequently we inject the more stable our levels are meaning we don't get those big spikes after a larger injection.

I pull labs very frequently and this is right where I would expect to see myself on such a dose. I’ve also pulled labs on @CCUSA test in the past while he was running other batches and the numbers are consistent.

Thanks you for your service, sir.

EDIT: my e2 is also very low due to the fact that I’m using his primo as well. No AI at all.
Thank you for posting!

Credit is ready when you are sir. Healthy looking bloods and have a great evening.

I think this is best fixed by coming off completely until symptoms subside and then restarting via aforementioned protocol rather than dropping the dosage.
Can confirm this was the best route. Took roughly 4 weeks for CTS/Nerve/Numbness to go away completely after 6mos of 6-8IU/day.
You smashed that door because of Tren rage? :D
*Manlet rage
I smashed the door
and computer chair
and kitchen chair
and kitchen table
and my favorite mug (biggest one i had, 500ml+) because it had "life is beautiful" printed on it.

It's all good. Now i don't have to open the door to get inside the gym and i have a new coffee mug. Still a manlet though.

love from Kazakhstan


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*Manlet rage
I smashed the door
and computer chair
and kitchen chair
and kitchen table
and my favorite mug (biggest one i had, 500ml+) because it had "life is beautiful" printed on it.

It's all good. Now i don't have to open the door to get inside the gym and i have a new coffee mug. Still a manlet though.

love from Kazakhstan
Did you run out of potassium?
I wish this post was made 2 months back , when i was HGH Virgin, and started with Catropin at 5IU ED. Hands and ankles went double in size , i couldn't even hold my toothbrush to brush my teeth.
Still having some numbness though at 3 IU.
Good to know I just started puppytropin at 4 IU for the first time ever, for sure in couple of the days I will have the same sides..
*Rabia de manlet
Rompí la puerta
y silla de computadora
y silla de cocina
y mesa de cocina
y mi taza favorita ( la más grande que tenía, 500 ml + ) porque tenía "la vida es hermosa" impresa.

Todo está bien. Ahora no tengo que abrir la puerta para entrar al gimnasio y tengo una nueva taza de café. Sigue siendo un manlet.

amor de kazaja
Rompiste la puerta etc..etc..eso significa que ese tren esta en el punto optimo jajajaja
New member and customer here.

Just wanted to say thank you for great service. Prompt responses and very friendly. Package arrived in 3 days, nice and tight and good stealth.

Hoping to see NPP and Primo on your EU shop at some time :)

Haven't unpacked everything yet but heres a quick kitty pic, void approves:
In-thread promotional banners and marketing graphics are no longer permitted in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.
New member and customer here.

Just wanted to say thank you for great service. Prompt responses and very friendly. Package arrived in 3 days, nice and tight and good stealth.

Hoping to see NPP and Primo on your EU shop at some time :)

Haven't unpacked everything yet but heres a quick kitty pic, void approves:
View attachment 174472
I love voids! r/VoidCats

Working on everything including multiple variants of NPP & Primo, please note void ownerservantship during a future order for cat discount.

For juxtaposition, this snow-white cathlete joined the café just yesterday: