Cat Café EU & US domestic

Feel like this might result in people "accidentally" breaking vials/ampules now to try get some free/extra gear after using up the product or transferring it into another vial and proceeding to "drop" it then and saying was their dog/cat/neighbours goldfish/sisters blind ferret etc
I thought the same thing. I wasn’t going to take them up on it. Extremely nice of them to offer, but it was my fault trying to stack vials on a puppy lmao.
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It's quite difficult to differentiate whether PIP is the cause of the compound, concentration, carrier oil or another component. I'd say the amount of people with an actual intolerance to MCT to a degree that results in intolerable PIP is about 1% and I expect it to be below 1% for GSO.
for me is MCT the hell. I have a PIP of death and I get a second shoulder of my own shoulder, haha.

So I wait of your Test with GSO.
Feel like this might result in people "accidentally" breaking vials/ampules now to try get some free/extra gear after using up the product or transferring it into another vial and proceeding to "drop" it then and saying was their dog/cat/neighbours goldfish/sisters blind ferret etc
I have a video of two sphynx cathletes swiping multiple vials straight of the dining table with no breakage so this puppy must've dropped them right on their neck. I don't believe the cat café is a hot spot for grifters so I'm not going to worry until a juicy zookeeper asks if this rule counts for his baby elephants.
Here's just a fraction of recent raw reports. Not posting all of them because having tested every pouch of raws for each compound means it's just a lot of TE TE TE TC TC TC TrE TrE TrE which isn't very interesting. For some raws, there is indeed variance between the pouches bought from the same source that cannot solely be attributed to the margin of error inherent to testing, so please be aware that you can't rely on the test results of other people for the 'same batch' and that sources buying multiple kg per compound at once, cannot rely on testing just one of the pouches.
Test Report #25336 Trestolone Ace.pngTest Report #25338 Exemestane.pngTest Report #25341 DP.pngTest Report #25344 Proviron.pngTest Report #25346 Dianabol.pngTest Report #25347 Oxa.pngTest Report #25348 DE.pngTest Report #25354 Dianabol.pngTest Report #25366 Oxa.pngTest Report #25367 Oxy.pngTest Report #25371 Ralox.pngTest Report #25375 DHB.pngTest Report #25380 BU.pngTest Report #25382 Miborelone.pngTest Report #25385 Telmi.pngTest Report #25386 Nebi.png
So what was the difference purity wise in raws from the "same" batch in different bags?
To give you precise numbers I'll have to go look up the precise purity for everything that tested as 96%+ or 98%+ on the raw data sheet but 2-3% variance is a common sight for some compounds.
Testosterone propionate, Primo, SD and Testosterone enanthate are no longer in stock? Can you tell for each one of them if it will be in stock again and when?
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If I can ask something off topic..

Do you guys have any supplements/drugs you like to use when you know you're going to be eating lots of good food like over the holiday period to mitigate some fat gain? Is this even a thing?

I think metformin would probably be good but I've never used it before.
If I can ask something off topic..

Do you guys have any supplements/drugs you like to use when you know you're going to be eating lots of good food like over the holiday period to mitigate some fat gain? Is this even a thing?

I think metformin would probably be good but I've never used it before.
Alli will block about 25% fat, but you got to be careful not to crap your pants after something like Thanksgiving. Metformin is also good to utilize, as is fasting as much until you start eating.
Alli will block about 25% fat, but you got to be careful not to crap your pants after something like Thanksgiving. Metformin is also good to utilize, as is fasting as much until you start eating.
I looked into that before, doesn't sound worth it lol.

Will pick up some metformin for sure, fasting is a great idea too. Cheers
If I can ask something off topic..

Do you guys have any supplements/drugs you like to use when you know you're going to be eating lots of good food like over the holiday period to mitigate some fat gain? Is this even a thing?

I think metformin would probably be good but I've never used it before.
Not the right thread to post that question IMO but anyways - Metformin , T3 , Orlistat and Cardio :)