Cat Café EU & US domestic

Good morning,

Mtren will be stateside as well. Current testing should be in transit very shortly.

Thanks everyone,

@Liska Have you ever considered using Cotten seed oil as a carrier? Reason I ask is I’m currently using Perrigo Testosterone cypionate sub q and it’s painless and zero reactions.

Just thought I’d share my experiences.
@Liska Have you ever considered using Cotten seed oil as a carrier? Reason I ask is I’m currently using Perrigo Testosterone cypionate sub q and it’s painless and zero reactions.

Just thought I’d share my experiences.
The alternate carriers I looked at were grapeseed, cottonseed, catnip, sesame, peach and safflower and it certainly felt anticlimactic to have researched this in depth for a good while only to end up choosing the most common one. Assuming the Perrigo TC is 200mg/ml (and correctly dosed), you'd have to compare it to products with an identical dosage and solvents used to conclude it's neither of those factors but the carrier oil making it so comfortable.
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in comparison to your aas in mct how thin is the gso oil? able to go through 27g/30g?

I'm using a gso test cyp for cruise atm and it goes through a 27g absolutely fine. Drawing just takes a while.

This isn't a cat cafe product but I can't imagine it being much different in terms of consistency


I can only dream of such speed when it comes to receiving the last (replacement) parts I need, so while I'm pouting and waiting I'll just focus on making up for this wait once it's over.

New Meso promo rule means I can't share any cathlete pictures here anymore (though customers still can), so I'm working on upgrading the cat café to more than just a shop and host various types of content properly.

New/restocked pharma products: Tamoxifen (not just citrate) 20mg & 40mg by german pharma brand Hexal, and plenty of Ozempic (Semaglutide) 4x1mg pens.
New Meso promo rule means I can't share any cathlete pictures here anymore

Good morning,

Mtren will be stateside as well. Current testing should be in transit very shortly.

Thanks everyone,

Will this be available EU aswell, or do you guys work indenpendantly? Also have you used mtren your self or know any1 who used it? Looks interesting but also very toxic, so debating whether to try it or not.
Will this be available EU aswell, or do you guys work indenpendantly? Also have you used mtren your self or know any1 who used it? Looks interesting but also very toxic, so debating whether to try it or not.
It will be available in EU as well, independently - injectable only (and with further disclaimers) as the hepatotoxicity induced by oral administration is not an option I want to give our customers.
It will be available in EU as well, independently - injectable only (and with further disclaimers) as the hepatotoxicity induced by oral administration is not an option I want to give our customers.
This is exciting news! Alltho isnt the hepatoxicity kinda equal as both is 17-alkylated anyway? I mean otherwise it would just be regular tren?
This is exciting news! Alltho isnt the hepatoxicity kinda equal as both is 17-alkylated anyway? I mean otherwise it would just be regular tren?
I'll paraphrase what someone far more educated than myself has written on this topic (bless you M*z!):

1. If the 17a methyl group was the cause of toxicity to steroids, then you would imagine the toxicity to be related to the molecular weight of the compound and amount used, but with Mtren being dosed at a fraction of for example Anadrol but having a far greater liver toxicity, that's apparently not the case.

2. The toxicity comes entirely from the genes that are heavily triggered through first pass metabolism, and Mtren has one of the highest affinity for AR and GR both. These receptors still get activated using an injectable version of course, but not in bulk sum - when administered orally, the liver is exposed to all that toxicity at once, whereas this exposure is more incremental with injectables and thus more manageable by the liver as it's not as overwhelmed.
I'll paraphrase what someone far more educated than myself has written on this topic (bless you M*z!):

1. If the 17a methyl group was the cause of toxicity to steroids, then you would imagine the toxicity to be related to the molecular weight of the compound and amount used, but with Mtren being dosed at a fraction of for example Anadrol but having a far greater liver toxicity, that's apparently not the case.

2. The toxicity comes entirely from the genes that are heavily triggered through first pass metabolism, and Mtren has one of the highest affinity for AR and GR both. These receptors still get activated using an injectable version of course, but not in bulk sum - when administered orally, the liver is exposed to all that toxicity at once, whereas this exposure is more incremental with injectables and thus more manageable by the liver as it's not as overwhelmed.
Great having some insight on this - I see the point regarding 17a methyl grp, you can actually run anadrol pretty high amounts without being too hepatoxic, where as mtren even at 1mg orally is way more toxic.

You made some valid points so im definetly gonna give it a try once you release, but I guess this will be added later since it doesnt show up on your store currently?
I guess this will be added later since it doesnt show up on your store currently?
Yes, not until after Christmas realistically because every product requires multiple shipments to Janoshik from raws to correctly dosed finished product and we are on the brink of Black Friday > Christmas online shopping jamming that up horribly.
Yes, not until after Christmas realistically because every product requires multiple shipments to Janoshik from raws to correctly dosed finished product and we are on the brink of Black Friday > Christmas online shopping jamming that up horribly.
I can see that yes, and I see you already had your work to do with all the new products. But will wait for you to add this, as I wanna be sure its correctly dosed, especially when speaking of such powerfull stuff.